

【作者】 王秀英

【导师】 赵安民;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 思想政治教育, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,人生观教育问题是人们关注的一个比较时兴的话题。其中,有相当一部分人对这个问题存在着糊涂甚至错误的认识,表现出脱离社会基本道德主旨的倾向,给社会和个人造成了危害。在当前国际关系日趋复杂,国内改革开放不断深入发展的形势下,对人生观教育问题进行再思考,从而加强对人们进行科学人生观教育,是当前社会主义精神文明建设的一个迫切任务。而人生观的形成过程,是一个不断认识自我和认识社会的过程,是一个不断正确处理各种人生矛盾的过程。人们经常处在个人与他人、个人与集体、个人与国家、自我价值与社会价值、自我选择与社会需要等一系列的矛盾之中。人生观教育,必须抓住自我与社会的关系这条主线,帮助人们提高认识,解决自我在社会关系中的立足点问题,也就解决了最根本的立场问题。我们要依据人们的实际状况,依据人们人生观形成、发展和变化的规律,逐步解决人们的立场问题,从而引导人们树立正确的人生观。本文的主要内容是:第一章,绪论部分,是对本文研究背景及意义、基本内容、创新之处和研究方法和思路的总体概述。第二章,主要是对人生观教育的内涵和研究状况做了阐述。具体包括人生目的教育的内涵、人生理想教育的内涵、人生价值教育的内涵和人生目的教育的内涵以及人生观教育现状、国内研究现状和国外研究现状。第三章,人生目的教育的创新,包括全心全意为人民服务的总目的教育和人生目的教育创新的方法,人生目的教育的有效途径;正确面对和处理各层次人生目的之间的关系;人生目的教育的层次性;进行全心全意为人民服务人生目的教育的具体内容;全心全意为人民服务人生目的教育任务艰巨:全心全意为人民服务的人生目的教育,是思想政治教育的重要内容。第四章,论述人生理想教育的创新,包括共产主义人生理想教育和人生理想教育创新的方法。包括马克思主义理想信念教育是我们进行思想政治教育的核心部分;共产主义人生观的教育的任务艰巨:共产主义人生理想教育的具体内容;人生理想教育要有步骤,分层次;人生理想教育的有效途径;人生理想教育要讲方法,有策略。第五章,论述人生价值教育的创新,包括集体主义价值观教育和人生价值教育创新的方法。具体内容是用邓小平理论和马克思主义基本原理武装人们的头脑,集中进行集体主义教育:进行科学的人生价值观教育的任务是艰巨的;进行集体主义人生价值教育的具体内容;加强队伍建设,实行开放性教育;人生价值教育的有效途径;正确认识和把握社会环境对人们人生价值观形成和发展变化的影响。第六章,论述人生态度教育的创新,包括革命乐观主义人生态度教育和人生态度教育创新的方法。具体内容是用马克思主义基本原理武装头脑,坚持革命乐观主义;进行革命乐观主义人生态度教育的具体内容;进行科学人生态度教育的道路是漫长的;人生态度教育的形成和发展要经历三个阶段;人生态度教育的有效途径;采取恰当方式,对人们进行人生态度教育。第七章,论述人生观教育创新的总路径和总对策。既有对前面内容中方法模块的总结,也有宏观对策的探讨。运用的方法主要有:从世界观的高度讲社会客观规律的“大道理”,这是引导大家树立科学人生观的根本途径。把人生观教育变成群众性的自我教育活动。对策主要包括:坚持以人为本原则,使人生观教育更具人性化;坚持因材施教原则,使人生观教育更具说服力;加强学校、家庭和社会教育的配合,使人生观教育更具系统性。

【Abstract】 Recent years, the education of outlook on life is becoming a popular topic among people. However, quite a lot of people hold a muddled even wrong attitude towards this problem. They tend to separate themselves from the basic ethics gist in our society, which is harmful to both the society and individuals. Now under the circumstances of complexity in international relation and continual development in domestic reform and opening, it has been becoming an urgent task in socialist ideological and ethical progress that the education of outlook on life should be reconsidered and reinforced. The formation of outlook on life is a process that one constantly knows oneself and society and deals with all kinds of conflicts. One is always trapped in a series of conflicts, such as individual and others, individual and collective, individual and nation, self-value and social-value, self-choosing and social demand, etc.Education of outlook on life must be centered with the relationship between self and society, to help people raise awareness and solve the problem of one how to stand in the society. According to actual situation and the rules of formation, development and change of outlook on life, we can solve the problem step by step, thus leading people to build up a correct outlook on life. The thesis includes the introduction, which provides a general summary of the research background and significance, main component, originality, research methods and procedures. Chapter one presents the connotation of outlook on life and its current study situation, including the connotation of education on aim in life, ideal in life, value in life and current situation of education on outlook on life, domestic study and abroad study; chapter two focuses on originality of education on aim in life, including original methods on serving people heart and soul and education about aim in life as well as its efficient approach, its hierarchy. Serving people heart and soul is an arduous task. It is an important content in ideological and political education; chapter three discusses the originality on life ideal education, including communism life ideal education and Marxism belief education. Life ideal education should be done step by step, looking for an efficient approach and strategies. Chapter four discusses the originality on life value education. Adopt Deng Xiaoping’s and Marxism basic principles to arm people’s mind to advocate collective education. Social environment plays an important role in the formation and development of life value education. Chapter five discusses the originality on life attitude education, including education on revolutionary optimism and its innovative method. Arm people’s mind with Marxism basic principles and adhere to revolutionary optimism. There are three stages in the formation and development of life attitude education. Proper methods should be adopted to educate people’s life attitude. Chapter six presents general routes and strategies on the originality of life education. Previous modules are summarized in this chapter. Moreover, macro-strategy is also discussed here. Methods adopted are:discussing social objective rules from the perspective of world view; changing education of outlook on life into self-education activity. The strategies include:adhere to people oriented principle, which make the education more humanness; adhere to teaching students according to their aptitude, making the education more persuasive; strengthen the cooperation of school, family and social education, which makes the education more systematical.
