

Investigation of Pig-breeding Industry Pollution in Xiangtan County

【作者】 刘珊

【导师】 颜智勇;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 环境工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 生猪养殖是某县畜牧水产行业中的主导产业,同时也是其农业的重要组成部分。而随着某县生猪养殖特别是规模化养猪业的迅猛发展,其排放的大量粪便污水对环境的污染也越来越严重,并随人们环保意识的提高而越显突出。本文针对某县猪粪尿年排放量、有效耕地负荷当量、某县生猪规模化养殖及污染现状、规模化猪场粪便污水处理的工程实例开展了调查。调查结果如下:1、某县近年的生猪养殖密度已达到一个非常高的水平。2004至2006年其猪粪、尿的平均年排放量分别达到了186.40、307.56万吨,而CODCr、BOD5、NH3-N、TP、TN、TK的平均年排放量分别达到了12.46、12.17、10.14、7.95、21.11、38.21万吨。而2004年至2006年某县猪粪当量平均年负荷量为65.82万吨,CODcr、BOD5、NH3-N、TP、TN、TK的有效耕地平均年负荷量分别为1.86、1.81、1.51、1.18、3.15、5.69万吨,其猪粪平均年负荷量远高于30吨/公顷这一理论最高值,可见某县养猪业已对其生态环境保护带来沉重的压力与极大的风险。2、至2008年初,某县存栏300头以上猪场数量约占全县养殖户的4.3%,主要分布在石谭镇、姜畲镇、杨家桥镇、排头乡、响水乡、白石镇等乡镇。规模化猪场的粪渣主要作为有机肥外卖或自用处理,而污水主要采用传统厌氧发酵工艺处理。而针对规模化猪场污染现状的调查结果表明,规模化猪场周围土地已呈现富营养化的趋势,其氮、磷含量明显偏高;而随存栏生猪数量的增加水污染物日均排放浓度提高,且存栏数量达到一定水平仅用传统厌氧发酵技术处理废水,效果有限,存在潜在的环保风险;规模化猪场对周围大气中SO2、NO2日均排放浓度无影响,但增加了PM10、NH3的日均排放浓度,且NH3的日均排放浓度明显随生猪存栏数量增加而提高。3、针对规模化猪场粪便污水处理的工程实例调查表明,固液分离前期处理是快速降低污水有机物浓度的有效措施;同时利用污水厌氧发酵,既能回收沼气,同时能进一步降低污水有机物浓度,其经济效益与生态效益明显;最后通过SBR工艺对沼液的处理可进一步降低污染浓度,达到畜禽养殖业污水排放要求。从污水治理成本分析来看,增加固液分离前处理工艺是一项改进粪便污水处理的有效措施,具有投资省、回收快、运行费用低等特点,值得某县内规模化猪场借鉴。另外采用固液分离前期处理与厌氧发酵技术,虽能有效降低粪污排放浓度,但对NH3-N并无去除效果,且其沼液需待进一步处理才能直接排放,但SBR工艺对去除污水中NH3-N具有较好的去除效果。综上所述,某县生猪养殖业呈现区域化、规模化、产业化的趋势,同时粪便污水的排放量也越来越大。而今后某县生猪养殖污染的治理对策主要包括以下几个方面:一是树立人民群众的环保意识;二是要控制生猪养殖规模,做到科学布局;三是要改良猪种、提倡科学饲养方法;四是继续深化、推广生态养殖模式;五是采用的先进发酵工艺,改进粪便污水处理工艺;六是要实现沼气与发酵后产物产业化、商业化;七是要加强规模化猪场周边环境监测、监督,并加强执法力度。

【Abstract】 Pig-breeding industry plays an important role in animal husbandry industry and whole agriculture economic of X county. With rapid development of pig-breeding industry, especially for intensive pig culture, the pollution of environment became more and more serious by a lot of feces and waste discharged, as people’s environmental protection awareness increased. Discharge amount and equivalent load of feces and urine in a year, and present situation of intensive pig culture and pollution in X area, also a case of feces and waste water treatment on large scale pig farm which were investigated in this article. The results of investigation as follow:1、The pig-breeding industry of X county became more and more intensive in these year. From 2004 to 2006, average discharge amount of feces and urine in a year of X were 1864、3075.6 thousand tons respectively, and average discharge amount of CODcr、BOD5、NH3-N、TP、TN、TK in a year were 124.6、21.7、101.4、79.5、211.1、382.1 thousand tons respectively.From 2004 to 2006, average equivalent load of feces、CODcr、BOD5、NH3-N、TP、TN、TK in a year of X were 658.2、1.86、1.81、1.51、1.18、3.15、5.69 thousand tons respectively. The average equivalent load of feces was very higher than the max number 30 ton/hm2 in theory, so pig-breeding industry of X was dangerous to environment protection.2、The farms which pig population was more than 300, were only 4.3% of total amount of farms in X county, and mainly located in Shitan、Jiangshe、Yangjiaqiao、Paitou、Xiangshui、Baishi town. The feces discharged by large scale pig farm were sold and used by themselves as organic fertilizer, and the waste water treated by traditional anaerobic fermentation process.The investigation of pollution present situation of large scale farm showed that, the land around large scale farm became more and more eutrophic; the concentration of pollutants in waste water improved with the pig population increased in a farm, and also the traditional anaerobic fermentation process was enough to treat the waste water; concentration of SO2、NO2 in the air around the large scale farm was normal, and improved the concentration of PM10、NH3 in the air, also the discharge amount of NH3 improved with the pig population increased in a farm.3、Investigation the case of feces and waste water treatment on large scale farm showed that:firstly, the solid-liquid separators as a pretreatment was effect measure to decreased the concentration of pollutants; secondly, waste water treated with anaerobic fermentation process, not only decreased the concentration of pollutants in waste water, also produced biogas; lastly, treated the waste water tor the furtherly by SBR process that would match the discharged standard of GB18596-2001. Also the solid-liquid separators had great ecological and social benefits, and it was worth learning by X county.The solid-liquid separators and anaerobic fermentation process of the large scale farm was effect to decrease the pollutants, but the NH3-N. But the SBR process decreased the concentration of NH3-N in the waste water effectly.In a word, the pig-breeding industry of X had been regionalized, large-scale, and industrialized development. There were the treatments and measures of decreasing pig-breeding industry pollution:a. establishing the environment protection awareness of people; b. controlling the scale of pig-breeding industry and planning scientifically; c. improving breeding pig and feeding in a scientific way; d. deepening and popularized the mode of ecological culture; e. adopting advanced fermentation process and improving the technology of feces and waste water treatment; f. making biogas、biogas slurry and feces industrialization and commercialization; g. establishing the system of pollution monitor and increasing the law enforcement dynamics.

【关键词】 生猪养殖污染调查工程实例治理对策
【Key words】 pig-breeding industrypollutioninvestigationcasetreatments
  • 【分类号】X508
  • 【被引频次】4
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