

The Research of Intelligent Transportation System Web Portal

【作者】 常振廷

【导师】 翁小雄;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 交通信息工程及控制, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 结合智能交通系统和行业网站发展现状,深化用户需求分析,探索更高级别的智能交通门户网站系统,以切实提高智能交通行业群体信息服务效率。具体研究内容如下:1)绪论主要介绍课题的研究背景,综述国内外智能交通系统研究和智能交通行业网站的发展概况,分析存在的问题,并简要的概括课题的主要研究内容和研究意义。2)智能交通门户网站系统分析通过分析门户网站的基本理论,给出了智能交通门户网站的定义;分别对各类用户主体的用户活动进行分析,深化研究智能交通群体信息资源需求,对用户活动中体现出来的主要信息需求进行归类,进而比较分析信息需求的特征。根据用户信息需求分类和特征提出智能交通门户网站功能性需求,并结合系统管理需要提出非功能性需求。3)智能交通门户网站总体设计在用户信息需求分析的基础上,给出智能交通门户网站定位和网站目标,决定网站应该扮演的角色、要向目标群(浏览者)传达的核心概念和透过网站发挥的功能与作用;在用户需求分析的基础上将门户网站划分为资讯子系统、商务子系统、招聘子系统和社区子系统,进一步分析得出网站系统的层次结构和各要素的关联关系,以及子系统间及系统内各要素之间的信息传递和实现的相互依赖关系;分析确定各个子系统的功能组成以确保支持用户信息服务需求的实现。4)网站结构设计及栏目分类研究对网站结构中的物理结构和逻辑结构进行分析,提出适用于智能交通门户网站的物理结构和逻辑结构;根据用户功能需求,在子系统功能模块的支持下,规划网站频道、一级栏目和二级栏目,提高信息服务的针对性;对智能交通体系物理框架进行分析,并在物理框架的基础上提出基于核心功能逻辑的产品栏目分类。5)智能交通门户网站的实现在网站总体框架的指导下,选择Apache+MySQL+PHP技术平台,以Apache为Web服务器,以MySQL为后台数据库,使用PHP语言进行程序开发;集成相关开源内容管理系统,二次开发完成智能交通门户网站系统;采用以用户为中心的前台界面设计,探讨信息服务实现方式,对信息服务资源建设、个性化信息服务和基于RSS的信息推送技术进行研究;最后给出门户首页、频道首页、频道列表页和频道内容页的系统演示。

【Abstract】 Based on the current development of the intelligent transportation system, our research try to analyse the further customer demands and explore higher ITS web portal system so that the information service of the ITS will be improved. The details are as follow:1. introductionThe main idea is on the research background, domestic and oversea ITS research and industrial web development, problem analysis and brief introduction on the research content and importance.2. ITS web portal analysisDefinating the ITS web portal after analysising the basic theory of the web portal. The property of the information demand will be analysised after the study on all kinds of users’ activities and demands and the classfication of the user’s informaiton demand. We will submit functional demand of the ITS web portal according to users’ information demand classfication, and non-functional demand based on the system management.3. the general design of the ITS web portalWe fix the orientation and destination of the ITS web portal up to users’ demand analysis, and convey the core idea and function to our target customers(browsers). Through the users’ demand analysis, the web portals will be devided into information subsystem, commercial subsystem, employment subsystem and community subsystem. As a result, the hierarchy and relation of the subsystem, information transfer of the subsystem and system will be realized. We will check each subsystem, ensuring all information service will be guaranteed.4. structure design and column clssficationwe will submit proper physical and logic structure of the ITS web portal after studying the web structure. we can program the channels, first class column and second class column under the supporting of each subsystem modules up to the users’ demand, so that our information service will be enhanced largely. We will propose the ITS classfication methords on core logic function after researching the physical frame.5. realization of the ITS web portalunder the principal of the general frame, we will choose Apache+MySQL+PHP as technological platform, select Apache as web server, take MySQL as background database and use PHP language as program development. We will finish the secondary development of the ITS web portal by integrating all relative management systems. We will explore the information service and study the informaiton resource construction, individual information service and RSS information propelling movement up to the foreground interface design in order to generate the portal home page, channel homepage, channel listing page and channel content page.
