

【作者】 刘春辉

【导师】 王寰鹏;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在梁晓声研究中,“知青小说”和“平民小说”一直是两大关键词,其中极端的英雄主义和理想主义情结使得梁晓声的小说具有了独特的存在价值,也给评论界提供了一种新的批评角度。八十年代到九十年代是突显梁晓声过渡气质的时期。九十年代的梁晓声转入了对社会最底层人的书写,然而他却不再像八十年代那样引人注目,几乎到了被文坛遗弃的境地。他的走红与落寞又一次证明了当代中国文学批评对社会转型、意识形态转轨的依附,印证了社会转型在造就新的精神走向、道德范式的同时,也培育了新的审美趣味。梁晓声正是处在一个社会结构转型、意识形态转向、社会心理转化、审美选择转变的交汇点上,他带着上一个社会形态的思维方式,被认可并成名于下一个社会形态的发端期。他的“过渡性”,正是由一连串的“转”与“变”所造就的。本论文主要发掘梁晓声及其创作的过渡性特质。他亲历了时代的变迁、社会的转型,从那个精神至上、激情澎湃的年代到了商品经济占主导地位的时代,他从那个过渡时期一路走来。从作家本人到作品都具有十分典型的过渡性特征。梁晓声的过渡性具有典型的文学史意义,这种过渡性不仅是他本人更是整个过渡时代的一种典型的文学范式。本论文共分五章对梁晓声的过渡性进行阐释:第一章从精神气质透视梁晓声。一、理想化的追求。八十年代的知青经历是形成梁晓声浪漫特质的生活底蕴。梁晓声在知青时期所形成的精神气质是浪漫和理想化的。二、平实性格的凸显。梁晓声的深沉以及他的平实性和批判性都与他的生命历程和个性无法分开。九十年代梁晓声开始发生变化,只是他的“变化”是为了“坚守”,这是他作为一个从知青走过来的作家对精神家园的坚守。三、过渡性的精神气质。从对梁晓声个人的精神品质分析看来,由对知青精神的浪漫赞美和宣扬到对人道主义、人性的追求,是一个不能说十分完美但的确是不违背梁晓声品质的优秀过渡。即使当英雄主义、理想主义不再盛行时,也要用一种道义和人性视角去直面人生、剖析社会,这是梁晓声过渡性的主要内容。第二章梁晓声小说主题意蕴的过渡性表征。一、梁晓声知青小说中的英雄主义底层化。梁晓声的英雄主义贯穿整个知青小说创作,这种英雄主义的最大的特点是底层化的英雄主义。二、梁晓声九十年代以来小说中人道主义真善美的复归。他的作品常常流露出悲天悯人与无可奈何;而作为一个理想主义者,他充满热情地从过去与未来中顽强体现他的道德价值和道德情操,开掘人的内心深处那些并未泯灭的美好。三、解析梁晓声小说主题的过渡性。纵观梁晓声小说,其主题既继承又变化,变化是为了更好地继承。从知青小说到九十年代的丰富创作,小说主题所体现出来的过渡性与他生命轨迹的过渡性是一致的。第三章梁晓声小说人物形象流变。一、知青小说中背负英雄主义大旗的理想者群象。知青形象所体现的理想主义情怀让人感动,令人钦佩,这是特定时代产生的特定精神品质,这种无畏、无悔、无私、圣洁的理想主义者的情怀显得尤为可贵。二、九十年代以来小说中困于世俗的被损害者群像。梁晓声笔下的平民多是被损害的形象,他们在无奈的现实中勇敢地生活,在世俗的压抑之下举步维艰。梁晓声所坚持的创作本质没有改变,只是将情感倾注于更为广大的社会。三、梁晓声小说人物形象的过渡性流变。梁晓声前后两个时期的小说人物形象有从外在到内在的相似性和承接性,这显现出梁晓声小说在人物形象塑造方面也具有过渡性,与梁晓声小说主题所体现的过渡性是相通的。由此可以看出,这种过渡性必将成为梁晓声小说的最本质的特点。第四章梁晓声小说创作方法的得与失。一、梁晓声小说创作方法的特色。从视角的运用和叙事模式两个方面论证梁晓声创作方法及其特色。用一种平民化的方式表达对于人和人性的关怀,唤起读者最直观的经验,激起读者内心情感的波澜,是他小说创作的最大特点。二、梁晓声小说创作方法的艺术缺陷。从故事缺乏想象空间、人物圆形感不够、过多地宣扬主观感情和思想、小说结尾故作意味深长缺乏现代感等方面来论证其小说的艺术缺陷。但我们不应过多地去苛责梁晓声,正是他的独特个性和独特艺术追求才使得我们这个时代拥有像梁晓声这样另类的作家。第五章梁晓声小说接受反应的嬗变探究。一、八十年代“梁晓声现象”分析。知青们是因为产生了心灵的共鸣,而热切地喜爱梁晓声的作品;“新颖奇特”是普通读者喜欢梁晓声的重要原因。另外,梁晓声的小说纯粹的现实主义,没有当代西方先进的技巧、没有深刻哲理的隐晦表达,读来畅晓无阻,这也是普通大众读者喜欢的一个原因。二、九十年代以来退居文学主潮以外的尴尬处境解析。这种现象从读者接受的角度分析,是读者在梁晓声的小说中找不到他们所需要的东西了。其实,从八十年代后期开始,梁晓声小说就已经出现了被冷落的趋势,在热烈的背后就已经隐藏着寂寞的迹象。

