

Multi-Dimensional Information Visualization Research Based on Three-Dimensional Products Display System

【作者】 周慧

【导师】 侯文君;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 设计艺术学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 信息可视化从一个新的视角开创了认识网络信息空间特性的途径,它将现实空间形式引入抽象系统,突破了原来仅由文字、图表、数据、视频表达的空间概念.将具象空间与虚拟空间相结合形成新的空间表达方式,揭示了信息在网络空间中的多维特征。但现有可视化理论与方法注重设计的静态表达,只是把相关信息以一种图形化形式描述出来,而缺少用户的参与性和交互性,难以满足用户对信息的深层次情感需求和创造性思维。并且绝大部分是二维文字和图片的展示方式,弱化了用户对整个产品展示场景的认知。本文分析了可视化图形因素,建立了可视化变量与数据属性之间的映射关系,并提出基于可视化因素的用户感知模型。在可视化因素分析的基础上,研究了可视化映射表达和用户认知能力之间的关系,并提出两者之间的映射模型,并用实例分析并验证该模型。在此基础上,以三维产品展示系统为平台,以提高用户体验的满意度为目标,研究以用户体验为中心的信息需求模型、用户搜寻行为,提出了以用户为中心的可视化系统层析需求模型,并建立产品展示系统的交互平台构建框架,设计了三维可视化界面,实现了信息可视化符号系统的压缩,形成了一种优化的、有效的信息表达方式。针对该平台中的产品多维属性,构建定量和名词属性向量组,并针对该多维属性,提出基于磁性引力隐喻的多维信息可视化模型,建立目标域和源域之间的隐喻映射关系,并对该隐喻系统进行交互情景设计,从易学习性,易使用性,趣味性和帮助性四个维度来评测其可用性。最后提出基于冯特曲线的用户体验评价模型,在传统评价模型基础上增加了用户体验因素,研究如何更有效地利用可视化来提高用户体验感。

【Abstract】 Information visualization creates a spatial approach for understanding the network information from a new perspective. It introduces the real space form to the Internet information, which broke the concept of space only expressed by the original text, graphics, data and video. The way of the space expression that combined virtual space and the real world reveals the multi-dimensional characteristics information in cyberspace. However, the existing theories and methods focus on static visual design, which just describe a graphical form of the relevant information. This expression lacks user participation and interaction, which difficult to meet the users’deep-seated emotional requirements and creative thoughts of the information. And the majority of the system display as a two-dimensional way with text and pictures, which weaken the user’s cognition capability of the entire product display scene.This paper analyzes the visual graphic elements, and then set up the mapping between visual variables and data attributes and created the user perception model based on visual elements. On the basis of visualization factor analysis, this paper studied the relationship between visualization mapping expression and user cognition and propose a mapping between the two properties, which model is validated by 21 visualization examples. On the platform of the three-dimensional product display system, targeted at the enhanced user experience satisfaction, the paper looked into the model of information needs and user search behavior, and then proposed a user-centered hierarchy demand model. Based on the establishment of the platform framework, the three-dimensional visualization interface is designed, which compressed the information visualization system and formed an optimized and effective information expression. Quantitative and noun properties vector is built based on the products multi-dimensional attributes. The multi-dimensional information visualization metaphor model is proposed and the metaphorical mapping between the metaphor target and source is built. And based on the interaction scenario, the system’s availability is measured from four dimensions-easy to learn, easy to use, fun and helpfulness. At the end of this paper, the user experience evaluation model based on Wundt curve is built, which increased the user experience factor to the traditional evaluation model. It focuses on how to enhance the user experience more effective use using visualization.
