

【作者】 王茂迎

【导师】 侯甬坚;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 历史地理学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 河湖水系变迁是历史地理学传统和重要的研究内容,搞清楚河湖水系的变迁,也是进行其他研究的基础,谭其骧、史念海等学者对此都有过专门研究,丰富了历史水系研究的理论和实践,后来的学者多以河流流域、政治区域为整体和系统来研究,涌现出来很多论文,这些为本论文的写作提供了很好的基础。而有关历史时期疏勒河流域的河湖情况,冯绳武、李并成等先生也写了相关的论文。冯先生从整个流域的视角探讨了疏勒河中游和下游诸河湖古今的变迁,但失之过简,并没有细致的论述;李先生论述了冥水(籍端水)、冥泽的位置这个有争议的问题,并阐述了冥泽、布鲁湖消亡的原因,但没有延伸到整个流域。总体来说,基于现有资料,清代之前疏勒河流域的河湖水系研究已经很好,而清代疏勒河流域的河湖水系变迁研究仍有不足,如疏勒河中游河道问题,疏勒河与党河的分合问题,疏勒河与布鲁湖的关系问题等。针对这些问题,依据相关史料,论文主要完成了以下的工作:对清代疏勒河及其主要支流进行了复原,对清代疏勒河流域的湖沼进行了复原,简单总结了疏勒河流域河流的水文特征以及湖泊特征,最后探讨了水文环境变迁的原因。本文认为,清代康熙五十八年,疏勒河中游主河道由昌马河口直趋四道、柳沟变为由昌马河口东北流入靖逆(玉门),四道沟河道仍在使用;康熙五十八年之前,疏勒河下游水量可能还足以到达哈拉淖尔,之后,疏勒河下游的水量已经不足以到达哈拉淖尔,一直到嘉庆道光时期,疏勒河仍是靠党河的补给才能与哈拉淖尔相连接,党河水量决定了疏勒河与哈拉淖尔的联系。道光时期,党河西支只能间歇性的注入哈拉淖尔,东支与疏勒河也可能是间歇性的合流。光绪年间,党河已经不能注入哈拉淖尔,与疏勒河不能相会已是既定事实;对于清代疏勒河流域的湖沼,其涸缩及消亡原因多为河流补给的缺失,布鲁湖表现的尤为明显。自然因素和社会因素共同促成了疏勒河流域水文环境的变化,但两者贡献度的大小还需要进一步的研究。无疑自然因素在历史时期疏勒河流域河湖水系变迁中充当了重要角色,社会因素各个时段的作用却不尽相同。明正德后,疏勒河流域的开发一度减弱,直到清康熙末年,社会因素的影响又加大了。结合史料,我们认为,人口、耕地的增加,人为改道,以及湖区垦种行为是清代疏勒河流域水文环境变迁的重要原因。清代作为小尺度的时间段来说,自然因素在水文环境变迁中的作用应该是不大的,清代疏勒河流域水文环境总体是由好变坏,但并不意味着清代疏勒河流域水资源总量的减少,实际是清代疏勒河流域水资源总量相对稳定。

【Abstract】 Water network changes is an important and traditional element of the historical geography, it is also the basis of other studies. Scholars like Tan Qixiang and Shi Nianhai have had specialized research, most of the later scholars usually study as well as river basins and districts, these studies and lectures enrich the theories and practices of historical water network study, and give the foundation of this paper. Feng Shengwu and Li Bingcheng have had written some lectures about historical water network of Shule River Basin, Feng went into the water system changes of middle and lower reaches of the Shule river by taking a perspective of the entire basin, but the discussion is simple and no detailed. Li deals with the controversial issue of the locations of Ming River(Jiduan River) and Ming Lake, gives the answer to the disappearance of Ming Lake and Bulu Lake, but the discussion is not extend to the entire basin. On the whole, based on present data, the study about the water network of Shule River Basin before the Qing Dynasty is already good, but the study in Qing Dynasty is still inadequate, such as the middle reaches channel problem of Shule River, the fragmegration of Shule River and Dang River, the relationship between Shule River and Bulu Lake and so on.To solve these problems, according to the relevant historical materials, these works have been completed in this thesis:restored Shule River and its main tributaries in Qing Dynasty, restored the lakes of Shule River Basin in Qing Dynasty, summarize simply the rivers’hydrological features and lakes’features. Finally, we discussed the reasons for changes in the hydrological environment.This paper argues that the main channel of Shule River middle reaches from the Changma estuary directly towards Sidao and Liugou changed into the channel from the Changma estuary northeast into Jingni(Yumen) after fifty-eight years of Kangxi, but the Sidaogou channel is still in use; Before fifty-eight years of Kangxi, the water of the Shule River may flow out into Hala Lake, after the year, the lower reaches of the Shule River can’t flow downstream to Hala Lake, until Jiaqing and Daoguang period, Shule River was still connected with Hala Lake by the supply of Dang River, Dang River determined the relationship of the Shule River and the Hala Lake. During Daoguang period, the west branch of Dang River only intermittently flew into Hala Lake, the east branch and Shule River may be occasional confluence. During Guangxu period, Dang River has been unable to flow into the Hala Lake, and can not be merged with Shule River was an established fact. To the lakes of Shule River Basin in Qing Dynasty, mostly they shrinked and disappeared because of lack of supply for the rivers, especially the performance of Bulu Lake. It should be said that natural factors and social factors contribute to hydrological environment changes of the Shule River Basin, but both the size of the contribution is needed further research. Undoubtedly natural factors play an important role in water network changes of Shule River Basin in historical period, but the effect of social factors in various periods is different. After the reign of Zhengde of Ming Dynasty, the development of Shule River Basin once weakened, until the last years of Kangxi, the impact of social factors has increased. Combined with historical data, we believe that the increase in population and cultivated land, man-made diversion, and the behavior of cultivating aroud the lakes are the important reasons for the hydrology environmental changes of Shule River Basion in Qing Dynasty. As for small-scale period, natural factors’ effect on the hydrological environment changes should be small in Qing Dynasty, water Resources of Shule River Basin is relatively stable in Qing Dynasty. Overall, it should be said that the hydrological environment of Shule River Basin is from good to bad, but it does not mean that the total water resources of the Shule River Basin reduce in Qing Dynasty.
