

Research and Development on a AGPS Based Vehicle Navigation System

【作者】 孙兵

【导师】 武穆清;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 车辆的大量普及在给人们的生活带来便利的同时也不可避免地引入了诸如道路网络复杂化,交通堵塞日趋严重等许多道路交通问题。这些问题给出行者在道路选择上带来很多的困惑,大大影响了他们的出行效率,导致不能按时到达目的地,某些时候甚至会出现开车不如走路快的现象。智能导航系统是解决上述问题的利器,目前已经引起各国交通部门的重视,成为各国政府在智能交通领域的研究热点。智能导航系统是把先进的全球定位技术、地理信息技术、多媒体技术和现代通信技术综合到一起的高科技系统,它能够实时、高效地向驾车员提供多种重要信息,引导驾驶员从一地到达另一地。该系统首先要借助定位技术获得车辆的当前位置信息,根据当前位置及目的地位置,综合考虑电子地图中的城市路网结构和一些实时的路况信息来帮助驾车者选择一条最佳的行车路线,它旨在借助数字通讯、车辆定位、计算机网络等现代高科技手段来改善交通状况,合理利用道路交通,充分发挥现有道路交通的潜力,提高通行能力,综合解决交通运输问题。本课题依托于实验室横向研发项目“混合导航定位系统”,主要涉及导航系统软件方面的研究,包括软件架构设计,地图数据的分析及处理、诸如道路匹配等关键导航算法的研究与实现等等。论文首先介绍导航系统的研究背景及该项技术的国内外发展现状;接下来具体介绍导航系统的概念及其相关知识,包括系统的结构、模块划分,各个模块的功能等;之后阐述我们项目中成功研究开发的一种基于AGPS的混合定位技术,详细介绍了技术细节及相关的研究成果;在此基础上给出整个系统的软件架构设计及系统的实现思路;之后利用论文第四和第五章内容具体阐述了系统中所采用的电子地图数据处理技术、地图数据结构设计、地图数据的存储以及导航系统中关键算法的研究与实现,比如地图匹配算法、路径规划算法、道路状态判断算法等;最后是对整篇论文研究工作的总结及对项目未来的展望。

【Abstract】 The popularity of household vehicles do have facilitated people’s daily travels but at the same time have involved many traffic issues such as increasingly complex road network, serious traffic congestion and so on. These issues always make drivers puzzled on route selection, largely lower the traffic efficiency. People usually are not able to arrive at destination on schedule and sometimes even slower than walking. For these problems, Intelligent Vehicle Navigation System(VNS) is indeed a good solution for which it has drawn many nations’ attention and now become a hot research in the field of Intelligent Transportation System(ITS).VNS is a novel system that combines technologies of Global Positioning, Geographic Information, Multi-media and Modern Communication. It can provide drivers an appropriate way from one position to another timely and efficiently. Positioning module in VNS is firstly used to get the current position of the car in terms of longitude and latitude, then according to the road network architecture stored in map database and real time road conditions, it finally works out a best path from current point to destination. VNS aims to use several modern high technologies such as digital communication, vehicle positioning, computer network etc to improve traffic condition, make full use of transport resources to solve kinds of traffic problems.This topic relies on a lab Cross-cutting project called "Hybrid Vehicle Navigation System". It mainly focus on research of the system software including software architecture design, part of the code implementation, map data analysis, data structure design, data processing, research on critical navigation algorithms such as map matching algorithm, optimal path algorithm and so on.. In this thesis, we first introduce the research background, significance, development status of VNS and then detail it by describing its system architecture, module division, module function etc. Afterwards, a novel AGPS based hybrid positioning technology developed by us is illustrated. On this basis, we finish the whole system’s software architecture design, implement the user interface code, complete the map data processing, data structure design and then do research and development on the related algorithms such as the map matching algorithm, optimal path algorithm etc. Finally, we give a summary to all contents of this thesis and the related future work for this project is also prospected.
