

The Study on Logic of the Establishment of Statutory Regulatory Planning

【作者】 岳超

【导师】 周剑云;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随着改革开放的步伐,我国的控制性详细规划(以下简称控规)也从上世纪八十年代发展至今。回顾控规的发展历程,在中国由计划经济向市场经济转型的过程中,控规由最初的一种便于城市建设管理的方式,逐渐成为了政府管理控制城市开发建设不可或缺的工具和管理手段之一。同时,随着近几年新版的《城市规划编制办法》、《中华人民共和国城乡规划法》等国家级法律法规的出台,使控规的法律地位有了更加显著的提高。我们可以看到,在城市开发建设的管理和控制等方面,控规、尤其是控规的法定化起到不可估量的重要作用。然而,在充分肯定法定控制详细规划对我国城市发展所起到的重要历史作用的同时,我们也要清醒地认识到当前控规,尤其是控规的法定内容在编制过程中,对面临的各种复杂问题所表现出的不适应性。作者认为,控规在编制过程中之所以出现各种问题,是由于在制定控规内容尤其是法定内容过程中,编制人员更多的是凭借经验感受或是主观判断来进行确定的,带有较大的主观性,而未能认识控规立法及其编制的根本依据,使控规无法完全适应城市发展过程中的实际要求。因此,本文从城市发展特性和城市开发投资建设特点出发,认为城市的开发建设具有外部性、持续性、不可逆性等特点,目标一旦确定,开发活动就要持续进行,密切相关的各项内容就要随之落实,这是需要“法定规划”的形式来保证的,而相关的内容也就成为法定规划的内容。这是二者之间内在相关的必然联系,即控规法定与编制的内在逻辑性。控规之所以立法成为法定规划及其法定内容的编制是由城市开发特点和要求所决定的。文章通过法定控规编制内在逻辑性的研究论述,阐述我国在城市发展过程中为何将控规法定,以及法定控规编制的内在根据等问题;并以此作为编制法定控制性详细规划的根本依据,对控规的法制化及其编制提出建议,从而最大程度的克服控规编制过程中编制人员的主观性,以指导更加合理地编制及使用控制性详细规划,满足城市开发建设的要求。论文研究主要由四部分组成。第一部分为基础分析研究部分,分为两个层次。首先是基础背景研究部分,对我国控规在当今城市快速发展的背景下的现状研究进行综述,并确定控规法定与编制逻辑性研究的目标、意义与具体内容;第二层次是发展历程研究部分,通过对我国控规产生发展的历史回顾,从规划编制与法定角度,指出我国控规与城市开发建设不相适应的根本原因,在于并未认清法定控规的编制与城市发展间的必然联系,缺乏对其法定与编制的内在逻辑性的认识。第二部分为问题分析研究部分,对本文所面临的问题作出分析论述。文章通过对城市发展特性与城市开发投资活动特征的论述,说明城市发展的不确定性与城市开发投资所需要的确定性之间的矛盾,决定了控规要通过法定手段加以解决,揭示了控规能够成为“法”的内在要求,并阐述霍普金斯教授关于美国区划制定的逻辑性研究。第三部分是核心结论研究部分,提出核心结论。通过区划法的制定逻辑的借鉴,阐述了我国控规作为法定规划的编制逻辑、其与上层次法定规划的关系以及适宜的法定形式,提出法定控规的编制是基于城市开发的特点和要求进行的,这是两者的内在联系,决定了法定控规编制的内在逻辑性。这种逻辑性反映为法定控规作为“法”的逻辑以及其与城市发展之间的必然联系。第四部分为建议研究部分,以内在逻辑性作为控规编制的依据和出发点,并结合先进实践经验的分析与具体案例的描述,对法定控规的法制化、编制内容和过程等方面提出建议。

【Abstract】 With the pace of reform and opening-up, the regulatory planning in China has developed since 80s 20th century until nowadays. Recalling the development course of regulatory planning, in the process which is from a planned economy to a market economy in China, the regulatory planning has become one of the indispensable management tools to manage and control the urban development for the government from an initial convenient way of urban construction management. Meanwhile, in the last few years, with the introduction of a new version of "Urban Planning Approach", "The People’s Republic of China Town and Country Planning Act" and other national laws, the legal status of the regulatory planning has a more significant increase. We can see that in the management and control of urban development, the regulatory planning, especially the legislation of regulatory planning plays an invaluable important role.However, with the full recognition of the important historical role for the urban development in China that the statutory regulatory planning plays,we should also clearly understand that the current regulatory planning, particularly the statutory contents of regulatory planning have not shown the adaptability in the process of its establishment, when it is on the face of the kinds of complex problems. The author believes that the problems which appeared in the process of regulatory planning’s establishment were due to the compilers’more experience or subjective judgments to be determined in the process of its establishment, particularly in the process of statutory contents’establishment, but they failed to recognize the fundamental basis for the legislation and establishment of regulatory planning, not to fully meet the actual requirements in the urban development. Therefore, in this paper, from view of the characteristics of urban development and the characteristics of investment in the urban construction, the author believes that the urban development has many characteristics such as externalities, Continuity and irreversibility. Once the target has been established, the development would continue to carry out, and the contents which are closely related to the development should implement. That is necessary to use the form " statutory planning " to guarantee the action. and the contents should be the statutory contents. This is the inherent correlation between the establishment of regulatory planning and the characteristics and requirements of urban development and that is the logic of the legislation and establishment of regulatory planning. The reason for the legislation and establishment of regulatory planning is the characteristics and requirements of urban development. By studying on logic of the establishment of statutory regulatory planning, the paper will elaborate that why legislate the regulatory planning and what is the fundamental basis for the establishment of statutory regulatory planning in the urban development; and it will make recommendations for the legislation and establishment of regulatory planning based as the logic of the establishment of statutory regulatory planning to overcome the compilers’subjectivity at the maximumto guide a more rational establishment and use of regulatory planning, to meet the requirements of urban development.The paper mainly consists of four parts. The first part is the basic analysis section divided into two levels. First, the basic background research section discusses current research of regulatory planning in today’s context of rapid urban development, and identifies the objectives, significance and specific content of logic of the legislation and establishment of regulatory planning; the second level is the study on the course of development. By the recalling of historical and development of regulatory planning, from the view of planning legislation and establishment, the paper pointed that the root cause of the incompatibility between statutory regulatory planning and urban development is that the compilers do not clearly regulate the necessary connection between planning legislation and urban development,and they are lack of awareness of logic of the legislation and establishment of regulatory planning. The second part is the issue analysis section which analyze the problems faced by this article. By discussing the characteristics of urban development and the characteristics of investment in the urban construction,the article points that the contradiction between the uncertainty of urban development and the certainty of unban development investment determines the planning legislation to resolve this problem, and reveals the inherent requirements that make regulatory planning become a "law". At the same time, it explains the logic of establishment of zoning written by Professor Hopkins. The third part is the core conclusion part which presentes the core conclusions. By refering logic of establishment of zoning, the paper describs the logic of establishment of the regulatory planning as a statutory planning, the relationship between upper planning and it and the appropriate legal form, and proposes the establishment of statutory regulatory planning is based on the characteristics and requirements of urban development, which is the intrinsic link between the two aspects, to determine the logic of establishment of statutory regulatory planning. This logic reflects the the logic of statutory regulatory planning as a "law" and the evitable link between urban development and it. The fourth part is the proposal component. Based on the logic of statutory regulatory planning and combined with the advanced experience and the practical program, the article will make recommendations in the aspects of legislation, contents and process of statutory regulatory planning.
