

Anti-pseudorabies Virus Screening of Chinese Herbal Medicine Preparation

【作者】 杨天宁

【导师】 何月英;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 预防兽医学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文收集了大量的资料和文献,对猪伪狂犬病病毒分子生物学特性,以及猪伪狂犬病流行病学、临床症状、病理变化等方面进行了系统的综述。并用多种试验对抗猪伪狂犬病病毒的中草药的进行筛选。试验前期采用了包括PK-15细胞株的培养,PRV的TCID50进行测定,小鼠血清对PK-15细胞的安全浓度测定的方法。试验用三种用药的方法,对抗猪伪狂犬病病毒的中草药的进行筛选,第一种为先加药再加病毒,第二种为先加病毒后加药物,第三种是将病毒和药物作用一段时间后同时加入。通过观察细胞病变(CPE)和MTT法测算细胞保护率获得以下结果。试验结果得知猪伪狂犬病病毒在PK-15细胞上TCID50为10-3.50.1ml,即该病毒3162倍稀释液0.1ml等于一个TCID50;含药小鼠血清在PK-15细胞上的安全浓度为1.25%;三种用药的方式的结果存在差异,第一种为先加药再加病毒,以黄芪、贯众、射干、蟾酥抗猪伪狂犬病病毒效果最佳,其保护率分别为94.08%、93.89%、97.33%、95.12;金银花、灰树花次之,其保护率分别为65.51%、35.50%;野菊花、昆布、金丝桃等效果最差,其保护率分别为6.70%、17.46%、12.31%。第二种为先加病毒后加药物,野菊花、射干抗猪伪狂犬病病毒效果最佳,其保护率分别为94.18%、98.35%;板蓝根、贯众、莪术次之,其保护率分别为49.49%。50.82%、52.78%。;灰树花、昆布、金丝桃等效果最差,其保护率分别为5.75% 10.49% 6.57%。第三种是将病毒和药物作用一段时间后同时加入。野菊花、射干、金银花抗猪伪狂犬病病毒效果最佳,其保护率分别为97.46%97.59%、80.51%;板蓝根、夏枯草次之,其保护率分别为47.66%。、49.60%;黄芪、贯众、金丝桃等效果最差,其保护率分别为10.77%、5.27%、4.17%。三种作用方式得出结果,野菊花和射干药物能够抑制病毒,对细胞的保护率较高。本试验通过三种不同的用药方法,筛选抗猪伪狂犬病的中草药。为生产实践提供参考依据。

【Abstract】 We collected a lot of information and literature, against the pseudorabies virus molecular biology, epidemiology, clinical symptoms, pathological changes in other aspects of the system are reviewed. With a variety of tests against pseudorabies virus screening of Chinese herbs. PK-15 cell lines, including training; PRV’s TCID50 were determined; use three methods of medication against the pseudorabies virus screening of Chinese herbal medicine, the first for the first dosing plus virus, the second after the first drug is added to increase the virus, the third is the role of the virus and drugs after a period of time is also added. By observing cytopathic (CPE) and the measured OD value of MTT method, with the formula, according to the degree of CPE and MTT OD values measured to judge the results. Results revealed that the pseudorabies virus in PK-15 cells TCID50 for the 10-3.50.1ml, that is 3162-fold dilution of the virus,0.1ml is equal to 1 TCID50; with drug serum PK-15 cells in the safety of the concentration 1.25%; three kinds of drugs the way the results were different, the first virus for the first dosing coupled to Astragalus, Guanzhong, Shegan, toad venom anti-pseudorabies virus best. The protection rate was 94.08%,93.89%,97.33%,95.12%. Honeysuckle, Grifola second, the protection rate was 65.51%,35.50%. Chrysanthemum, kelp, hypericin and so the worst, the protection rate was 6.70%,17.46%,12.31%. After the first plus the second drug is added to the virus, wild chrysanthemum, Shegan anti-pseudorabies virus and is the best protection rate was 94.18%,94.18%. Banlangen, Guanzhong, Curcuma second, the protection rate was 49.49 percent.50.82%,50.78%. Frondosa, kelp, hypericin and so the worst, the protection rate was 10.49% 5.75% 6.57%. The third is the role of the virus and drugs after a period of time is also added. Chrysanthemum, Shegan, honeysuckle against pseudorabies virus and is the best protection rate was 97.46%,97.57%,80.51%. Banlangen, Prunella second, the protection rate was 47.66%.,49.60%. Astragalus, Guanzhong, hypericin and so the worst, the protection rate was 10.77%,5.27%,4.17%. The outcome of three modes of action, wild chrysanthemum and Shegan drugs to inhibit virus protection on the cells is higher. In this experiment, three different application methods, selection of herbal anti-pseudorabies. Provide a reference for the production practice.

  • 【分类号】S853.7
  • 【下载频次】161