

【作者】 蒋玲玲

【导师】 黑维强;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 唐耕耦先生在《敦煌寺院会计文书研究》中指出敦煌寺院会计文书是记载敦煌各寺院、各机构财产登记、财务活动的帐薄,大致可分为常住什物、财务两个方面。敦煌寺院会计文书是现今保留下来明清以前的唯一的原始帐簿,其中记录了寺院的收入、支出等活动状况,这些封存于洞窟或者埋藏于地下一千多年,甚至更久远的文献,直接反应了唐五代时期敦煌寺院的社会经济生活。敦煌寺院会计文书有着很重要的史料价值,主要是在古代经济、写卷缀合等领域,为会计、社会关系、契约制度、户籍制度、佛寺关系等领域的研究提供了非常重要的历史资料参考和文献依据。敦煌寺院会计文书又有很重要的语言研究价值。敦煌寺院会计文书是敦煌社会经济文献的一个重要组成部分,而敦煌社会经济文献又占了敦煌出土文献很大的比例。因此,对寺院会计文书里面的疑难词语进行考释有很重要的意义。近年来,对敦煌经济文献词汇的研究取得了丰硕的成果,如季羡林主编《敦煌学大辞典》、江蓝生、曹广顺《唐五代语言词典》、曾良《敦煌文献字义通释》、高启安《唐五代敦煌饮食文化研究》、黑维强师的博士论文《敦煌、吐鲁番社会经济文献词汇研究》等著作,以及还有许多散见于各种期刊上的单篇论文,尤其是董志翘先生的,表明这一研究正在呈现出繁荣兴旺的喜人景象。但是,由于敦煌寺院会计文书是帐薄,所记载的寺院里面的佛物或者僧物以及进行的活动,其中不明其义的词语还是有很多,仍然值得我们去研究。本文主要利用《汉语大词典》、《唐五代语言词典》等工具书及《敦煌变文字义通释》等专书,依据古籍等文献,参考他人的研究成果,综合运用认字辨音、排比归纳、因声求义、参证方言、推求语源、与历史背景相结合等方法对38个疑难语词进行考释,试图从词汇发展史的角度去考察语源,寻求其成词以及得义缘由,并进一步探索其词义演变发展的轨迹,期望对原文理解能有一定的帮助,也希冀对敦煌经济文献词汇方面辞书的修订或编纂提供一些参考,或订正误释,或提前用例时代,或丰富例证等,最终达到能给敦煌文献词汇以及汉语词汇史研究起一点小小的提示与启发。

【Abstract】 In the book the research of Dun Huang Temple’s accounting and documentations,Mr. Tang Gengou indicates the accounting and documentations of Dun Huang Temple is the book to record all the temples and agencies of Dun Huang Temple’s property registration, financial activities, which can be divided into two aspects the permanent belongings and financial. The accounting and documentations of Dun Huang Temple is today the only preserved original book before Ming and Qing dynasties, which records the monastery’s income, expenses and the status of activities. Those documentations were sealed in caves or hidden in the ground over a thousand years or even longer, which directly respond the socio-economic life of the monastery during the Tang and Five Dynasties period. It also has a very important historical value and mainly embodies in the areas of ancient economy and scrolls, which provide a very important reference and literature historical data, such as accounting, social relations, contract system, the household registration system, the relationship between Buddhist temples.It also has a very important language research value. The accounting and documentations of Dun Huang monasteries play an important part in the Dun Huang socio-economic literature, and the latter also has a large proportion of the Dun Huang excavated literature. Therefore, exploring and explaining the difficult words in them is very significant. Those fruitful results included Dictionary of Dun Huang Studies edited by Ji Xianlin, Tang and Five Language Dictionary edited by Jiang Lansheng and Cao Guangshun, Dun Huang Manuscripts literal interpretation by Zeng Liang, Research on Dunhuang Tang Dynasty Food Culture by Gao Qi an, socio-economic study of literature of Dun Huang, Turban that is the doctor paper of my teacher Hei Weiqiang, and many papers in all kinds of journals, especially the paper of Dong Zhiqiao, of which show an increasing and prosperity scenes. Although in recent years, the research of Dun Huang economic literature has yielded fruitful results, it is just a book, which recorded the Buddha inside the temple and the activities of monks, and there are many unknown words. So it is worth researching.So, in this paper I explain the meanings of the 38 words difficult to understand, by using reference books such as the great Chinese dictionary, Tang and Five Language Dictionary, and Dun Huang Manuscripts literal interpretation, being Based on ancient documents referring to other people’s research results, distinguishing comprehensively. literacy meanings of them, parataxis and summing up, gaining the meanings from the sounds, referring and proving dialects, inquiring etymology, combining the historical background. This paper also attempts to examine etymology in the angle the words development, seek the last meanings of the words and get the reasons, and to further explore the track of its semantic evolution, hoping to helpfully understand the original text, and offer some references to the economic literature of compiling the Dun Huang terminology dictionaries or supplementary, revised misinterpretation, or ahead of time used, or being rich in illustration. And in the end, the paper can provide a little tips and inspiration to the Dun Huang documents, as well as the Chinese vocabulary words.
