

【作者】 江兰

【导师】 汪学刚;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 信号与信息处理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本课题主要研究警戒雷达中的近程警戒雷达,该雷达主要使用在边界线上,用于发现和识别试图通过边界线上的车辆,行人或者其他物体。雷达的目的主要是发现和监视雷达扫描范围内的所有活动目标,并将目标显示在显控终端,为管制人员对边界管理控制提供方便,同时能及早发现目标,为边界安全提供保障。添加信号采集和信号处理过程,要发现和跟踪目标,数据处理是其中的核心,数据处理模块接收雷达数据处理机送出的雷达一次数据,然后对数据进行相应的处理,形成目标的运动轨迹。本论文是雷达软件系统设计和雷达目标模拟器实现,主要进行的工作和创新有:1.仔细分析了场面监视雷达的软件功能需求,完成了雷达软件系统的总体设计、模块规划以及各模块的接口定义。2.分析研究了大量的雷达数据处理相关的资料和学术论文,对雷达数据处理的相关关键流程,包括凝聚、目标识别、运动轨迹形成做了详细地分析,并针对本课题提出适用的方案。3.基于Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 2005平台,使用C#语言开发了数据处理模块,外场实验结果能够实现目标运动轨迹处理。4.基于Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 2005平台,在没有外场设备的情况下,使用C#语言开发了雷达目标模拟器,方便实验调试。5.基于ARM9 2410开发板,使用C,C++语言开发了数据处理模块,实验结果达到了运动轨迹处理功能。

【Abstract】 The mainly research object of this dissertation is proximity warning radar ,this kind of radar usually uses on the border line of a country .People use them to find and distinguish the vehicle, people and other objects. The design of this radar software system is to provide convenience for the worker who guards the border line. This system can find all the active objects in the scan range of radar and show them and their motion trail in the screen. With this system, the objects can be found much easier and earlier.To find and track an active object, the core part will be the data processing. The data processing is constituted by receiving data from radar data processor, clustering the original point to get object point and tracking the objects.The dissertation is the realization of radar software system and radar analog scanner, and the major work and innovation will listed below:1. Analyzed the software functional requirements of this proximity warning radar, completed general arrangement, module planning and the definition of every module.2. Read and Studied lots of academic paper and related data on radar data processing, and according the study make detailed analysis for the key modules, such as data clustering, object recognition and tracking.3. Developed the whole radar system by using C sharp language as the developing tool which was based on Microsoft visual studio.NET 2005. And it was tested worked well in the actually environment.4. Developed a radar analog scanner with C sharp language based on Microsoft visual studio.NET 2005, this scanner will provide convenience for the user to test the radar system when there is no radar processor.5. Realized the data processing module with C and C++ language based on the ARM9-2410 development board.
