

The Study on Traditional Culture Policy in the Early Founding of New China(1949-1966)

【作者】 王成诚

【导师】 田海林;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近代中国风云突起,社会剧变,封建专制制度崩塌,民主共和制度勃兴,旧学古道蜕变,西学新潮浪涌,这对中国传统文化的优势地位形成了巨大的冲击,中华民族的自尊心和自信心亦受沉重打击。在中西新旧文化的剧烈冲合下,先进中国人提出一系列对待传统文化的方案,传统文化的保守主义与虚无主义激烈争锋,中共则提出要批判继地承传统文化,建立科学、民族、大众的新民主主义文化。建国初期,中共在马克思主义的指导下,破旧立新,批判地继承中国传统文化,开展新文化的建设。中共制定了一系列关于传统文化的方针政策,并在一定程度得到了贯彻落实,产生了积极的效果,但也造成了一定的损失,对此后中共的文化方略亦产生了深远的影响。建国初期,批判、肃清封建的、买办的、法西斯主义的思想,成为意识形态领域的紧迫任务。中共通过一系列的批判运动确立了马克思主义在意识形态领域中的指导地位,同时形成了建国以后用政治运动解决意识形态领域问题的模式。“双百方针”可以说是建国后十七年文化政策的一次明显转折,是向传统文化回归的重要环节。双百方针其渊源和其提出的目的均与传统文化有很大关系。因此,双百方针在传统文化领域的作用并不可小觑。双百方针提出后,传统文化得到了重视,被外国文化压制和为现实服务的压力顿减。“批判继承法”是建国初期中共对待传统文化问题的基本原则,但同时关于批判继承方法和态度的争鸣也贯穿于建国初期17年发展社会主义文化的过程中。如“抽象继承法”、关于道德阶级性与继承性的争论、“人民性”标准与“中间作品”问题的争论及阶级观点与历史主义之争等。新中国作为一个外生型的现代化国家,为推进社会的现代化必须学习和借鉴外来先进文化,同时作为一个民族国家在参与全球化过程中又要面对保持民族性的“文化整合”的难题。建国初期中医政策发生了由兴办中医进修学校以使“中医科学化”到大力提倡西医学习中医并使之承担起把祖国医学整理、提高到现代科学水平重任的转变。国画政策则发生了从盲从苏联美术教学模式到强调传统美术的技法和教学方法的转变、重视国画的创作与写生活动。新中国作为一个后发现代化的民族国家在参与现代化的过程中,在文化上最大的难题是如何处理现代性与民族性、阶级性与共同性、变革性与继承性的关系。这是实现中国文化从传统向现代转型的关键。建国初期,中共提倡“古为今用”和“厚今薄古”的原则。在具体的实施中,“古为今用”常常变成不惜为了现实的政治宣传而牵强附会,肆意歪曲历史,而“厚今薄古”则带来严重的历史虚无主义的倾向。中共一向主张文化建设的“大众化”,对改造传统民间文艺极为重视,以作为“化大众”的重要手段。最有代表性莫过于戏曲和民歌了,但实质上中共重视的是“民间形式”而去更新戏曲和民歌的文化内容。民间文化所起的只是一种工具的作用,而不是其本身。综观建国初期的传统文化政策,中共对传统文化的态度也不是始终如一的,而是正确与错误趋向交织进行,存在着批判远多于继承、强调服务于现实、张扬民族性、追求“大众化”以及注重文化工具价值的考量的特点。其既有着确立了马克思主义在意识形态领域中的指导地位、在一定程度上保护了一部分传统文化,提高了民间文化的地位等积极意义,又同时存在着缺乏对封建主义意识形态的系统批判、大多时候传统文化研究成为政治的注脚和宣传工具、以政治批判取代学术讨论的消极影响。反思和探寻这段历史,它告诉我们为实现中国传统文化的现代化转型,构建有中国特色的社会主义新文化体系,需要做到以下四点:一是肃清封建主义思想残余;二是正确处理传统文化批判与继承的关系;三是尊重文化发展的相对独立性;四是必须处理好文化建设的古今中外关系;五是重视对传统文化内在价值的挖掘。“以史为鉴,可以知兴替”。总结建国初期传统文化政策的经验教训,不仅具有重要的理论意义和学术价值,而且对于历史地理解中国共产党在当代提出的“始终代表中国先进文化的前进方向”的理论,对于在新时期“弘扬中华文化,建设中华民族共有精神家园”都具有重要的现实借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 There are tremendous changes in modern China.The feudal autocratic regime was overthrown, and democratic republic system was established. Traditional culture began to change, and western culture was introduced into China largely. Since the modern times, the western culture comprehensively touches each aspect of the Chinese society in an all-round way and self-esteem and confidence of the Chinese nation has been hit hard also, part of advanced Chinese who imbued with foresight and sagacity and the national sense of responsibility, historical sense of mission, begin to look for the reason and realistic outlet in traditional culture gradually. Traditional cultural conservatism and nihilism fight struggle against each other. The CCP is proposed to inherit critically Chinese traditional culture, to cap to establish scientific and national, public new-democratic culture. The CCP critically inherited traditional Chinese culture, and developed the new culture construction under the guidance of Marxism in the early stage of New China. The CCP formulated a series of policies on traditional culture, which were implemented in a certain degree. It produced positive results, but also caused a loss. Moreover, it also produced far-reaching effects on cultural strategy of the CCP. Integration of ideology and the fate of traditional culture in the early stage of New China. It will study systematically the change of traditional culture caused by CCP in the process of eliminating the feudal, comprador, fascist ideology and establishing the dominant position of Marxism, Mao Zedong Thought in the ideological and cultural fields."Double hundred" policy and national traditional regression in the early stage of New China.The policy "Let a hundred flowers bloom together and a hundred schools of thought contend" (called"Double Hundred") is an important cultural policy of the party in the middle of1950s. This part studies the different performances and essences of national traditional regression before, during and after the implementation of "double hundred" policy."The theory of critical inheritance" and related controversy in the early stage of New China. This part studies the implementation and related debates of "the theory of critical inheritance" in the various fields of Chinese traditional culture.