

Seismic Analysis of Steel Reinforced Concrete Hybrid Frame Structure

【作者】 冯成运

【导师】 丁小军;

【作者基本信息】 兰州交通大学 , 结构工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 型钢混凝土结构强度大、刚度大、塑性和韧性好、抗震性能好。型钢混凝土结构作为一种新型的结构体系,在多高层建筑中得到越来越广泛的应用。以往的研究主要侧重在单独的型钢混凝土构件、单独的钢构件上,对该种结构体系的整体性能研究较少,因此有必要对该种形式的结构体系进行抗震性能研究。本文采用Sap2000大型通用有限元软件建立一个12层的型钢混凝土(SRC)柱-钢梁混合框架结构规则模型,在分析中主要考虑SRC柱的含钢率、梁柱线刚度比及SRC柱的截面型钢形式三种因素对结构抗震性能的影响。首先对结构进行模态分析,分别讨论了上述三种因素对结构自振特性的影响,为下一步的动力分析奠定基础;其次对结构进行振型分解反应谱分析和弹性时程分析,分别讨论了上述三种因素对结构变形控制及结构整体抗侧移刚度的影响;最后进行静力弹塑性分析,分别讨论了上述三种因素对该结构体系的整体抗侧移刚度、变形能力、延性及耗能能力的影响。分析结果表明:SRC柱的含钢率对SRC柱-钢梁混合框架结构弹性阶段的抗侧移刚度影响不大,当进入弹塑性阶段后,随着含钢率的增加,结构的抗侧移刚度、变形能力、延性和耗能能力有明显的提高;随着梁柱线刚度比的增加,不管是弹性阶段还是弹塑性阶段,结构的抗侧移刚度都有明显的提高,但结构的变形能力、延性和耗能能力有明显的下降;SRC柱截面的型钢形式对SRC柱-钢梁混合框架结构弹性阶段的抗侧移刚度影响不大,但对弹塑性阶段的影响较明显,变形能力和延性较好的截面钢骨形式依次是H型钢骨、十字形钢骨、方钢管钢骨、圆钢管钢骨,结构抗侧移刚度较好的截面钢骨形式依次是H型钢骨、方钢管钢骨、圆钢管钢骨、十字形钢骨。本文进行的各项抗震分析结果为SRC柱-钢梁混合框架结构的抗震设计提供参考。

【Abstract】 The Steel reinforced concrete structure has the characteristic of high profound intensity and rigidity, good plasticity and toughness, good excellent seismic performance. Hybrid frame of steel reinforced concrete (SRC) column-steel beam as a new type of structural system, are more and more widely used in a multi-high-rise buildings.This paper adopts large general finite element analysis software SAP2000 to build a 12 story hybrid frame of steel reinforced concrete column-steel beam,consider the three factors such as steel ratio of SRC column,linear stiffness ratio of beam to column and form of steel of SRC column on the seismic performance of the structure. First,perform model analysis to discuss the vibration characteristis of the structure from the three factors for further seismic analysis. Secend,perform mode superposition response spectrum analysis and time-history analysis,in the elastic stage,to discuss the deformation capacity and lateral stiffness of the structural from the three factors.Finally,perform nonlinear static analysis,in the elastic-plastic stage,to discuss the lateral stiffness,deformation capacity,ductility and energy dissipation capacity of the structrue from the three factors.The results show that:steel ratio of SRC column has the little effection on the hybrid frame of SRC column-steel beam in the elastic stage,but into the elastic-plastic stage, as the steel ratio increases, the structure’s lateral stiffness, deformation capacity, ductility and energy dissipation capacity are significantly improved; with the linear stiffness ratio of beam to column increases, either elastic or elastoplastic stage, the structure’s lateral stiffness improved significantly, but the structure’s deformation capacity, ductility and energy dissipation decrease significantly; form of steel of SRC column has the little effection on the hybrid frame of SRC column-steel beam in the elastic stage,but has the more significantly impact in the elastic-plastic stage. Deformation capacity and ductility in turn is better as follows:H steel, cross-section steel,square tube steel, round tube steel.Lateral stiffness in turn is better as follows:H steel, square tube steel, round tube steel, cross-section steel.This article’s seismic analysis result provides a reference for the seismic design of the SRC column-steel beam hybrid frame structure.
