

【作者】 兰娜娜

【导师】 张洪慧;

【作者基本信息】 青岛大学 , 行政管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 乡镇公务员绩效考核是切实提升乡镇公务员素质和技能的有效手段,能够督促他们改正不足,总结经验,是公务员绩效考核的重要组成部分。本文在查阅国内外关于开展公务员绩效考核的资料的基础上,以城阳区H镇公务员绩效考核为例,对乡镇公务员绩效考核的历史变革和现状进行了多维度的调查并做了深入剖析,发现乡镇公务员绩效考核存在的问题突出表现在考核主体缺乏群众评议的地位,考核结果无法起到激励的作用,考核指标设计模糊,缺乏针对性,考核指标权重确定的不合理,不分主次,无视差别等,并从组织内外部环境出发,比较全面地给出了原因分析,主要包括:制度不完善,缺乏相配套的法律规范;绩效考核的基础性工作缺乏,职务分析不够;思想认识极端,心态不端正。针对上述问题,文章基于乡镇政府的工作实际,本着职能依据、动态激励、成本效益和稳定性与发展性相结合的原则,提出了构建适合乡镇政府的公务员绩效考核体系:明确考核的目的,确保考核的方向;考核主体的确立:因地制宜使用360°全面考核;考核方法的选择:调查访谈和谈话述职报告法相结合;乡镇公务员绩效考核指标体系的建立,确保考核更具有针对性和科学性。最后,文章又对确保这套体系能够顺利实施提出了几点保障的机制。论文列出的主要问题和原因分析,以及体系的建立,可供各地乡镇政府在制定有关决策时参考,以切实提高乡镇公务员绩效考核的实效性,确保考核的客观性和真实性。同时也给广大的乡镇政府干部职工以警示,使其充分认识到绩效考核的重要性,努力提升工作的素质和技能,促进人格的自我完善,从而为行政管理体制改革注入活力,提供高水平的公务员队伍。

【Abstract】 Performance evaluation is an effective mean to enhance the quality and skills of the township civil service, to urge them to correct deficiencies, lessons learned, and it is an important part of performance appraisal.In this paper, I access to domestic and international civil servants to carry out performance evaluation on the basis of the information to Chengyang H Town civil service performance appraisal, for example, the township civil service performance evaluation of historical changes and current status of the investigation carried out multi-dimensional and made a deep analysis, Township Official Performance found a problem highlighted in assessing the status of the main lack of mass appraisal, assessment results can not play the role of incentives, assessment index design fuzzy, lack of specificity, evaluation index weights are unreasonable, regardless of primary and secondary, ignore the difference and so, and internal and external environment, starting from the organization, relatively comprehensive analysis of the reasons given, including:system is flawed and the lack of legal norms to match; performance assessment of the lack of basic work, job analysis is not enough; thinking understanding of extreme, attitude is not correct. Address the problem, the article is based on actual work of township government, in line with Functions basis, dynamic incentives, cost-effectiveness and stability of combining with the development of the principle of building proposed for the township government’s Civil Service performance appraisal system:a clear purpose of the assessment, ensure that the assessment of the direction; assessment to establish the main body:360°using a comprehensive assessment according to local conditions; assessment method choice:survey interviews and conversations debriefing report on the Combination; township civil service performance evaluation index system, to ensure more targeted and scientific examination. Finally, the article again to ensure the smooth implementation of this system gives some protection mechanism.This Paper lists the main problems and causes, and the system should be established around the township government for formulating decisions in reference to effectively improve the township Civil Servant effectiveness, and ensure that the assessment of the objectivity and authenticity. At the same time, it is also to warn the vast number of cadres and workers of the township government, in order to make them fully aware of the importance of performance appraisal, to upgrade their quality and skills, promote self-improvement personality, so as to energize the administration reform, provide high quality civil service.

【关键词】 乡镇公务员绩效考核体系
【Key words】 township civil serviceperformance appraisalsystem
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 青岛大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 04期