

Study on Leaving Unused Agricultural Land and Their Utilization

【作者】 马敏敏

【导师】 段建南;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 土地是人类生存和发展的重要场所和自然资源。我国正处于经济高速发展、人均资源匮乏的历史阶段,资源、生态环境与经济社会可持续发展之间的矛盾日益突出。然而我国广大农村地区出现了大面积的土地闲置,不仅浪费宝贵的土地资源,还加剧了人地矛盾,使得农业投入呈现出浪费的现象,耕地质量和生态经济功能衰退,给建设社会主义新农村带来严峻的挑战。本文正是在此背景下,结合应用已有的研究成果和工作经验,对闲置农用地进行系统研究。论文在通过科学界定闲置农用地的概念、内涵和分类体系,提出闲置农用地认定方法,构建闲置农用地利用潜力评价体系,为我国人地平衡、粮食安全、农民增收、农用地开发利用等工作提供科学依据。本文研究结果包括:闲置农用地的概念为经济效益、社会效益和生态效益未充分体现的农用地;将闲置农用地分为三个等别,其中一级分类按状况划分,分为显性和隐性两大类;二级分类按土地类型划分,分为闲置耕地、闲置园地、闲置农村建设用地等;三级分类按成因划分,包括主动抛荒型、灾害型、污染型等;提出闲置农用地认定方法,其中显性闲置农用地认定可以通过实地调查的方法直接得出,隐性闲置农用地认定运用数据包络分析方法得出;构建闲置农用地利用潜力评价指标体系,其中目标层为农用地投入强度、农用地利用程度、农用地利用效率和农用地生态环境质量;权重采用客观附权法——改进的熵值法求得,这避免了计算过程中人为因素的干扰。为了验证论文提出的研究成果,论文选择了湖南省冷水滩区进行了案例分析,得出:冷水滩区显性闲置农用地为2138.71hm2;农业收入、农业劳动力、农用地基础设施、农产品价格等因素是导致农用地闲置的主要原因;冷水滩区的闲置农用地利用潜力逐步增加。

【Abstract】 Land is an important kind of place and natural resource for human existing and development. With the high speed development of economy, the contradiction between the ecological environment and natural resources on the one hand and economic and social sustainable development on the other is becoming increasingly conspicuous in China. However, there is a great quantity of idle land in rural areas. It leads to the waste of land resource and agricultural input, the intensity of the conflict between human and land, the recession of ecological economy and farmland quality. These results are tough challenges for new socialist countryside construction.Under this background, the paper systematic research the idle farmland based on the existing research results and experience. The classification principle and identification of idle farmland are analyzed in this paper. Evaluation system of utilization potential is constructed at the same time. The results provide scientific basis for balance between human and land, food security, income growth of peasants, farmland development and utilization.The main conclusions are:idle farmland is farmland that economic benefits, social benefits and ecological benefits are not full expressed. We classified idle farmland into 3 categories. DivisionⅠ, subdivision into dominant idle farmland and recessive idle farmland; divisionⅡ, subdivision into idle cultivated land, idle gardens, idle urban construction; divisionⅢ, subdivision into restoration, calamity, pollution. The way of idle farmland identification is forward. Evaluation system of utilization potential index is constructed.We choose lengshuitan as an example:in lengshuitan, the area of dominant idle farmland are 2138.71 hectares; the main reasons leading to the farmland left unused including agricultural income, agricultural labour, agriculture infrastructure, price of farm products, etc.; the potential of idle farmland in lengshuitan is expanding.
