

Public Geographic Information Sharing Platform of Guangzhou

【作者】 杜剑光

【导师】 奚建清; 张鹏程;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 计算机技术, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 建立基于城市基础地理空间数据的网络共享服务平台,实现各领域空间信息分布式跨平台的共享和互操作,提高空间信息的利用率,是城市提高管理科学决策水平,信息化产业道路实现跨越发展的重要途径之一。作为《地理空间框架基本规定》中的“三大平台”之一,公众地理信息平台研究的内容以公众服务网站为依托,采用全新的技术方法和现代的网站服务理念,以地图为载体,集地图服务、位置服务等内容于一体,为社会大众提供实时地理信息服务。依据地理空间框架基本规定,结合公众地理信息平台对空间地理数据的使用,以及平台的应用范围和模式等特点,本文主要开展了如下几个方面的研究:(1)建立广州市公众地理信息共享平台数据标准包括建立基础地图底图(二维图、影像图)制作标准、公众地理信息数据采集标准、公众地理信息专题地图制作标准等。(2)制作系列用于公众网络发布的电子地图在数据标准的指导下,制作若干系列比例尺的二维电子地图、一套影像电子地图、若干套专题图(如美食分布图、酒店餐饮分布图、旅游景点分布图等)。(3)建立公众地理信息平台数据库包括建立基础地图底图数据库、公众地理信息数据库以及公交站点、线路数据库等。(4)开发公众地理信息共享平台门户网站。本平台系统利用广州市具有权威性、合法性和规范性,具有统一的数据标准、高精度、全要素、动态更新的城市空间数据,采用目前先进成熟的技术路线和关键技术,通过合理的数据组织、成熟的系统框架设计和系统功能设计,使本平台系统具有很强的实用性和使用价值,获得了行业效应和社会价值。

【Abstract】 On the basis of the establishment of the city’s network of geospatial data sharing service platform, to achieve in all areas of spatial information sharing and distributed cross-platform interoperability, improve the utilization of spatial information, the city and improve the management science and decision-making,information industry across the road to achieve development one important way.As "Basic specifications for geo-spatial framework " of the "three platforms," one of the public Geographic Information Platform web site content with relying on public services, using new technology and modern methods of web service idea to the map as the carrier set map services, location services, etc in one, for the public to provide real-time geographic information services.Based on the basic requirements of geo-spatial framework, combined with geographical information platform of public geographic data on the use of space, and the scope and modalities of application of the platform characteristics, the paper is organized into the following areas of study:(1) The establishment of the Guangzhou City public geographic data standards information sharing platformIncluding the establishment of base map base map (two-dimensional map, image map) production standards, public GIS data collection standards, the public production of thematic maps of geographic information standards.(2) Production line for the public release of the electronic map networkUnder the guidance of the data standards, a number of family-scale production of two-dimensional electronic map, a visual map, a number of sets of thematic maps (such as food distribution, hotel and catering distribution maps, tourist attraction map, etc.).(3) The establishment of public databases of geographical information platformIncluding the establishment of base map base map database, public database of geographic information and bus stops, in line database.(4) Development of public geographic information sharing platform portal.The platform of Guangzhou city, has the authority, legitimacy and normative, with a unified data standard, high-precision, all elements, dynamic update of the urban spatial data, using the current line of advanced mature technology and key technology, through the rational data organizations, mature system architecture design and system functional design, so that the platform has a strong practicality and value, get the industry effect and social value.

  • 【分类号】P208
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】308