

Numerical Simulation Study on Construction Ventilation in Long Single Tunnel

【作者】 郭磊

【导师】 谢飞鸿;

【作者基本信息】 兰州交通大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 长距离独头隧洞施工通风的研究与模拟仿真具有现实的工程应用价值,隧道施工通风的目的是源源不断地送进新鲜空气,并排出有害气体,保障洞内工作人员的身心健康,改善其劳动条件,最终保证了施工的安全和提高了生产效率。但一些工程施工单位却忽视了施工通风的重要性,使得隧道内工作人员长期在有害气体和粉尘的危害下工作。因此使得本论文研究有了很重要的意义。本文分别对水利隧洞施工通风理论和计算流体动力学理论进行了描述,并在此基础上将计算流体动力学应用于引洮供水一期工程总干渠6#隧洞的压入式通风工程中,对隧洞内空气流体的流速进行模拟仿真。本文在建立隧洞内施工通风时,建立和实际工程相对应的5×2000m隧洞施工通风模型,在模型中分别采用三种离散方法:先用一阶离散方法,再应用二阶离散方法,最后利用速度梯度定位网格单元并给予改进和加密,能量方程采用的是二阶离散方法,并对这三种计算方法所取得的结果进行比较分析。本文通过对实际工程的现场测定,测出隧洞内有害气体、粉尘浓度和风速的数值,之后用数值模拟仿真与实测数据进行对比分析,从而论证本模型数值模拟仿真的正确性。通过数值模拟和实测数据的对比,分析出断面440m为本实际工程压入式通风的薄弱面,分别采用两种解决方法对实际工程进行处理,这两种方法分别为压入式通风风筒出口距工作面的不同距离对实际工程通风情况的模拟,选取了5个不同的位置进行模拟分析,得出了风筒出口距工作面最优的距离;以及在适当位置增设一台射流风机对实际工程通风情况的的模拟,选取了3个不同的位置进行模拟分析,得出了射流风机设置的最优位置。通过以上两种方法的数值模拟分析,都对实际工程达到了理想的效果,具有实际工程应用价值。

【Abstract】 Study and analog simulation for long single tunnel ventilation play an important role in practical engineering, and it aim at sending fresh air in constantly and poison gas out, health protection of worker and working condition of themselves. Ultimately, it will ensure operator for construction to be safe and improve productivity efficiently. However, some contractors have not realized the importance of ventilation in construction; making the operators work under a bad environment of poison gas and bug dust. Just base on this, the thesis for study and research on tunnel ventilation have very important significance.The article gave more detailed discussion on theories of the water tunnel ventilation theory and computational fluid dynamics (CFD), and on that basis, it applies Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to 6# tunnel’s forced ventilation system in main canal for water diverting project, and simulate air flow velocity on the tunnel.This article also introduces that the establishment of model corresponding to 5×2000m practical ventilation construction, and it build use three different discrete ways:first by the first order discrete method, then the second-order, finally using velocity gradient grid cell to improve positioning and encryption, the second-order discrete method is adopted to energy equation, the results from three calculation methods and were compared.Through the actual measurement, harmful gas and dust concentration and the actual value of the wind was detected. The thesis demonstrates the correctness of this model simulation via experimental results and data comparison analysis.Based on the numerical simulation and measured data, analyze the actual project-based Section 440 meters with forced ventilation of the weak side, two solutions were used to process the actual project, the two methods were forced ventilation air duct different distances from the exit face ventilation works on the actual simulation, selected five different locations to simulate the analysis shows that the hair dryer from the best export from the face; and where appropriate add a jet fan on ventilation in practical engineering simulation, selected three different positions for simulation analysis shows that the jet fans to set the optimum position.The above two methods of numerical simulation, both the actual works to achieve the desired results, with practical engineering applications.

【关键词】 水利隧洞施工通风FLUENTCFD
【Key words】 Water TunnelVentilationFLUENTCFD