

Design and Implementation of Network Business Control System

【作者】 赵晨彬

【导师】 吴国仕;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 软件工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 计算机网络的快速发展极大的推动了人类社会信息化的进程,为我们的生活带来了便捷,同时也给通信事业带来了巨大商机。而随着网络知识的普遍提高、网络流量成倍增加,挑战也随之而来。越来越多的非良性网络使用,如链路盗用、非法IP电话、无节制的P2P应用、宽带私自接入等,已经严重影响到网络的正常运作。这种问题在网络运营商、大中型企业和政府、教育机构的网络中尤为突出。一套高效可行的网络业务分析与控制解决方案应运而生。本系统可以通过多种途径采集网络流量信息,并对网络业务加以深度分析和识别,进而做出决策并将策略下发到网络设备,由硬件配合进行控制,从而提供对网络业务流量的从分析到控制的一整套解决方案。而用户只需在必要时通过可视化界面了解实时的网络流量情况,以及各种流量报文和日志,对系统策略做出一些变更,就可以对整个网络的业务进行控制。本文介绍了项目的背景、发展现状及研究内容,以及开发系统用到的核心技术和开源框架,进而按照软件工程的设计流程,从需求分析、概要设计、重要模块的详细设计,系统阐述了项目原理及实现过程。另外,针对设计中的一些关键问题,如流量日志接收、数据聚合、策略下发等,本文做出了较详细的分析,并给出实现细节。最后,论文还根据系统特点给出测试用例的设计原则和系统测试流程。

【Abstract】 The rapid development of computer networks has greatly promoted the process of the informatization of human society. Thanks to networks, our lives become more convenient then before. Great business opportunities have been brought to the telecommunications industry. However, with the popularization of network knowledge and the rapid increase of network flux, challenges have been brought, too. More and more non-benign networks using, such as the link theft, illegal VoIP, unbridled P2P applications and privately network access, have seriously affected the normal operation of the network. This problem is especially obvious for network providers, large and medium enterprises, government and educational institutions. A feasible and efficient network business analysis and control solutions emerged.This system can capture network traffic through a variety of ways. Decision will be made according to depth analysis and identification on the information captured before. This decision will be sent to the network device to accomplish controlling of network with the help of the hardware. The user only need to view the real-time network traffic, as well as a variety of traffic messages and log on the system policy through friendly UI system, and then make some changes when necessary. The system can control the flow of the entire network automatically.This article describes the project background, status and development of content, and the core technologies and framework used in this system. Then systematically expounded Principle and realization of the project according to software engineering design process, from needs analysis, outline design, detailed design of key modules. In addition, for the design of some of the key issues, such as traffic logs received, data aggregation, strategy development, etc, this article made a more detailed analysis, and implementation details are given. Finally, the paper also gives the test cases and system testing process according to the system characteristics of the design principles.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】32