

Three-dimensional Image Design in Educational Game

【作者】 张宁

【导师】 冯学斌;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着计算机技术的发展和多媒体技术的不断进步,作为目前最具潜力的朝阳产业之一,三维游戏呈现出前所未有的蓬勃发展势头,并且正逐步对人们的生活产生深远的影响。三维娱乐游戏已经成为现代青少年生活中一种显著的文化现象和重要的娱乐方式。三维游戏如此的吸引青少年,如果将其与教育领域相结合,那么将会极大地促进青少年的学习积极性和学习效率。现在教育主管部门已经开始着手,对计算机游戏开始了兴利除弊的举措。但是在三维游戏的形象设计中,不管是理论方面还是技术方面,都还不能跟上三维游戏发展的步伐,三维教育游戏领域形象的设计就更滞后了。从本质上说,教育游戏中的三维形象设计和一般娱乐游戏的三维形象设计没有本质上的区别。但是从目前的实际情况来看,一般娱乐性的三维游戏过分注重游戏本身的刺激性和竞争性,忽视了三维形象本身对游戏者的影响,如果长期关注充满暴力感的形体,对于生理和心理还处在发育阶段的儿童和青少年是极为不利的。本研究正是基于此种初衷,希望能从形象方面设计出能够让儿童和青少年喜爱的,并且能给予他们和谐和美感的三维形象,使他们能在潜移默化中多一些温馨、柔和,少一些浮躁、戾气。教育游戏在三维设计方面一直比较匮乏,研究的较少,但是如果想与娱乐性三维游戏相抗衡,将青少年从沉溺的网络游戏中吸引过来,则应该将大量的人力、物力和精力在最能先引起游戏者注意的形象设计方面。本研究所要表达并且贯穿始终的理念就是要三维形象设计的整个过程中都充满教育理念的支持,而并不只是制作技术在起作用。通过对国内外三维形象的特点和艺术手段的对比分析来探讨教育游戏三维形象设计过程中的理论和技术,力求对三维教育游戏形象设计的技术和艺术特色重新定位。目前教育游戏理论研究在实践中更多的侧重于游戏内容的设计上,往往使得游戏视觉效果与教学内容不能很好的融合,有脱节的嫌疑,不利于学习者沉浸其中,而是处于游离的状态,不能达到学与玩相融的境界。本研究在三维形象设计之初就让艺术与教育相结合,突出形象对学习者先入为主的印象,在吸引学习者进入学习氛围方面,起到事半功倍的效果。在技术方面,本研究从性格、建模、材质、动作等方面做了分析比较研究,以求使三维制作者们能找到适合自己的制作技术和方法。尤其是三维形象的动作设计中,本研究采用了利用动作库直接赋予形象以相应的动画,并在其基础上再加修缮,更改相应的数据,就能使模型更加符合需要,这样可以成倍地缩短工作时间和工作量。对于形象身上的柔软服饰采用自建网格的方法来模拟,使形象的服饰更加飘逸、自然。在最后用两个三维形象设计的例子阐述了在制作过程中可能会遇到的问题及解决方法和相应的技巧,以期有益于教育游戏三维形象设计的研究。

【Abstract】 With the development of computer technology and multimedia technology progress, as one of the most potential sunrise industry, 3d games show unprecedented flourishing development tendency, and make deeply influence in the life of people. 3d game has become a significantly cultural phenomenon and an important form of entertainment of young people. 3d games so attract the young, if the education field with it, it will greatly promote adolescent′learning enthusiasm and learning efficiency. Now education authorities has started to take a better approach to the computer games. But the image design of 3d games, whether in theory or technology, still cannot keep pace with the development of 3d games,image design of 3d education game field more lag.Essentially, the 3d image design education game and general 3d image design game don′t have essential difference. But in actually, the 3d general entertaining game take an excessive focus on the game itself and competitive, ignoring the irritating , if the players long-term care violence, physical and mental development in children and adolescents are extremely adverse. This paper is based on the original reason, the author hope that careful design can give children and teenagers the harmonious and aesthetic feelings, so that they can be imperceptible in some more warmth, downy, few blundering and sternness.3D design of educational games has been relatively scarce and the study less, but if you want to compete with entertainment 3D games which attract young people indulging in online games , we should have to put energy and resources in the image of the design which attractes first attention of the player.What the Institute would like to express is the design of 3D image must value the education theory throughoutly, not just the production technology at work. Through comparate characteristics and artistic means of 3D image at home and abroad,we want to discusse theory and technology of 3D image design in educational games. Educational games theory currently more focused on the design of game content, then often put the visual effects and the game content away, Such does not favor player’s study.If we make the combination of art and education firstly,it will play a multiplier effect. On the technical side, this study from the character, modeling, texture, movement and so on have done an analysis of comparative studies, in order to make 3D producers can able to find suitable production technologies and methods, in particularly impetus the design of 3D image.the study use libraries to give the image movement, so that we can multiply to shorten working hours and workload. Soft clothing for the image of the body using the grid method to simulate the self-built, so that the image of the dress more elegant, natural. In the final,with two examples want to describe problems, solutions and the corresponding skills in the production process in order to benefit the educational games designed.

【关键词】 教育游戏形象设计三维技术
【Key words】 Education gamesImage design3d technology