

The Aboveground Matter Accumulation and Nutrient Uptake of 3 Vegetables and Soil Nutrient Runoff-leaching as Affected by Different Fertilization Systems

【作者】 汤宏

【导师】 张杨珠;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 土壤学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 选择湖南省岳阳市君山区具有代表性的平原旱地蔬菜生产基地作为研究对象,通过大田定位试验和田间小区试验,研究了不同蔬菜种植和不同施肥条件下菜地N、P、K养分的径流淋失规律及其影响因素;通过田间小区试验,研究了不同施肥条件下各种蔬菜的养分吸收规律和土壤有效养分的动态变化规律。以期为制定蔬菜的科学施肥技术、防治菜地生态系统面源污染、保护农业生态环境提供科学依据。主要研究结果如下:(1)三种蔬菜的田间小区试验表明:白菜、甘蓝对养分的吸收主要集中在生长发育中、后期。茄子对氮、磷、钾养分的吸收主要集中在挂果期。各种蔬菜对氮、钾养分的吸收量远高于对磷的吸收量,各有机肥处理与当地习惯施肥处理和纯化肥处理比较,蔬菜对养分的吸收量、利用率和蔬菜的产量均高于当地习惯施肥处理和纯化肥处理。(2)茄子生长期间菜地土壤碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾养分含量处于动态变化之中。不同施肥处理土壤不同养分的变化规律不尽相同。化肥对提高土壤有效养分的含量有一定的作用,尤其在茄子生长的前期,但在茄子生长后期,有机肥与化肥配施处理的土壤有效养分含量均高于当地习惯施肥处理和纯化肥处理。(3)大田定位试验条件下,辣椒地各种养分的径流淋失明显高于南瓜地,这与当地辣椒施肥量远远高于南瓜施肥量有关。说明施肥量越大淋失越多。田间小区试验条件下,不论是春、夏季径流,还是秋、冬季径流,蔬菜生长前期,均以当地习惯施肥(CK2)处理和纯化肥(NPK)处理养分淋失量多,以有机无机肥配施处理养分淋失量少;蔬菜生长后期则恰好相反。春、夏季蔬菜地的养分淋失量高于秋、冬季蔬菜的养分淋失量。

【Abstract】 This research chooses the representative arid plain production base of vegetables of Yueyang Junshan District in Hunan Province as the object of the study, through a field located experiment and a plot experiment, has studied the law of runoff leaching of nutrient N and P and it’s influenced factors under the different vegetables and different fertilization conditions. Through the field plot experiment, studied the nutrition need of various vegetables and the dynamic trend law of available nutrient in soil under different fertilization condition. All these were finally aimed to provide the scientific basis for formulating the science application technology and preventing the non-point source pollution of vegetable ecosystem and protecting agriculture ecological environment, achieves the aim of. "the decrement efficiency" and the few emissions goal. The results were as below:(1) Field plot experiment of three kinds of vegetables showed that the cabbage and Chinese cabbage absorb the nutrients mainly in the middle and the later growth period. The nutrients of nitrogen,, phosphorus and potassium were absorbed by the eggplant mainly in the bearing fruit time. Each kind of vegetables absorb the amount of nitrogen and potassium are far higher than the amount of phosphorus, N, P and K nutrient uptake capacity and nutrient recovery rate and yield of vegetables of the combined application of various organic fertilizers and chemical fertilizers are higher than that of the local custom treatment and the pure chemical fertilizer treatment.(2) Available nutrient data analysis of dynamic soil sample of eggplant in their growth period showed:The available nitrogen, available phosphorus, available potassium nutrient content in the vegetable soil are during the dynamic change. The changed rule of various nutrients and various fertilizer applications is different. Chemical fertilizer play a certain role to enhance the soil the available nutrients content, especially in the earlier growth period of eggplant, but in the later growth period of eggplant, the nutrient content of the combined application of various organic fertilizers and chemical fertilizers are higher than that of the local custom treatment and the pure chemical fertilizer treatment.(3) The field located experiment showed that runoff leaching of various nutrients of the hot pepper is obviously higher than that of the pumpkin place, it is related to the location custom of application. Fertilizer quantity of hot pepper is higher than that of the pumpkin by far. It is showed that the quantity of fertilizer is more and leaching out is more. In the field plot experiment, no matter how the runoff of spring and summer, the fall and the winter, various organic fertilizers and chemical fertilizers are fewer than that of the local custom treatment and the pure chemical fertilizer treatment in the earlier growth period of vegetables. But it is exactly opposite in the later growth period of vegetables. Nutrient quantity of leaching out of the spring and the summer is higher than that of the fall and the winter in vegetable soils.The runoff experiment showed that N, P nutrient density into water, agriculture environmental pollution degree is not only related with the application amount but also with the local fertilization structure, fertilization time, fertilization way, production season and agricultural tillage controlling measures at the same time.

【关键词】 菜地土壤蔬菜径流淋失养分吸收
【Key words】 alluvial soilsvegetablerunoff leachingnutrients uptake