

Strength of Continuous Extrusion Machine Connected Components Analysis

【作者】 郭强

【导师】 樊志新;

【作者基本信息】 大连交通大学 , 材料学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 螺栓连接件连接着连续挤压机的底座和机架,在连续挤压机工作时起着对机架的固定的作用,对于连续挤压机的正常工作和安全生产有着重要的意义。传统的工程计算采用类比的经验设计方法,为了可靠起见,选择了过大的安全系数,因此有必要对螺栓的受力状况进行分析,并通过模拟结果进行优化。本文利用通用有限元软件ANSYS中的实体建模的方法建立机架、螺栓以及底座的模型,选取软件中合适的单元和网格划分生成有限元模型,底座和机架的垫板之间设置为摩擦接触,螺栓和底座以及螺栓和机架之间也设置为摩擦接触进行有限元计算,得出了底座,机架及螺栓的应力分布状况,对螺栓进行了强度校核,验证了连续挤压机工作的稳定性和安全性。为了验证数值模拟结果的正确性,进行了动态应力应变实验。利用DH-5920动态信号测试分析系统,采集了连续挤压机的螺栓及底座右侧垫板处应力曲线,对比分析了试验结果和有限元模拟结果,吻合良好。根据数值模拟结果分析,提出了TLJ400连续挤压机的机头部分的改进方案,连续挤压机的右侧受压部分垫板加长,去掉挤压机内部的斜筋板和左侧的筋板,对挤压机右侧受压的部分增加筋板,通过有限元技术对其结构进行改进,使改进后机头部分应力分布更均匀,变形更小,结构更合理,为连续挤压机以后的设计提供参考。

【Abstract】 Continuous extrusion machine bolts connect the base and frame, When the the continuous extrusion machine work, it plays the role of the fixed frame, For continuous extrusion machines work and safety of great significance. Works calculated using the traditional analog design experience, for reliability purposes, too large safety factor was chosen, so it is necessary to analyze bolt of the stress state and optimization through simulation results.In this paper, using finite element software ANSYS modeling methods to establish the rack, bolts and the base model, select the appropriate software modules and mesh generation finite element model, the base and the frame plate is set to friction contact, between the bolts and the base, the bolts and the rack is set to the frictional contact to finite element simulation, reached the base, frame and bolts of the stress distribution, carried out on the bolt strength check to verify the work of continuous extrusion machine stability and security.In order to verify the correctness of simulation results, using the dynamic stress-strain experiment DH-5920 dynamic signal measurement and analysis system, collecting the stress of the continuous extrusion machine bolts and the right side of base plate, analyzed the test results and finite element simulation results are in good agreement.Based on the simulation analysis, proposed TLJ400 continuous extrusion machine of the nose section of the improvement program, making the right of the compression part of the plate continuous extrusion machine longer, remove the internal oblique tendon extruder plate and the left tendon plate, increase the reinforcement plate the right side of extrusion machine, by finite element techniques to improve its structure, so that the nose section of the improved stress distribution more uniform deformation smaller, structure is more reasonable for the continuous extrusion machine design of future reference.
