

【作者】 冷冰

【导师】 吕建福;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国少数民族史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 萨满教作为一种原始宗教在学术界的研究中一直占有重要地位。我国北方阿尔泰语系各民族普遍信仰过或者尚在信仰萨满教。萨满教研究是一种世界范围内的研究,由于地理环境问题,这些研究中心基本都在萨满教文化圈附近。而我国北方民族有着悠久的萨满教信仰历史,故而吸引了大批学者从人类学、宗教学、民俗学、历史学等不同角度进行研究。在我国北方信仰萨满教的诸多民族中,以满族语言文字较为发达。并且,满族入主中原建立清于朝,其民族文化特点以及宗教信仰,自有其特点。笔者身为满族后人,从小生活在满族自治地区,满族的文化以及宗教信仰等对笔者影响颇深,也促使笔者对本民族的宗教信仰文化产生了浓厚的兴趣。故而笔者决定从清宫廷中的满族皇室萨满信仰角度对满族萨满教信仰进行研究。本文一共分为三个部分。第一部分,萨满教与满族的宗教信仰。笔者在此部分对萨满教进行了概念和背景方面的概述,用宗教学四理论对萨满教进行分析。同时对满族以及满族先民的萨满教信仰的历史变迁进行了梳理。第二部分,清代宫廷祭祀中的萨满教因素。此部分笔者主要从堂子祭祀和坤宁宫祭祀两个方面对清代宫廷的萨满教祭祀进行分析和阐述。以往学者在这个方面的研究已经较多,观点也很全面。故而,笔者选择从堂子以及坤宁宫的建筑形制特点,以及建筑功能的角度对堂子祭祀和坤宁宫祭祀进行了探讨。通过对堂子和坤宁宫的建制特点分析,笔者也提出了自己的一些拙见。第三部分,清代宫廷婚丧礼俗中的萨满教因素。此部分是笔者比较感兴趣的部分。观前人之研究,对于清代宫廷婚丧礼俗的研究并不多。笔者通过对史料的分析和解读,认为清代宫廷婚丧礼俗中均有萨满教崇拜火的信仰痕迹。同时笔者也就一些清代宫廷婚丧礼俗中的问题提出了自己的看法。虽然满族贵族入主中原建立于朝进行统治。其民族文化生活必定或多或少的受到汉文化的影响。但笔者观察发现,此时满族统治者也对自己本来的宗教信仰以及文化观念进行了改革,以图可以让古老的信仰在汉文化之冲击下可以尽量保持其原貌。总之,研究清宫廷萨满教信仰,对整个满族萨满教的研究,具有独到的意义。

【Abstract】 Shamanism is a very significant subject to be studied in religious field. Almost every Altaic nations in north china have believed in Shamanism. Shamanism is a worldwide research. Because of the impact of Surrounding, the research centers are almost nearby the Shamanism circles. People who live in northern china have long history of national belief in Shamanism, so it is very important to study the Shamanism of them.Manchu is more developed among the nations in north china. So it is meaningful to study the belief of Shamanism of Manchu. As the author’s nationality is Manchu,1 was interested in Manchu culture when I was young.I especially interested in the religious belief of Manchu. So I decide to write this article.This piece of work can be divided into three sections. The first section, the Saman and Manchu’s religion, generally summarized the concept and background of Saman study. The four principles of religion study have been adopted in the analysis of Saman, and meanwhile, Saman in Manchu and its ancestor was reviewed.The second section is about Saman appearance in royal sacrifice ceremony in Qing Dynasty. In this section, the author analyzed Saman sacrifice in royal activity of Qing Dynasty, based on the study of sacrifice of tangzi and sacrifice of Kunning Gong. There are adequate documentations about the research in this area giving comprehensive ideas. Based upon these researches, the author studied further about position, morphology as well as functionality of tangzi and Kunning Gong architecture, and introduced novel opinions then.The third section is about Saman appearance in royal wedding and funeral ceremonies in Qing Dynasty. This section is of the author’s particular interest, however, there are limited amount of research documentations about it. After careful analysis of historical archives, the author concluded that trace of Saman adore of fire did exist in royal wedding and funeral ceremonies in Qing Dynasty. And the author had some unique opinions about certain issues in royal wedding and funeral ceremonies in Qing Dynasty.Despite of the affect of Han culture, the Manchu nobility still keep their old religious belief.

【关键词】 满族萨满教影响
【Key words】 ManchuShamanismInfluence