

Studies on the Species Diversity of Community among Various Vegetation Restoration for Purple Soil Hilly Area in Heng-yang

【作者】 胡可

【导师】 邹冬生;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 生态学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 针对紫色土地区水土流失严重,植被恢复困难等问题,本研究以生态恢复为目的,从生物多样性的角度,探讨各种植被恢复模式对生物多样性的影响,寻找生态恢复效果最好的植被恢复模式类型,为紫色土荒山坡地区的植被恢复提供理论和技术参考。主要研究结论如下:1.以龙须草为先锋物种,结合多种乔灌木混合种植的复合型植被的恢复模式,经过多年实践,乔木层多样性指数提高15%以上,物种数增加13%左右,植株个体数增加近12%,由此可见此种恢复模式对提高生物多样性效果突出。2.植被恢复显著提高土壤微生物多样性。五种供试植被恢复模式不同程度地提高了土壤中微生物的数量、生物量以及酶的活性。土壤中微生物的数量和生物量最高分别可提高51.9倍和6倍,最低也可达1.9倍和1倍,酶的活性最高可提高64.1倍,最低2.3倍,改土效果明显。3.植物群落多样性、土壤微生物多样性以及土壤酶之间相关性显著。三者之间正相关性系数均达到0.9以上,属于极显著的范畴。表明植物群落多样性的提高可以带动土壤微生物多样性和酶活性的提高,土壤微生物多样性与酶活性的提高反过来又可以促进植物群落多样性的提高,由此形成良性循环,对恢复紫色土地区的植被有重要的参考意义。4.龙须草与乔灌木组成的植被恢复模式,比纯草甸型植被恢复模式以及以白茅为先锋草种的林草复合植被恢复模式在提高植物群落多样性以及土壤微生物多样性方面效果更好。

【Abstract】 The problem of soil erosion and difficulty of plant recovery was more and more serious in purple soil area.For the purpose of ecological restoration and from the standpoint of biological diversity,in this study, effect on biological diversity of different vegetation has been discussed, then find the best restoration of vegetation types.It was valuable to provide advisory for plant recovery in the hilly areas in hunan province.The results of this study as follows:1. As the pioneer species to binata, combined with a variety of mixed planting of trees and shrubs of vegetation, the tree layer diversity index increased to more than 15%, the number of species increased13%, the number of individual plants increased to nearly 12%, after years practice.We can see that such a recovery mode has a good effect to improving biological diversity.2. Vegetation increased soil microbial diversity significantly. Five vegetation recovery patterns increase the number of microbes in soil, biomass and enzyme activity in different levels. The number of microbes were hoisted by 51.9 times at the highst level and 1.9 times at the lowest level, Soil microbial biomass were enhanced by 6 times at the highst level and 1 time at the lowest level, activites of enzyme were enhanced by 64.1 times at the highst level and 2.3 time at the lowest level, land reform effect is obvious.3. Correlation between Plant diversity, soil microbial diversity and enzyme is obvious. Positive correlation index between the three are up to 0.9, is very obvious. It is easy to see that plant diversity can hoist the level of microbial diversity and enzyme activity, microbial diversity and activity increasing, can promote the improvement of plant species diversity in turn, thus forming a virtuous circle of land,it has a deeply inflence in plant recovery in purple soil area.4.The vegetation of binata and shrubs has a better effect in enhancing diversity and microbial diversity than pure meadow vegetation recovery pattern and compound shrubs and herb vegetation.
