
Netstrcam Collector系统的开发与测试

Implementation and Testing of the Netstream Collector System

【作者】 李科峰

【导师】 罗守山;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 软件工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 互联网的高速发展,为用户提供了更高的带宽和可预测的QoS,随着网络支持的业务和应用日渐增多,运营商需要对网络进行更加细致的管理和计费,这样就对流量统计分析提出了更高的要求。"NetStream Collector"作为基于网络流量研究与分析的技术方案,是一种先进的网流分析管理系统,它可收集网流数据,对网络资源的使用情况进行统计分析,并提供相关报表。能够使网络管理人员及时对网流信息进行分析,以便对网络中的数据管理、带宽分配、下属网络管理、流量计费统计及商务资料收集等操作进行掌控。"NetStream Collector"透过全网流量信息的收集,提供下述功能:(1)智能流量分析;(2)异常流量侦测;(3)在线立即侦错;(4)节省企业的设备、频宽、网管成本;(5)避免因网络服务异常或中断造成的企业损失。本课题采用分布式部署,集中式管理的架构,能够大范围地采集到网络的流量信息,又能简化流量分析系统的管理与设定,有效降低企业的整体持有成本(TCO)。当网络监测范围扩增时,NTA解决方案可以转变为分布式架构,透过部署在各地的NetStream系统来采集地区性网络交换机与路由器的流量信息,并将采集来的流量资料经过分析处理后传送给位于中央管理中心的NetStream系统,集中进行设定管理、数据的汇总分析、全网域的流量监控、异常告警、以及流量报表的呈现。因此该项目具有较好的推广和借鉴意义。本论文主要进行了如下几个方面的工作:1.在详细了解现网的需求之后,研究和分析集团网络现状及存在问题,提出(?)’NetStream Collector"方案和建设原则,其中涉及到网管方式通过启动SNMP,来获取流量信息;数据包的监听方式;与技术组成员论证了方案的可行性,全面分析,说明流量分析的价值所在。2.在详细了解需求之后,针对"NetStream Collector"进行开发与测试,分析其基本功能,涉及实时监控、设备分组、端口分组、定制化分析、流量分析、应用分析、源IP分析、目的IP分析、会话分析等等。3.完成了开发与测试后,输出相关的测试报告,确认(?)’NetStream Collector",能够满足市场的需求,进行商用;通过对"NetStream Collector"的研究与设计、测试,使运营商满足了在网络性能管理,故障管理,接入控制,流量管理,实时流量分析,决策支持,分析统计与报表等日常运维上的需求。因此可以证明"NetStream Collector"解决了企业现有的网络拥塞问题,提高投资回报,降低网络建设的运营成本。

【Abstract】 With the Internet software and hardware technologies in the rapid development of network services and people’s growing demand for high bandwidth applications, while network traffic control and management requirements are followed. "NetStream Collector" as a research and analysis of network traffic based on the technical solution, is an advanced network flow analysis and management system that can collect network flow data, the use of network resources to conduct statistical analysis, and provide relevant statements. Enables network managers and timely analysis of network flow information in order to network data management, bandwidth allocation, under the network management, traffic statistics and billing data collection and other business operations to control."NetStream Collector", through the whole network flow information collected, to provide the following functions:(1) Intelligent traffic analysis; (2) abnormal traffic detection; (3) On-line immediately debug; (4) achieving corporate of equipment, bandwidth, network management costs; (5) to avoid abnormal or interrupted due to network services resulting from business losses.The subject of using a distributed deployment, centralized management structure, able to capture a wide range of places to the network traffic information, traffic analysis and can simplify system management and configuration, effectively reduce the total cost of ownership of enterprises (TCO). When the scope of network monitoring, when amplified, NTA solution can be transformed into a distributed architecture, deployed in various places through the NetStream systems to capture the regional network switches and routers, traffic information, and the flow of data gathered through the analysis and processing later transmitted to the central management center, NetStream system, centralized configuration management, data pooled analysis of the whole domain traffic monitoring, exception alerts, as well as flow statement presentation. Therefore, the project has a good promotion and learn.This paper mainly for the following aspects of work:1. To learn more about the needs of the current network, the Research and Analysis Group, status and problems of the network, that "NetStream Collector" program and construction principles, which relates to network management approach by starting the SNMP, to obtain traffic information; packet monitoring approach; and technical team members demonstrated the feasibility of a comprehensive analysis shows that the value of traffic analysis.2. After a detailed understanding of the demand for "NetStream Collector" for development and testing, analyzing its basic functions, involving real-time monitoring, device group, the port group, customized analysis, traffic analysis, application analysis, Source IP analysis, the purpose of IP analysis, conversational analysis and so on.3. Completed the development and testing, the output of the relevant test reports confirm that, "NetStream Collector", to meet the market demand for business;By "NetStream Collector" research and design, testing, allowing operators to meet the network performance management, fault management, access control, traffic management, real-time traffic analysis, decision support, analysis and other statistical and routine reports Operation & Maintenance on demand. So you can prove "NetStream Collector" solve the company’s existing network congestion problems and improve return on investment, reduce network construction of the operating costs.

  • 【分类号】TP393.02
  • 【下载频次】46