

【作者】 郁圣楠

【导师】 潘庆玉;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文研究的是诗歌教学中认识、审美与陶冶的关系,这一论题是就目前诗歌教学过程中存在的弊端提出来的。新的语文课程标准要求从知识和能力、过程和方法、情感态度和价值观三个维度来设计课程,显然这是注重学生语文素养的整体提高。诗歌教学作为语文教学的重要组成部分,更能培养学生的审美能力和鉴赏能力,更能陶冶学生的精神和灵魂。要达到这一目标,教师就要正确处理好认识、审美与陶冶的关系问题。教师不能仅仅重视对诗歌的认识而遮蔽对诗歌的审美与陶冶。总之,研究诗歌教学中认识、审美与陶冶的关系,就是为了更好地实施诗歌教学,发挥诗歌教学特有的魅力,培养学生学习诗歌的兴趣,并且能够使学生体验到学习的快乐,从而享受诗歌,享受生活,享受人生。关于什么是诗歌,众说纷纭,莫衷一是,而且历代学者有关诗歌的定义大都随着时代的发展而遭到人们的质疑。诗歌是一个发展的历史概念,我们不可能对其进行详细地规范性地定义。因此,笔者认为,不妨从诗歌的本质、特征和功能方面对诗歌进行描述性定义。诗歌是知识智慧的传递,诗歌是情感体验的传播,诗歌是精神灵魂的传承。诗歌具有意象和节奏两大基本特征,而这正是诗歌教学中认识、审美与陶冶的对象。学习诗歌,能够增强学生的感受力,提高学生的想象力,进而促进学生的性情修养。有了对诗歌的本质、特征和功能的理解,那么诗歌教学中的认识、审美与陶冶的内涵是什么呢?诗歌教学中的认识是一种带有情感倾向的审美认识,具有含蓄性、虚拟性、形象性等特点。一方面,它涉及到诗歌的内容和形式,大致包括诗歌的形象和思想感情;另一方面,它还涉及到诗歌的背景和传统,主要包括历史、政治、文化及风土人情等方面。诗歌教学中的审美表现多种多样,有情绪的激动、感觉的快适和精神的满足,即诗歌给学生带来的愉悦性、形象性和自由性。诗歌教学中的陶冶是对学生心灵的洗涤,主要表现在塑造学生完美的人格,帮助学生建构纯洁的精神家园。诗歌教学中认识、审美与陶冶的关系是本论题研究的重点,也是本文的创新所在。笔者从人的多层面需要理论出发得出结论:认识是实现审美与陶冶的基础和前提,陶冶是对诗歌进行认识与审美的终极归宿,而审美则是诗歌教学中联系认识与陶冶的桥梁和纽带,审美既能推动认识的发展,又能促进陶冶的提升。诗歌教学中的认识、审美与陶冶是相互依存、相互渗透、相互融合的,是一个有机的、不可分割的整体。因此,在诗歌教学中教师应将认识、审美与陶冶结合起来,不能有所偏废。笔者以《将进酒》的教学为例,提出了诗歌教学中正确处理好认识、审美与陶冶关系的四方面的教学策略,即:加强诵读逐步实现学生对诗歌的认识、审美与陶冶;不同角度和层面深化学生对诗歌的认识、审美与陶冶;多元教学手段辅助学生对诗歌的认识、审美与陶冶;开发课程资源拓宽学生对诗歌的认识、审美与陶冶。由于笔者没有教学实践的经验,因此很难提出更好、更完善的教学策略,这也是本文的不足之处。

【Abstract】 This paper is the study of the relationship between understanding, esthetic and influencing in the poetry teaching. It is in view of the current malpractice which exists in the poetry teaching process. The new language curriculum standards request the course be designed from three dimensions, which is the knowledge and ability, the process and method, the emotion, attitude and values. Obviously, it pays great attention on the overall improvement in the language accomplishment of the students. As an important component of the language teaching, poetry teaching can raise students’ ability of esthetic and cultivate students’ spirit and soul. To achieve this goal, the teacher must deal with the relationship between understanding, esthetic and influencing correctly. The teacher cann’t only pay attention to the understanding, camouflaging the esthetic and influencing. In short, studying the relationship between the understanding, esthetic and influencing, can implement the poetry teaching better and display the unique charm of the poetry. It can train students the interest of studying the poetry and cause students to experience the joy of learning. Fortherly, it can make students to enjoy the poetry and enjoy the life.There is no agreement about the definition of the poetry. And most of the views encounter the question with the time progress. The poetry is developing, so I give it a descriptive definition from the essence, characteristics and functions. The poetry is the transmission of knowledge and wisdom. The poetry is the dissemination of emotion and experience. The poetry is the inheritance of energetic and soul. It has two big essential features which is the image and the rhythm. And this is the object of understanding, esthetic and influencing in the poetry teaching. Studying poetry can strengthen students’ feeling, enhance students’ imagination and promote students’ personality.Then what is the connotation of understanding, esthetic and influencing in the poetry teaching? The understanding is esthetic which has the emotion tendency. It has contains on nature, hypothesized, iconicity. On the one hand, the understanding involves the content and the form, including the image and the feelings approximately. On the other hand, it also involves the background and the tradition, including history, politics, culture and local conditions and social customs and so on. The performance of esthetic are varied, so as the excited mood, the comfortable feeling and the satisfying spiritual, that is the joyful, iconicity and freedom which the poetry bring to the students. The influencing mainly displays on molding the students’ perfect personality and helping the students to construct the chaste spiritual world.The key of this thesis is the relationship between understanding, esthetic and influencing in the poetry teaching. It Is also the innovation of this thesis. In view of the person’s multi-stratification, I draw the conclusion. The understanding is the foundation, and the influencing is the ultimate goal. The esthetic is the bridge and the link which relate the understanding and the influenceing. It can promote the development of the understanding and the influencing. I think they are interdependent, penetration and integration mutually. Therefore, the teacher should know how to deal with the relations correctly and cannot emphasize one at the expense of another. I take the teaching of "Will urge somebody to drink" for example and summarize four aspects. First, Strengthen the reading of students’. Second, explore the poetry from dynamic angles and dimensions. Third, use multiple teaching methods. Finally, develop the curriculum resources. Because I do not have the teaching experience, it is very difficult to propose the better and the more perfect strategy. This is also the deficiency of the article.

【关键词】 诗歌认识审美陶冶
【Key words】 poetryunderstandingestheticinfluencing