

Study of the Anti-Diarrhea Effect of Fuzhuan Tea

【作者】 余智勇

【导师】 傅冬和;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 茶学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 腹泻是一组多病原多因素引起的胃肠道疾病,发病率高,对儿童健康危害极大,是世界性公共卫生问题,我国卫生部也把腹泻列为重点防治的疾病之一。腹泻的发病机制有以下几方面:①肠腔内存在大量不能吸收、有渗透性的溶质;②肠腔内水与电解质的过度分泌;③肠道炎症所致的液体大量渗出;④肠道动力过速等。临床上许多腹泻往往是在多种机制共同作用下发生的。茯砖茶是我国牧民日不可缺的饮料,民间早有用茯砖茶治腹泻的做法,并认为存放时间越长,效果越好,但对其抗腹泻效果及机理还缺乏科学数据支撑。本研究通过建立动物模型,开展茯砖茶对药物所致小鼠腹泻和对小鼠小肠推进运动的影响试验,并选用六种常见的致腹泻细菌进行茯砖茶水提取物抑菌效果研究,系统地探讨不同年份茯砖茶的抗腹泻功效及其差异性,获得了如下研究结果:1茯砖茶对药物所致小鼠腹泻的抑制作用.以盐酸小檗碱作为阳性对照,生理盐水作阴性对照,选用1996年、2002年及2009年生产的的茯砖茶,分别采用高剂量[5 g/(kg·bw)]、中剂量[1 g/(kg·bw)]和低剂量[0.2g/(kg·bw)]组探讨茯砖茶分别对番泻叶、蓖麻油及硫酸镁所致小鼠腹泻的影响及不同存放时间茯砖茶间的差异性。在番泻叶腹泻模型中,除2002年生产的茯砖茶低剂量组、2009年生产的低、中剂量组外,其余各组小鼠腹泻累积次数较生理盐水对照组的差异显著(P<0.05)或非常显著(P<0.01),说明这些茯砖茶组均有较好的抗番泻叶致小鼠腹泻的作用。1996年生产的茯砖茶高剂量抗番泻叶致小鼠腹泻的效果与小檗碱的效果相当。茯砖茶各年份、各剂量组均有很好的抗蓖麻油致小鼠腹泻作用。在硫酸镁腹泻模型中,1996年生产的茯砖茶不同剂量组均有较好的抗硫酸镁致小鼠腹泻作用,但2002年和2009年生产的茯砖茶各剂量组抗硫酸镁致小鼠腹泻的作用不明显。1996年、2002年生产的茯砖茶各剂量组及2009生产的茯砖茶的高剂量组的腹泻累积次数与小檗碱的腹泻累积次数间没有差异性,其作用与小檗碱差异不显著。在研究的范围内,存放时间越长,其抗腹泻效果越好,且均有剂量效应。2茯砖茶对小鼠小肠推进运动的拮抗作用2.1对正常小鼠小肠推进功能的影响1996年生产的茯砖茶三种剂量组、2002年生产的茯砖茶高剂量组、2009年生产的茯砖茶中、高剂量组均对正常小鼠小肠的推进运动有显著(P<0.05)的促进作用,并有一定的量效关系;1996年生产的茯砖茶的效果最明显。2.2对硫酸阿托品引起的小肠推进抑制的影响所选的三个年份生产的茯砖茶不同剂量组均能拮抗硫酸阿托品抑制正常小鼠小肠运动(P<0.05或P<0.01),且有量效关系,三个年份的高剂量组与正常组间没有统计学意义,不同年份生产的茯砖茶中1996年的效果要更好。2.3对甲硫酸新斯的明所致小鼠小肠推进亢进的影响所选的各年份生产的茯砖茶高剂量组对新斯的明所致小肠推进亢进有明显的抑制作用(P<0.05),中、低剂量组无明显的抑制作用,但呈现出一定正相关的量效关系。三个不同年份的茯砖茶中1996年生产的茯砖茶其抑制甲硫酸新斯的明所致小肠推进亢进的效果最好。3茯砖茶水提取物的抑菌效果选用1996年、2002年及2009年生产的茯砖茶水提取物分别测定其对大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)、沙门氏杆菌(Salmonella)、溶血性链球菌(Streptococcus hemolyticus)、金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus aureus)、枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)、志贺氏菌(Shigella)不同供试细菌的抑制效果,结果显示均有一定的抑制作用。2009年及2002年生产的茯砖茶水提取物均对志贺氏菌的抑菌效果最好,抑菌圈直径分别达到20.40 mm±0.87 mm及18.10 mm±0.91 mm; 1996年生产的茯砖茶水提取物仅对沙门氏菌和大肠杆菌有抑制作用,且效果不太明显。从最低抑菌浓度的测定结果显示,2009年生产的茯砖茶的抑菌效果最好,1996年生产的茯砖茶的抑菌效果最差。茯砖茶的保存时间越长,其抑菌效果越差。

