

【作者】 郭传勇

【导师】 原明亭;

【作者基本信息】 青岛大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 矩阵变换器是一种新型交-交型变频器,它具有能量能够双向流通,可实现真正的四象限运行、不需要中间直流环节、输入/输出电流为正弦、输入功率因数可调等一系列优点,是电力电子技术研究的一个新方向。本文首先简单介绍了三相-三相矩阵变换器的基本拓扑结构、双向开关构成及换流和其开关函数等问题,并分析了目前应用比较广泛的几种调制策略。然后结合矩阵变换器的实际电路结构,建立了其在三相坐标系及旋转坐标下的数学模型,并对推导出的开关矩阵进行研究,分析结果表明矩阵变换器不仅能够控制输出电压的幅值、相位和频率,而且还能够任意调节输入功率因数,起到静止无功补偿的作用。在此数学模型的基础上,本文建立了标量和双闭环两种闭环控制结构,并对基于固定环宽滞环电流控制的双闭环控制系统进行了仿真研究。仿真结果表明达到了实时控制的要求,矩阵变换器的输出电压和输入电流都为正弦波,减少了输出谐波分量,提高了输入电流品质。最后分析了风力机的数学模型,对比了目前采用的不同类型的变速恒频风力发电系统。在基于双馈发电机定子磁链定向的dq坐标系下,建立了基于矩阵变换器的双馈风力发电系统模型,并对此进行了仿真分析。仿真结果证明了矩阵变换器在双馈风力发电系统中应用的可行性和有效性。

【Abstract】 Matrix converter is a new AC—AC converter, which has competitive advantages that bidirectional flowing of power can be true in four quadrant operation, without intermediate DC link, input/output current sinusoidal, input power factor could be controlled. So Matrix converter is a new direction of Power Electronics Technology.This article first briefly introduces the matrix converter about the basic circuit topology, the Synthesis of the bi-directional switch, current commutation and several current widely used modulation strategy. Then gives the actual matrix converter circuit and the matrix converter mathematics model has been set up in 3-phase static and circumrotate coordinate system. The analysis results on its switch matrix show that the amplitude, phase and frequency of output voltage and input fundamental displacement factor of the matrix converter is not only could be controlled freely, but also can be able to adjust input power factor and plays the role of SVC. Based on the mathematical model, this paper has established scalar quantity and double closed-loop control structure, and then simulation the double closed-loop control structure with fixed-band hysteresis current control strategy. Simulation results show that input signal and output signal are both sinusoidal, and they also indicate that the double closed—loop structure could reduce output harmonious waves, improve the current quality. Finally this article analyzed the mathematical model of wind turbine, compared to the current different types of variable speed constant frequency wind power systems. Based on doubly-fed generator’s stator flux oriented dq coordinate system, the double-fed wind power generation system model is established. Then the article conducts a simulation analysis. The simulation results showed that the matrix converter in doubly fed induction generator system is feasible and effective.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 青岛大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期
  • 【分类号】TM46;TM614
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】135
  • 攻读期成果