

【作者】 王凯

【导师】 方健;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 微电子学与固体电子学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 智能功率集成电路在工业自动控制、医疗器械、汽车电子,特别是军事、航空航天等领域有着广泛的应用。本文设计并实现了一款基于自主研发的80V级BCD(Bipolar-CMOS-DMOS)工艺的单片H桥功率驱动电路。该款电路的输入电压范围为12V到50V,连续输出电流为3A,静态电流小于25mA,典型功耗3W,在同一芯片上集成了VDMOS功率管和Bipolar、CMOS控制电路,同时具有欠压保护、过流保护、过温保护和电流采样功能,能够应用于步进、直流电机驱动以及相关设备中。本文首先介绍了H桥结构电机驱动芯片的总体结构以及两种常用的工作模式。并针对其功能从系统的角度详尽的阐述了H桥功率驱动电路的设计思路,完成整体电路构架,明确子模块功能。接着重点介绍了子模块中的振荡器、电荷泵、自举电路、低端驱动电路和逻辑控制电路。其中,本文所设计的振荡器采用了双电容结构,能够产生较宽范围的振荡频率和占空比,并且受工艺条件影响较小;自举电路中提出的一种新型窄脉冲下拉电流式电平位移电路具备电路结构简单、功耗低、易集成等优点;逻辑控制电路中的比较器由于添加了正反馈回路,引入了迟滞现象并且加快了比较器的响应速度。振荡器配合着电荷泵和自举电路,共同构成了高端驱动部分,解决了H桥功率驱动电路中VDMOS高端功率管的开关问题。在完成整体电路的仿真验证、整体电路版图绘制以及版图的DRC和LVS检查后,将其送至中电集团某所进行流片、封装,并最终完成对样品的测试。本文融合了从电路设计与仿真、电路版图绘制与验证到流片、封装、测试等一整套芯片开发的过程。本文在理论分析的基础上,运用Cadence中的spectreS仿真器对电路子模块以及整体电路进行了仿真验证,并最终通过流片测试达到了预期目标。此外,本次项目在电路仿真时,所用到的器件模型通过第一次流片后器件的实际测试参数进行了修正,大大提高了仿真的精度,从而保证了电路仿真与流片结果的一致性。

【Abstract】 Smart Power Integrated Circuit has been used successfully in the area of automation technologies, medical apparatus and instruments, automotive electronics, especially in the area of military, aeronautics and astronautics. A monolithic power driver integrated circuit is designed and fabricated in this dissertation based on the 80V BCD (Bipolar-CMOS-DMOS) process. It accepts an input supply voltage ranging from 12V to 50V, giving a serial current output of 3A, less than 25mA static current and typical 3W power dissipation. It makes the VDMOS power device and control circuit based on Bipolar, CMOS in the same chip and features in latch-up at low-voltage, protection against overheat, over current and current sense.Firstly, architectural structure and basic principles of H-bridge motor driver are given in this dissertation. The whole chip diagram was proposed according to the design specification and the whole chip operational principle was introduced. Secondly, based on the whole chip function requirements, sub-block design and simulation were completed, including oscillator, charge pump, bootstrap, low driver and logic control. The frequency and duty cycle of periodic signal generated by oscillator which can be adjusted in large range and are little influenced by the change of process. A novel level shifter was proposed and it has simple structure and low power consumption. Adopting oscillator, charge pump and bootstrap circuit, the problem of the switch of high side power driver has been solved. After completing the whole circuit simulation, layout and verification, the chip has been fabricated and finally the chip testing is completed.This dissertation describes the whole process of development, which includes circuit principles, simulation practice, layout and testing. Based on the circuit principle analysis, the sub-block circuits and the whole chip circuit are simulated by applying the spectres under Cadence environment. The simulation results indicate that the H-bridge power driver has achieved the design specification. The device models used in circuit simulation were modified after the taping out, thus greatly improving the accuracy of the simulation.
