

Study of the Marxist Concept of Food

【作者】 程小平

【导师】 李燕凌;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 马克思主义粮食观是科学的世界观和方法论,就目前国内有关粮食问题的文章来看,从马克思主义粮食观的角度去进行相关的研究,实属不多。研究马克思主义粮食观,不仅能够为粮食生产指明正确的途径与方向,而且能为中国粮食安全长效机制的构建提供有价值的观点和对策建议。因此,从马克思主义粮食观入手去研究中国粮食问题具有十分重要的意义。论文首先论述了马克思主义粮食观的主要内容:粮食合作社的形成与发展;粮食基础论;国家安危论;粮农利益论;粮食发展论。在此基础上分析了马克思主义粮食观的内在价值,指出马克思主义粮食观是科学的世界观方法论;马克思主义粮食观体现了社会主义的本质;马克思主义粮食观强调粮食是基础的基础;马克思主义粮食观是建立在国情上的继承和发展。论文随后分析了马克思主义粮食观的现实启示。从中国粮食生产的历史经验与发展现状,中国粮食问题的成因分析与前景判断出发,提出确保耕地面积加大农业投入;鼓励科技创新维护粮食安全;建立调控机制保持粮价平稳;采用多种措施提高粮食产量的马克思主义粮食安全思想的重大启示。最后,以马克思主义粮食观为指导,深刻分析马克思主义粮食观的时代发展,构建中国粮食安全长效机制:协调粮食生产以提高粮食供求宏观调控能力;提高生产力各要素以提升粮食综合生产能力;协调区域发展以提高主产粮区粮食供应能力;进一步加大粮食进出口以提高对外开放能力;统筹经济效益与社会效益提高粮农获利能力;进一步协调好发展与改革提高体制保障能力。

【Abstract】 Marxist food concept is scientific world view and methodology, on domestic issues related to the article of food terms, it is not much that carrying out food-related research from the Marxist point of view. Studying the food concept of Marxism, not only putting food production in right way and direction, but also providing valuable ideas and countermeasures to long-term mechanism for the China’s construction of food security. Therefore, starting from the Marxist concept of food to study the problem in China has great significance.Thesis first discusses the main elements of Marxist food concept:Formation and development of food co-operatives;Foundations of the food; National security; The interests of farmer; The development of the food. On the basis thesis analyzes the intrinsic value of Marxist food concept, points out that the food view of Marxism is a scientific world outlook and methodology; The Marxist concept of food reflects the essence of socialism; Marxist concept emphasizes that the food is a food-based foundation; Marxist food concept is a kind of inheritance and development on situation of our country.Thesis then analyzes the enlightenment of Marxist concept of food. From development and historical experience of china’s grain production; From determining of prospects and causeing analysis of China’s grain problem, we propose to ensure the cultivated area to increase agricultural input; Encourage technological innovation to maintain food security; Establish regulatory mechanism to keep food price stable; Using a variety of measures to increase food production.Finally, with the guidance of the Marxist concept of food, thesis profoundly analyzes development of the times of the Marxist concept, building long-term mechanism for food security in China:The coordination of food production to improve the ability of macroeconomic regulation and control of food supply and demand; Increase productivity in order to enhance the elements of food production capacity; Coordination of regional development to enhance the capacity of the main grain-producing area of food supply; Further increase grain imports and exports to improve the ability of opening up; Co-ordinate economic and social benefits to improve the profitability of Food and Agriculture; To further coordinating the institutional development and reform to improve protection capabilities.

【关键词】 马克思主义粮食观粮食安全
【Key words】 MarxismFood conceptFood security