【Abstract】 In Liang Xiaosheng study, "youth novel" and "civilian novel" has been the two key words, including extreme heroism and idealism made on Liang novel complex with a unique value, but also to provide a new critics critics point of view. Eighties to the nineties is highlighted Liang Xiaosheng transition period of temperament. Nineties of the Liang Xiaosheng into the bottom of society’s writing, but he is no longer as dramatic as 80 years, almost to be abandoned literary situation. His lonely again proved popular with contemporary Chinese literary criticism on social transformation, the ideological transition of attachment, confirms the social transformation in the spirit of creating a new direction, moral paradigm, but also cultivate a new taste. Liang Xiaosheng is in a transformation of social structure, ideology shift, social and psychological transformation, changing the intersection of aesthetic choice, he took on the form of a social way of thinking, be recognized and become famous on the next phase of a social form of the originator. His "transitional" is from the series of "transfer" and "change" are created by.This thesis to explore their creative Liang Xiaosheng transitional characteristics. He witnessed the changing times, social transformation, first from that spirit, passion surging commodity economy to dominate the way he came from that period of transition. To work from a writer I have very typical features of transitional. Liang Xiaosheng transitional typical sense of literary history, this transition not only himself but also the transition time of a typical literary paradigm. The thesis is divided into five chapters on the transition on Liang to explain:Perspective from the ethos of the first chapter on Liang. 1, idealistic pursuit. 80 years experience of educated youth is the formation of the romantic nature of life inside information on Liang. Liang Xiaosheng the educated youth, formed during the ethos is the romantic and idealized. Second, plain character of the highlights. Liang Xiaosheng’s deep and his plain and critical history with his life and personality can not be separated. Liang Xiaosheng nineties began to change, but his "change" is to "stick", which he as a writer came from the educated youth to the spiritual home of the stick. Third, transitional ethos. Liang Xiaosheng from the spirit of the individual quality of view, from the romantic spirit of the educated youth to praise and promote humanitarian, humanity’s pursuit of a perfect but it does not say it is not contrary to the excellent quality Liang Xiaosheng transition. Even when the heroism and idealism is no longer rampant, but also with a view to face the moral and human life, analysis of the community, which is the main content of transitional Liang Xiaosheng.Chapter Liang Xiaosheng novel characterization of the transitional theme of meaning. 1, Liang Xiaosheng youth novel in the bottom of heroism. Liang Xiaosheng educated youth of heroism throughout the novel, which features the greatest heroism is the heroism of the underlying technology. Second, since the nineties Liang Xiaosheng novel The Return of the humanitarian good and the beautiful. His works often reveal compassion and helplessness; but as an idealist, he was passionate about the future from the past and tenaciously reflected his moral values and moral character, dig deep down people who are not devoid of good. Third, novel analytical Liang Xiaosheng transitional theme. Throughout Liang Xiaosheng novel, its subject well as inherit and change, change is in order to better inheritance. Nineties from the educated youth to the rich fiction, fiction theme reflected in the interim and transitional trajectory of his life is consistent.Chapter Liang Xiaosheng Evolution of Characters. First, educated youth novels carry the banner of the ideal of heroism of those elephants. Educated youth the ideals embodied in the image of people moving sentiments, admirable, this is the spirit of a particular age to specific quality, such fear, no regrets, selfless, saintly idealists of feelings is particularly valuable. Second, since the nineties trapped in secular novels were prejudicial to the Images. Liang Xiaosheng been described by many civilians, damage to the image of the reality of their helpless courage to live under repression in the secular difficult. Liang Xiaosheng insists creative nature has not changed, but the emotion poured in the wider society. 3, Liang Xiaosheng of Characters transitional flow. Liang Xiaosheng fictional two periods before and after the image from the external to the intrinsic nature of the similarities and accept that this novel reveals Liang Xiaosheng Characterization also has a transitional, and Liang Xiaosheng novel reflects the transitional theme are interlinked. It can be seen that this transition will become Liang Xiaosheng most essential feature of the novel.Chapter Liang Xiaosheng novel method of gain and loss. 1, Liang Xiaosheng novel method of characteristics. From the perspective of both the application and narrative mode of argumentation Liang Xiaosheng creative method and its characteristics. In a way ordinary people express concern for the people and human nature, to arouse the reader’s experience of the most intuitive, emotional waves stirred up readers mind is his greatest novels feature. 2, Liang Xiaosheng novel method of artistic flaws. Lack of imagination from the story, the characters feel rounded enough, too many subjective feelings and ideas to promote the novel at the end of deliberately trying to meaningful aspects to demonstrate the lack of contemporary art of his novel defect. But we should not be too much to blame Liang Xiaosheng, it was his unique personality and unique artistic pursuit that makes our times have this kind of writers like Liang Xiaosheng.Chapter Liang Xiaosheng novels explore the Evolution of receiving responses. 1, 80 years, "Liang Xiaosheng phenomenon" analysis. Educated youth who had a soul because of resonance, and eager to work on Liang favorite; "new and peculiar" ordinary readers like Liang Xiaosheng important reason. In addition, Liang Xiaosheng purely realistic novels, there is no contemporary Western art techniques, there is no deep philosophical vague expression, reading Chang Xiao unimpeded, this is also the general public a reason readers like. Second, since the nineties retreat outside the main current of the embarrassing situation of literary analysis. This phenomenon from the perspective of the reader to accept, is the novel the reader can not find on Liang they need things. In fact, from the late eighties, Liang Xiaosheng fiction have appeared in the cold on the trend, in a warm and had hidden behind the signs of loneliness.

【关键词】 梁晓声过渡性精神气质道德品质
【Key words】 Liang XiaoshengTransitionalEthosMoral character