

【作者】 喻海

【导师】 赵郧安;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 设计艺术学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 当今是人类生态意识大觉醒、生态文化大发展的时代,也是人类走向生态文明的时代。生态民俗学作为民俗学的一个分支,是在生态学与民俗学的结合下形成的一门新兴的学科,两者相互交叉、渗透、同时又具有跨自然学科和社会学科的特点。生态民俗学是在现代生态观念的指导下,以生态学为基础,审视与研究民俗文化;同时结合民俗学,考察生态环境对民俗文化的反作用,最终在人类与自然的联系中寻求一条与自然相和谐的发展之路。生态民俗学以整合生态系统与民俗系统为学科宗旨,在当今人类面临全球性的生态危机面前重新调整其生活与价值观念,构建人与自然和谐相处的民俗模式,从而促进人类社会的可持续发展。生态民俗的产生始终离不开人与自然的因素,通常在我们所向往的都市生活里,我们只能看到林立的高楼大厦,或听到喧嚣城市声音,享受着工业文明给我们带来的方便,几乎找不到民俗系统存在的蛛丝马迹。为此,我们不得不重返自然,视耕作过的田园乡村为一种优美,并以一种崇高的心态来欣赏那些最为原始的自然环境,由此我们就可以寻找到民俗文化所生存的足迹。由于历史原因,在黔东南少数民族聚落里,人与居住环境的和谐体现得非常完美。在那里我们可以体验到人与自然、人与人和睦相处以及感受当地民众对于自然保护的那种古朴、纯洁的生态文化氛围。如在聚落的规划中,为了能更好地体现人与自然的关系和可持续发展的观念,绝对不用好田好地来建房;利用“天人合一”的原始生态民俗观来指导聚落的选址和方位布局,运用自然朴素的地方材料来考虑建筑的结构和功能以及对地域气候和自然环境的适应;通过具有民俗宗法的建筑、观念和谐地处理人际关系……。整个聚落无论从物质生产,还是精神生活与它的载体都是非常协调的。在自然界中,人类作为一种特殊的群体而存在,这种特殊的地位赋予人类的绝不仅是对环境的一味掠夺,而是加倍地保护。人人平等可视为人与人之间的伦理关系,也视为人与万物之间的关系;人对自然和人对人负有相同的道德义务。这一切在黔东南少数民族聚落里随处可见。从生态民俗学的视角透视少数民族人居环境,将生态民俗中对自然环境保护的伦理观和对自然资源利用的价值观运用到当今众多的环境设计中(以乡村建设为主),对提高环境艺术设计的品味以及为人们创造和谐的居住环境具有重要的现实意义。

【Abstract】 Today, in an era where ecological consciousness has been greatly awakened, ecological culture has been greatly developed, and human beings march toward the ecological civilization.Being a branch of folklore study, ecological folklore is a new interdisciplinary subject developed from the integration, overlap, and infiltration of ecology and folklore study, bearing the features of both liberal arts and science. Guided by modern ecological notion, ecological folklore not only surveys the folklore culture on the basis of certain ecological theories and principals from an ecological perspective but also from the perspective of folklore study inspects the restriction and influence of the ecological environment on human culture and explores the two-way correlation of human beings with the ecological environment within the range of human behaviors and activities.Aiming at the integration of ecological system and folklore system and facing the global ecological crisis, ecological folklore intends to readjust its outlook on life and values, to form an ecological pattern in which human beings are in harmony with nature, to offer a new perspective of thinking, for the purpose of promoting sustainable development of the whole human society. How the ecological folklore came into being reflects the history of the evolution of human’s relation to nature. Living in large cities, what we are enjoying is just hundreds of skyscrapers in front of us and lots of noise came into our ears both of which are the consequences of the industrialized civilization, but nearly no existence of folklore system. Thus, we have to return to nature to experience the specialty of the village settlements, appreciating not only the beauty of the fanned countryside fields, but also the sublimity of the most primitive environment, which make our dreams come true.Due to some historical factors, in the minority settlements in the southeastern part of Guizhou Province, the perfect harmony between human and their living environment is attained. There we could experience the peace and harmony between human and nature, between human beings, and also feel the ancient and pure atmosphere of ecological culture embodied by the attempts of locals’ preserving nature. One apt example is the designing of the residential settlements which never build on fertile lands, in order to better reflect the correlation of human with nature and notion of the sustainable development, The location and layout of the settlement is directed by the primitive ecological theory of "Unity of Nature and Man". The structure and function of those buildings are taken into Consideration by using local plain materials in order to make them adaptable to the regional climate and natural environment. The harmonious interpersonal relationship is achieved through folklore patriarchal buildings and patriarchal notions. Thus ultimately the whole settlement is in perfect harmony with its carriers either in material production or in spiritual life.In the natural world, human beings exist as a special group, which entitles human with the obligation to preserve rather than merely exploit nature. We view equality not only as the ethical relations between human beings but also as the relations between human and all lives on the earth, which means that human has a moral obligation to human and to everything on the earth as well. The minorities’settlements in the southeast of the Guizhou province exemplify the protective role that positive ecological conception offers to the construction of the ecological environment.It is of significant importance for us to scrutinize the minorities’settlement environment from the perspective of ecological folklore, and to apply the ethics of nature-preserving as well as the value of making use of natural resources properly to modern environment designs, for they are practical in enhancing the level of art-design and creating of a harmonious residential environment for humans.
