

Investigation on Performance of Micro-scale Phase-change Heat Sink for High-power Led

【作者】 胡志华

【导师】 汤勇;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着半导体封装工艺的完善、光通量和出光效率的提高,功率型LED已经在交通标志、城市景观、汽车照明、LED背光源、广告牌等特殊照明领域得到了广泛的应用,并向普通照明市场迈进。然而,随着LED芯片的输入功率不断提高,大耗散功率带来的大发热量及高出光效率给LED的封装工艺与设备提出了更新、更高的要求。目前功率型LED芯片尺寸仅为1mm×1mm~2.5mm×2.5mm,耗散功率为1W以上,其热流密度要求已达到100W/cm2以上,一旦温度超过一定值时,LED器件的失效率就会呈指数规律攀升,而使用传统实体热沉作为封装结构已无法满足高热流密度要求下的大功率LED的散热需求,因此,研究热阻低、散热效率高的新型封装热沉是大功率LED实现产业化亟待解决的关键技术之一。本文设计制造了一种利用相变传热原理进行散热的新型大功率LED微相变热沉,并对其与传统实体热沉的性能进行了对比实验研究,主要研究内容如下:1.微相变热沉的设计与制造。基于相变传热等强化传热原理,在匹配大功率LED封装要求下,设计与制造出一种新型微相变热沉。2.微相变热沉性能测试系统的开发。开发一套基于虚拟仪器的微相变热沉的性能测试系统,可以实现实验过程的实时监控,以及数据的在线采集、存储、分析处理等功能。3.微相变热沉性能测试平台的搭建。根据传热学基本原理,搭建可以进行微相变热沉性能测试的试验平台,在各种不同的工况下,进行微相变热沉的加热、冷却及温度测试等工作。4.微相变热沉传热性能研究分析。进行性能测试实验,根据所得实验数据,对不同加热功率、不同工质种类、不同倾斜角度、不同吸液芯下的微相变热沉的性能进行分析,并与传统实体热沉性能进行对比。

【Abstract】 With the development and improvement of the packaging processing of semiconductor, luminous flux and luminous efficiency, power-type LED is widely used in traffic sign, urban landscape, auto lighting and LED billboard, and will stride toward the market of general lighting. Though the input power of LED chip continuously improve, it calls for the development of both packaging processing and equipment of LED in order to solve the problems caused by high heat and high luminous efficiency. At present, the dimension of power-type LED is 1mm×1mm~2.5mm×2.5mm, but its heating power is above 1W, so its heat flux density has reached above 100W/cm2. Once the temperature is over the extreme, the failure rate of LED will climb up exponentially. The traditional solid heat sink, which is used as the packaging structure, can not fulfill the requirement of thermal dissipation brought by high-power LED of high heat flux density. Therefore, in order to realize the industrialization of high-power LED, it is the key point to research the new packaging heat sink characterized by low thermal resistance and high heat transfer efficiency.A new micro-scale phase-change heat sink for high-power LED based on the principle of phase change thermal transmission is made in this thesis. An experiment is designed to compare the performance between this new type heat sink and traditional solid heat sink, and is introduced as followed:1. Design and manufacture of the micro-scale phase-change heat sink. Based on the principle of the heat transfer and the requirements of the packaging for the high-power LED, a new type of the micro-scale phase-change heat sink will be designed and produced.2. Research and development of the performance testing system for micro-scale phase-change heat sink. A performance testing system for micro-scale phase-change heat sink will be designed, which is based on the virtual instrument and can achieve the real-time monitoring during the experiment and the functions of the online collection, storage, analysis for the data.3. Production of the performance testing platform for the micro-scale phase-change heat sink. A performance testing platform for the micro-scale phase-change heat sink will be produced based on the principle of heat transfer, which can achieve the work for the heating, cooling and temperature testing of the micro-scale phase-change heat sink under the variety of operating conditions.4. Research and analysis for the micro-scale phase-change heat sink. The performance testing experiments will be carried out. The performance of the micro-scale phase-change heat sink of the different heating power, work fluid, wick structure and working angle will be analyzed, and the performance of the traditional solid one will be compared.