“the theory ofabstract inheritance" initiated a heated discussion in literary circles in 1960s. Both“abstract inheritance" and“critical inheritance" deal with the problem of cultural inheritance, yet they dealwith this problem from different perspectives. To make a furtherclarification of the relationship between“abstract inheritance" and "critical inheritance" will help to realize the modernization of Chinese culture. There are many arguments about class nature and the succession of moral, "the People" standard and the "middle piece" debates and controversy between historical perspective and class struggle and so on.How to deal with the relationship between traditional culture and modernization in the culture construction.It is an important point of view on studying traditional culture policies in the early stage of New China.This part makes a systematic investigation in specific areas of the traditional culture, such as cultural relics, WenShiZhe from opera, etc.How to deal with the relationship between Chinese culture and foreign one in the culture construction. It is another important point of view on studying traditional culture policies in the early stage of New China. This part makes a systematic investigation in specific areas of the traditional culture, such as traditional Chinese medical, traditional opera, Chinese and so on.The innovation of traditional folk art in the early stage of New China. The party has always advocated "becoming popular" of culture construction, reforming the traditional folk art, as the important means of "enlightening the mass". This section reflects the gain and loss of the cultural constrution based on the systematic investigations in specific areas of the traditional culture such as Posters, traditional opera and folk songs, and so on.By investigating the traditional culture policies of the CCP in the early stage of New China, the attitude is not consistent, but the right and wrong trend interweave, there are far more critical inheriting, emphasizing service in reality, nationality, the pursuit of "popular culture" and the characteristic value of tools. It has established the marxist ideology in the guiding position, in part, to a certain extent, to protect and improve the traditional culture of folk culture positive significance and role, the lack of feudal ideology system criticism, most of the time, the traditional culture research into political propaganda, with footnotes and political criticism replace the negative influence of academic discussion.By reflecting and exploring the history, it tells us to realize the modernization of Chinese traditional culture, construct the socialism with Chinese characteristics new system, needing to do the following four: the first is to eliminate feudal ideological residual, the second is to correctly handle the relationship between criticizing and inheriting, the third is to respect cultural development of relative independence, the fourth is to handle the relationship between traditional culture and modernization, between Chinese culture and foreign one in the culture construction, the fifth is to mine intrinsic value of traditional cultural.At the same time,it is offering support to the theory that "represents developing direction of advanced culture all the time"strongly, which is advocated by the CCP in contemporary, to "promote Chinese culture and to construct the national common spiritual home", and to improve the national self-confidence. Its certain experiences is even important to realize the modern transformation in Chinese traditional culture creatively and to construct the new socialism cultural with Chinese characteristics new systemthe socialism with Chinese characteristics new culture system.
