

The DV of College Students in Network Communication

【作者】 李要师

【导师】 张瑞云; 王倩;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 新闻学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 从2000年春北京大学电影学院成立实践社起,DV进入中国大学校园已有十年。十年间,从民间社团组织起步,到电视媒体介入得以进步,再到网络媒体参与实现大范围普及,大学生DV最终在网络中找到了最适合的传播渠道和生存空间。大学生DV增加了网络传播的内容,丰富了网络文化,用DV影像在网络中建立起了虚拟的校园生活镜像,对于网络生态发展和校园文化建设都起到了积极作用。伴随着《清华夜话》、《完美动物》、《我的太阳》、《狗样年华》等一批大学生DV在网络中“走红”,大学生DV开创了一种新的话语叙述方式和校园文化形态。大学生DV没有通过传统的电影和电视渠道进行传播,而是选择了新兴的网络媒体,这是大学生DV在创作上能够保持独立和个性的根本原因。作为民间独立影像的重要组成部分,大学生DV是民间DV在校园的延伸,同时也具有鲜明时代特色的校园文化特征。身处校园和网络两个环境之中,大学生DV形成了独特的品格。这种品格所具有的魅力为主流的电视媒体所欣赏和借鉴,对主流电视媒体话语叙述产生影响。大学生DV影响力的扩大离不开网络媒介环境熏陶和浸染,本文把大学生DV置于网络传播中,作为一种反映当前文化的典型话语文本进行考察。大学生DV出现十年之间不乏专家学者的关注,也产生了众多具有较高学术价值的研究成果。然而,绝大部分研究成果都忽视了大学生DV的传播渠道和生存环境——互联网,鲜有论述把大学生DV和网络媒介结合起来进行研究。互联网是大学生DV乃至更多民间DV的首要传播渠道和生存环境。作为“第四媒体”,互联网的发展超越了单一媒体的界限,形成了一种虚拟的网络空间。网络空间催生了流行、时尚、多元的网络文化,这种文化对于大学生DV发展意义重大。本文把大学生DV放在网络传播中考察大学生DV的生存和发展状况,这也是本文最大的创新之处。论文在《序言》中首先概括了大学生DV的基本组成要素以及各要素之间的逻辑关系,具体解答了DV的概念、大学生DV的传播渠道以及大学生DV在传播过程中所包含的“大学生”、“DV”、“电脑”、“网络”、“校园”等基本要素之间的逻辑关系。论文主体分四章详细论述网络中大学生DV的传播现象:首先,简要叙述大学生DV的发展历史和创作的思想脉络,进而从媒介话语角度描述大学生DV的生存现状;其次,分析大学生DV选择网络作为第一传播渠道的原因,并以个案为例详细解剖大学生DV网络传播的流程;再次,从校园文化和网络流行文化角度分析大学生DV创作的思想根源,并试图探索大学生DV和各种文化形态的相互作用,探讨大学生DV对于校园文化和网络文化有何具体意义;最后,分析当前大学生DV存在的问题,论证大学生DV本身所具备的优势是推动其未来发展的原动力。在主流影视媒体的夹击下,网络中的大学生DV仍然是弱势的,其未来发展充满挑战。然而,大学生DV打破了传统媒体对影像传播的话语垄断,找到了一种民间话语叙事的校园视角,形成了一种具有时代特色的校园文化,大学生DV存在和发展的现实意义不容忽略。大学生DV要在未来发展之路上取得新的突破,必须保持自身创作独立、自由的风格,不断汲取网络流行文化和校园时尚文化的营养,逐步完善民间DV社团组织,必须积极正面、放眼长远地去引导,大学生DV才会实现健康、良性的发展。大学生DV是当前社会流行文化的一种表现手段,也是互联网中反映青年流行文化的影像话语。本论文涉及新闻传播学、社会学、文艺学等领域,在论述过程中运用了文本分析、个案分析、文献检索等方法,着重探讨了网络媒介生态和大学生DV之间的互动关系以及大学生DV对于校园文化和网络传播的意义,并对网络传播中大学生DV的生存和发展提出建议。

【Abstract】 The DV has entered Chinese universities for ten years since the Practice Community of Peking University Film School founded. During the ten years, the DV of college students has started from the civil community organizations, has make progress with the TV media intervention, and has spread with intervention of network media, afterwards, it has found the most suitable spreading channel and existing space in the networks. This kind of DV has added the contents and has enriched the culture of the networks, and has formed the virtual campus living image in the networks by DV images, thus has perfected the network culture and played a positive role in the network culture development and campus culture construction. With the popularity of a set of videos, such as the Night talking in Tsinghua, perfect animals, My Sun,the DV of college students creates a new discourse narration and campus culture forms.The DV doesn’t spread through the traditional channels of film and television, instead of choosing the network media, which is the fundamental reason that it can hold independent and individuality from the traditional media. As an important part of the folk independent videos, the students DV is the extension of the folk, meanwhile holding the features of campus culture. The DV of students forms its own style since it is in the environment of campus and networks. This style has been appreciated and adopted by the television medias and has influenced their narration. The expanding influence of the students DV cannot independent to the networks edification and affection. Seeing that, this thesis considers and researches the DV of students as a typical discourse in the networks spreading.Many scholars and experts have paid attention to this kind of DV, and have made many research results with high academic values. However, most of them have ignored the networks--which is the communication channel and environment of students DV, few of them combined the two together. The network is the primary channel and existing environment for both students DV and other folk DVs. As“the fourth media”, the development of networks goes beyond the limitation of the single media and forms a visual networks space. The networks space develops its culture of fashion, fad and multiplex, which is important to the development of the students DV. This thesis put the students DV in the network communication to study its existing and development, which is the main creation.In the preface, the thesis generalizes the factors that the DV involved and the relationship of them: the concept of the DV, the channels of students DV, the relationship of the factors “the college students”“DV”“computer”“networks”and“campus”. The thesis consists of four chapters to discuss the spreading of students DV in the network. First, gives a brief discussion of the history of the students DV development, and then describes its existing situations from the aspect of media discourse. Secondly, analyzes the reasons why the students DV chooses the networks as the main spreading channel, gives an example to illustrate the process. Thirdly, analyzes the ideological roots of its creation from the campus culture and network popular culture, and try to explore the interaction of students DV and other culture types, the meaning of this kind of DV to the campus culture and network culture. Finally, points out the shortage and problems, proves that the advantages that the students DV have is the motivation of its development.The college students DV is still weak under the situation of the mainstream film and television media, its development is full of challenge. However, this kind of DV has broken the monopoly of traditional media to the image spreading, and has found the campus perspective of folk narration, and has formed the campus culture with time characteristic. The meaning of the existing and development of this DV cannot be ignored. In order to make new breakthrough in future, the DV has to hold the style of independent and free, absorb the network popular culture and campus fashion culture, perfect the folk DV community, only in this way, the students DV can develop well.The DV of college students is a kind of means of nowadays social popular culture, at the same time, is a video discourse to reflect the“explosion”of youth popular culture in the networks. This thesis involves the cross topics in the Journalism and Communication, Sociology, Theory of Literature and Art. In the analyzing, using the method of text analysis, case study, document indexing. The thesis discusses the interactive relationship of the network media and students DV as well as the meaning of students DV to the campus culture and network spreading, and makes some suggestions to the existing and development of students DV in the network communication.
