

The Project of Beijing Unicom Disaster Recovery System in the Time Management

【作者】 董晖

【导师】 舒华英;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 项目管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 对于电信运营商,企业IT系统的应用直接关乎管理、服务、成本、效率等各个重要环节,并最终全面影响电信运营商的竞争力。与电信业务发展密切相关的计费系统、营帐系统、数据库以及邮件系统都对数据安全有着很高的要求。容灾系统的建设目的就是建立远程的数据中心,通过配置远程容灾系统将本地数据实时进行远程复制,同时实现本地系统故障时应用系统的远程启动,确保系统的不中断运行。容灾系统的建设是电信行业保证整个信息系统稳定和数据安全的关键所在。本文主要研究项目时间管理的理论和方法,并结合北京联通通容灾系统建设项目,着重介绍项目时间管理在实际项目中的应用。对于电信企业而言,加强信息化项目管理,建立投资少、性能好的容灾系统,有利于节约成本、减少风险,提高企业的综合竞争实力。项目时间管理是整个项目管理中最为重要的组成部分,实施项目时间管理的重要意义在于能使企业组织在既定的时间内,按预定的目标,保质保量地完成某个项目,以获取最大的经济效益。通过项目时间管理在本项目中的实践应用,总结出一些相关经验和方法,为其他电信级容灾系统建设提供借鉴。

【Abstract】 IT system deployment is closely related to the service, financial and work flow management of telecom carrier and all others huge enterprises and a successfully deployed IT system will make enterprise much more competitive among their competitors. Big company usually put more emphasis on the stability and reliability of their data security. They build disaster recovery system to protect their important date e.g. billing system, mail system and management system remotely. By the system, they can conduct a remote real-time backup,7X24 backup system hot standby to make sure the system online all the time. In general disaster recovery system is the key of IT system security.The thesis is about the application of time management in disaster recovery system project of Beijing Unicom and will put more emphasis on in-life method we used in particular project. Building an efficiency redundancy system will help reduce risk, cut cost and indubitably make enterprise more competitive.Time management is the most important part of project management. A good practice will help enterprise archive their project purpose on time with high quality. I hope the time management practice introduced in this thesis may provide some good experiences with other projects.

  • 【分类号】F272;F626
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】65