

Control System Research of Copper Automatic Length Flying Saw

【作者】 杨红波

【导师】 徐振越;

【作者基本信息】 大连交通大学 , 材料加工工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 目前连续挤压出来的铜线、铜扁线、铜管等铜材大多通过收线机卷曲成盘,若得到定长的铜材则需要工人按照要求的尺寸手工锯切.这种手工锯切的方法落后,生产效率低下,在科技和生产竞争日益激烈的今天早已不能满足生产的需求.作者针对TLJ630连续挤压生产线特点,结合冶金行业应用的飞锯/飞剪,设计了一套适合铜扁线,铜杆,异型截面铜材切割的飞锯控制系统.该飞锯控制系统采用先进的伺服控制,实现快速、高精度的在线切割。本文对飞锯机锯车的运动过程进行了详细的分析,从而提出了以三菱PLC为控制核心,以三菱伺服控制器和伺服电机为驱动的先进可靠的伺服控制方案。给出了整个锯车运动控制的原理图、流程图和关键参数的计算,并对整个控制系统的硬件逐一进行分析和介绍。其中,对伺服电机的功率计算和校验进行了详细的说明。在PLC与上位机通讯过程中采用了VB和PLC的串行通信,介绍了串行通信协议、VB软件里面的控件使用、Aceess数据库和ODBC数据源的建立及采集数据的存储。借助于PLC和上位机的通信,论文对整个飞锯机控制系统进行了实验法建立数学模型。该方法简单实用,为SIMULINK仿真提供了可靠的数据。本文阐述了模糊PID控制的基本原理及设计方法,并通过SIMULINK仿真对该控制系统的性能进行了分析和预测,同时进行了锯切小车运行速度和位移的检测实验。通过仿真结果和实验测试数据都充分说明了本文所设计的飞锯控制系统达到了预定的控制性能指标,使锯切小车的位置控制和速度控制都能达到生产要求。

【Abstract】 At present,most of copper products extruded by continous extrusion machine,such as wire,copper flat wire,copper pipe and others are all curled by Take-up machine. People usually cut copper products into short length by hand. This measure is very slow and inefficicent.nowadasy, science and technology have great progress, hand sawing can not meet requirements.So, author apply to TLJ630 extusion production line design a flying saw control system,that adopt to advanced servo control technology .This kind of flying saw can saw any cross-section shape of copper fast and accurately.This paper analysis flying saw’s vehicles movement in details, and then point out a new, advanced and reliable control method, which including the Mitsubishi PLC,servo controller and motor.PLC is the core part of control system, and the servo controller and motor are the drivers. The whole vehicle motion control schematics, flowcharts and some key parameters’calculation are discussed.Hardware of control system is also introduced in detail.Especailly, the calculation and check of servo motor power is very clearly. The communication between PC and PLC using VB software and MELsoft in serial communication. The serial communication protocol format, MSComm of VB, Access database,ODBC data sources and acquisition data storage are all introduced. By the communication between PLC and PC, the math model of the whole flying saw control system has been established by experiment. This way of establish math model is very easy and simple, that can supply some reliable data for simulink. Fuzzy PID controller’s basic principle and design method has been described, and then analysis and forecast the flying saw control system’s performance by the simulink. Moreover, vehicle’s velocity and displacement test experiments are completed.The simulation results and experimental test data are all fully indicate that this flying saw control system’s performance has achieve the scheduled objective, so that make sawing vehicle position control and speed control achieve the production requirements.

【关键词】 飞锯机PLC伺服控制器模糊PIDSIMULINK仿真
【Key words】 flying-sawPLCservo controllerfuzzy PIDSIMULINK