

Pull Type Cable Load Transfer Law and Design Methods

【作者】 王庆芝

【导师】 杨光华;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 岩土工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着拉力型锚索被广泛的推广使用,针对其设计方法的研究也越来越受到重视,但是,由于地质土层的复杂性等原因,目前还没有一种准确而实用的锚索设计方法来为工程服务。现在工程中使用的一些经验或简化计算方法,都是在理想化的情况下得出来的。本文首先通过对大量资料的查阅和分析的基础上,采用三阶段线性模型来描述剪应力与剪切位移的关系,并推导出了三阶段线性模型的表达式,接着利用剪应力—剪切位移的关系曲线,借助于荷载传递法研究出了剪应力与锚固段长度的关系,得出了沿锚固段长度剪应力分布的规律,并用实例加以验证。接着运用三阶段线性模型,通过对实例的分析计算证明了有效锚固长度的存在,然后进一步研究了不同的土层对锚索有效锚固长度的影响,以岩石、硬土、软土这三种常见土层为例,分析了这三种土层对锚索有效锚固长度的影响,并通过锚固段—摩阻力曲线计算得到了这三种土层大致的有效锚固长度,岩石为2m,硬土为13m,软土为35m。然后在得出有效锚固长度的基础上,利用有效锚固长度推导出锚固段上的平均摩阻力,并以三种常见土层(岩石、硬土、软土)为例,分别介绍了平均摩阻力与极限黏结强度的关系,并且得出了这三种土层的平均摩阻力与极限黏结强度之间有着相同的表达式的结论τ|- = 0.29τmax。最后在极限承载力常用计算方法的基础上,引用有效锚固长度和平均摩阻力这两个参数,采用等效替代的方法提出了新的极限承载力的计算方法Fult =τ|-πDLc

【Abstract】 With the pull type cable is widely promote the use of, the people of their design more and more attention .As the complexity of the geological layers and other reasons, There is no anchor an accurate and practical method for engineering design services. Now works in the use of some of the experience or simplify the calculation, are obtained in the ideal case out.Firstly, through access and analysis of large amounts of data, based on ,A three-phase linear model to describe the shear stress and shear displacement relationship, and deduced the three-stage linear model expressions, Then using shear stress - shear displacement curve, the load transfer method developed by means of a shear stress and the relationship between the anchorage length, obtained along the length of the shear stress distribution anchorage law and verified by examples.Then use three-stage linear model, calculated by the analysis of examples to prove the existence of the effective anchorage length, then further study the different layers of the effective anchorage length of cable, To rocks, hard soil, soft soil layer of these three common example of these three layers on the effective anchorage length of cable, and by anchoring section - friction curve has been calculated roughly three layers effective anchorage length, the rock is 2m, hard soil for the 13m, soft soil to 35m.Then come the basis of the effective anchorage length, using the effective anchorage length of the anchor segment derived the average frictional resistance, and to three common soil (rock, hard soil, soft soil), for example, introduced the average friction relationship with the ultimate bond strength, and reached an average of the three layers and the ultimate bond strength of friction between the expressions have the same conclusionτ|- = 0.29τmax.Finally, ultimate bearing capacity calculation methods based on the reference effective anchorage length and average friction between these two parameters, the equivalent alternative method proposed new method of calculating the ultimate bearing capacity Fult =τ|-πDLc.