【Abstract】 Diarrhea is a kind of stomach and intestines disease caused by many kinds of pathogenic factors with high incidence of a disease, which does a great harm to children’s health. It is a worldwide public health problem. It is one kind of key prevented diarrhea disease in our country. According to the different pathophysiologi-cal mechanisms, diarrhea can be divided ihto the following several kinds:(1) There are many infiltrative solutes that can’t be absorbed by intestines. (2) The water and electrolyte secrete excessively in intestines. (3) Inflammatory causes a great deal of liquide. (4) Intestines wriggles too fast. Diarrhea is usually caused by many kinds factors together.In China, Fuzhuan Tea is a kind of indispensable beverage for herd. Folk usually use Fuzhuan Tea to treat diarrhea. It is considered that the longer Fuzhuan Tea is stored, the more effective Fuzhuan Tea is. But the mechanism and anti-diarrhea function have not been reported before. The affection of Fuzhuan Tea on diarrhea animal models and mice intestine propulsion motility were researched in this paper. The restraining bacterium activity of Fuzhuan Tea on 6 kinds of bacterium was tested. That the function of anti-diarrhea and the difference between 3 kinds of Fuzhuan Tea produced in 1996,2002 and 2009 respectively was systemic researched. The results are as following.1 The function of restraining mice diarrhea induced by medicines of Fuzhuan Tea produced in different yearsWith berberine hydrochloride being a positive control and physiological brine being negative control, the function of anti mice diarrhea that caused by senna, castor oil and magnesium sulfate respectively of Fuzhuan Tea produced in 1996,2002 and 2009 by high dose group [5 g/(kg-bw)], middle dose group [1 g/(kg-bw)] and low dose group[0.2 g/(kg-bw)] was research. The different activities were tested between the three tea samples. In the model of senna diarrhea, the difference between the accumulated diarrhea times of the other groups apart from low dose group of Fuzhuan Tea produced in 2002, low and middle dose groups of Fuzhuan Tea produced in 2009 and that of physiological brine was significant (P<0.05) or very significant (P<0.01). It showed that Fuzhuan Tea was effective to anti-diarrhea caused by senna. The affection of high-dose of Fuzhuan Tea produced in 1996 was the same as that of berberine hydrochloride. In the model of magnesium sulfate diarrhea, it was active of Fuzhuan Tea produced in 1996, but that of Fuzhuan Tea produce in 2002 and 2009 was not obvious. The difference between the accumulated diarrhea times of high dose group of Fuzhuan Tea produced in 2009, all dose group of Fuzhuan Tea produced in 2002 and 1996 and that of berberine hydrochloride group was not significant. The longer the Fuzhuan Tea was store, the stronger function of anti-diarrhea it had. The activity of Fuzhuan Tea had positive correlations with the dose.2 The restraining of Fuzhuan Tea produced in different years on mice small intestine propulsion motility2.1 The effect of Fuzhuan Tea on normal mice alvine motilityThe function of advancing the motility of small intestine was significantly (P<0.05) of Fuzhuan Tea produced in 1996, Fuzhuan Tea high-dose group produced in 2002, middle dose group and high-dose group of Fuzhuan Tea produced in 2009. It was the activest of Fuzhuan Tea produced in 1996.2.2 The effect of Fuzhuan Tea on mice alvine propulsion motility caused by atropine sulfateAll the dose group of the three tea sample could inhibit normal mice alvine propulsion motility caused by atropine sulfatet movement (P<0.05 or P<0.01). The activity of Fuzhuan Tea had positive correlations with the dose. The activities of the high dose groups of the three tea samples were not statistically significant. Fuzhuan Tea produced in 1996 had the highest activity.2.3 The effect of Fuzhuan Tea on mice small intestine propulsion movement caused by neostigmine methylsulfateThe restraining function of all high-dosage groups of’Fuzhuan Tea were significantly (P<0.05). But that of low and middle dose groups was not significantly. The higher dose was, the better the function of Fuzhuan Tea. The function of Fuzhuan Tea produced in 1996 was the best. 3 The effect of Fuzhuan Tea produced in different years water extracts on bacteriumThe bacterium of Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Streptococcus hemolyticus, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis and Shigella were selected to test the anti-bacterium function of Fuzhuan Tea produced in 1996,2002 and 2009 respectively. The results showed that both of Fuzhuan Tea produced in 2009 and 2002 on Shigella respectively were the best. The diameter of anti-bacterium loop was 20.40 mm±0.87 mm and 18.10 mm±0.91 mm respectively. It was active of Fuzhuan Tea produced in 1996 only on Salmonella and Escherichia coli. But the activity was not obvious. According to the minimum restraining concentration, it was the most effective of Fuzhuan Tea produced in 2009, while it was the little effective of Fuzhuan Tea produced in 1996. The longer the Fuzhuan Tea was stored, the lower restraining activity the Fuzhuan Tea had.
