

Research of Concentrating Solar PV System

【作者】 周改改

【导师】 薛钰芝; 沈长斌;

【作者基本信息】 大连交通大学 , 材料加工工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 太阳能光伏发电技术是最有应用前景的太阳能利用方式。世界各国投入大量人力物力发展光伏技术。太阳能电池是可以将光能转换为电能的器件。对常规太阳能电池进行聚光,可以提高单位面积太阳能电池的输出功率。一定程度上克服了太阳能量的分散性,所以聚光技术具有很高的研究价值和很好的应用前景。聚光太阳能发电系统由聚光器组件、散热器组件、高效太阳能电池、太阳能对日追踪机构组成。其中最重要的是聚光器组件,它直接影响聚光太阳能电池输出功率的高低。本文阐明了聚光太阳能发电系统的发展现状,聚光器的种类及其聚光原理,特别说明了双球面和抛物面-双曲面聚光器的原理。计算、设计,研制了双球面型和抛物面-双曲面型二次反射聚光器。具体进行了选材、模具设计、透镜加工等方面的大量工作,并将其与多晶硅电池结合,组成聚光光伏电池系统。在实验室及室外阳光下进行了聚光光伏实验,测量聚光多晶硅电池组件的输出特性,并与多晶硅电池(无聚光)实验数据相比较。结果表明,(1)双球面聚光系统输出短路电流、开路电压、输出功率分别比多晶硅电池(无聚光)提高了2.67、1.11、3.11倍。(2)抛物面-双曲面聚光系统输出短路电流、开路电压、输出功率分别比多晶硅电池(无聚光)输出功率分别提高了2.3、1.04、2.52倍。实验结果说明聚光器可以有效的提高入射光强。所以利用双球面和抛物柱曲面反射聚光器的聚光太阳能装置可以有效提高入射光强即提高太阳能电池的输出功率。在完成聚光组件的研制工作基础上,对单轴追踪器的原理进行分析、研究。设计单轴追踪器机械结构,并加工、组装成型。并进行单轴追踪器调试,检验。

【Abstract】 Solar photovoltaic power technology is the most promising ways of solar energy utilization. It can increase the per unit area of solar cells power output using concentrator. To a certain extent, concentrating technology can overcome the sun energy dispersive and has the very good application prospects. Using cheap materials manufacturing concentrator, it will gather sunlight to small area of solar cell. Therefore, it greatly reduces expensive solar cell’s material consumption and cost of photovoltaic energy system. The systems of concentrating solar power generation it was composed by condenser, radiator parts, high efficiency solar cells and tracking devices.This paper mainly discusses double spherical and parabolic mirror surface column of parabolic dish concentrator. Double spherical and parabolic column camber reflected by a quadratic convergent system secondary mirror, mirror. The light path is: first reflector focus sunshine to secondary reflector, secondary reflector focused sunshine further.The principle of solar cells, increasing light intensity can improve output current and increase the output voltage. In order to verify the effect of parabolic dish concentrator, polysilicon output characteristics measuring experiment carry out in laboratory and outdoor. The concentrated photovoltaic (CPV) Systems were composed of poly-silicon cells and the first concentrators which experiments were carried out at room temperature. Comparing to the convenient (non-concentrated) PV systems, the CPV systems output power increased 3.1 and 2.5 times. The results shown that solar cells output power could increased by using the Secondary Reflected Concentrators. It has a good prospect of application because it can overcome the dispersion of sunlight to a certain extent.After completing the work of design concentrating solar component, a single-axis tracking devices was designed, it enhanced practicality of condenser system. Single-axis tracking devices can extend the solar cell solar radiation and improve its duration turbine.
