

A Research on Mainland Tourists Satisfaction in Macau

【作者】 李军

【导师】 张俐俐;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 旅游管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 2003年7月,中央政府为了促进香港、澳门的经济发展,对香港、澳门开放了“自由行”以来,内地到澳门的游客大幅增长并取代香港游客,成为澳门比重最大的游客。本论文以游客满意理论为基础,以内地游客曾到澳门旅游的游客作为主要研究对象,进行问卷调查,以分析样本资料的数据,探讨以澳门做为旅游目的地,内地游客对其的满意程度,并针对内地游客对澳门旅游的偏好、需求与满意度进行了实证研究。论文共分为五个章节,分别为:第一章绪论,首先介绍了本文的选题背景、研究意义、研究方法以及研究框架和内容。第二章文献综述,回顾了国内外关于顾客满意以及游客满意的相关文献,对游客满意理论等相关文献进行了全面的梳理与分析,然后对澳门旅游的发展现状加以比较和评述,最后形成本文的框架理论和基本依据。第三、四章为实证研究部分,通过对曾赴澳门旅游的珠三角游客发放问卷收集数据,运用多元统计分析技术对数据进行探索性因子分析,构建赴澳门旅游的游客满意度测评指标体系,分析得出珠三角游客对澳门旅游市场整体满意度水平和各服务指标的满意度水平,以及影响内地游客满意度的关键服务指标因素。第五章是研究的结论与展望,本研究构建了内地游客赴澳门旅游的满意度测评指标结构模型,在此基础上进一步构建了内地游客赴澳门旅游的满意度测评指标体系,并从内地游客旅游体验的角度入手,提出提高游客满意度的方法策略。本文的创新点主要体现在游客满意度测量指标体系的创新,根据测评指标结构模型建立了内地游客满意度测评指标体系,并根据数据分析的结果对该测评指标体系进行完善,把27个因子归结为包括旅游环境、旅游支持系统、旅游服务、旅游吸引物、传统特色保留、旅游地人情意识、旅游消费在内的七个测量维度。本研究把游客满意理论和测评技术运用到内地游客的满意度研究中,为澳门特区政府及旅游企业的管理者提供一个适合内地游客满意度的测评工具,进一步完善了游客满意度测评理论,对澳门旅游业提高服务质量具有较强的实际指导意义。

【Abstract】 In order to promote Hong Kong and Macau’s economic development,the central government implemented the free tour policy in July 2003.Mainland visitors replace Hong Kong visitors and become the largest visitors to Macau.On the base of study theory of tourists’satisfaction, with sample population of this study included visitors who ever take the journey in Macau,this study is aim to explore the Macau tourism’s attraction to Mainland people,the Mainland visitors’addictions,demands,and the satisfactions to Macau,Mainland visitors’opinions on Macau tourism development. Main research of the thesis is summarized in chapters:The first chapter is the introduction.First introduce the research background,research significance,research methodology and research framework and content.The second chapter is the theory summary.First review the domestic and foreign relevant theories with regard to tourist satisfaction,to determine the theoretic research direction and basic logic structure.The third and fourth chapter is the demonstration research.Under determining the theoretical research framework of the thesis and the method of statistical analysis,we distribute“the mainland tourists’s satisfaction investigating scroll”to mainland tourists to gather relative data,then mines the data explorsive factor analysis with mult-statistical technology to evaluate the tourists’satisfaction.The fifth chapter is the conclusion and the prospect.Summarize against the study findings of the thesis,and bring forward the prospects for future research.The innovation of this paper is mainly in tourist satisfaction measurement index system.According to model evaluation indicators established the Mainland tourist satisfaction measurement index system.Seven dimensions attributed 27 factors including the tourism environment,tourism support systems,travel service,tourist attraction,traditional features,travel to human consciousness,spending.In this study,tourist’s satisfaction theory and measurement techniques qpplied to the mainland tourist’s satisfaction.This study provides a suitable tool to measure mainland tourist’s satisfaction for Macau government and the managers of tourism enterprises.
