

Study on Energy Balanced and Non-uniform Clustering Routing Protocol for WSN

【作者】 尹纪单

【导师】 郭元术;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 信号与信息处理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着“普适计算”技术模式的出现,无线传感器网络(WSN)成为对人类生活方式产生重大影响的信息采集技术手段之一。在WSN面临的诸多挑战中,路由协议是其中的一个重要研究课题,按网络结构可分为平面路由协议和分簇路由协议。在分簇路由协议中,簇首一般进行簇内数据融合,大大减少了网络通信量,簇成员功能简单,能耗较少,而且分层结构具有较好的可扩充性,适合大规模网络,因此分簇路由协议是当前研究的热点。但目前提出的分簇路由协议也存在一些问题,例如,簇首的产生开销较大,形成的簇分布不合理,簇间通信也不能很好的实现簇首间的负载均衡,簇间通信没有一个良好的框架可供以后扩展,簇首的失效将导致一定时间内的路由失败,具有“瓶颈”效应,等等。针对当前存在的这些问题,本文提出了一种能耗均衡非均匀分簇路由协议EBNC。EBNC根据WSN生命周期内各阶段的能量特征和数据传输“多对一”的向心性特征,从簇首的产生、簇间路由两个方面进行改进。EBNC在选举簇首时,动态地根据随机数和剩余能量权衡节点的竞争力,把竞争力转化为不同的时延,由时延决定节点是否成为簇首,簇的大小与节点距离sink节点的远近有关,低于最低能量的簇首没有簇内成员;对于簇间通信,提出一种基于复合势能场的簇间开放式路由框架,并在此框架的基础上实现了能耗均衡的簇间通信。这样产生的簇首同时考虑了节点的剩余能量和随机数,有利于能耗均衡和簇的合理分布,不同的时延减少了成簇时的通信冲突;没有成员的簇首避免了因能量耗尽而形成的“瓶颈”效应;最终达到路由过程中能耗均衡的目的,有效地延长了网络的生命周期,并增强了路由协议面向不同应用的可扩展性。最后用J-SIM仿真平台,对EBNC路由协议进行了仿真实验,通过与LENCH路由协议进行对比研究,证明了改进的算法节省了整个网络的能量消耗,有效地平衡了簇首间的能量消耗,延长了网络的生命周期,改善了网络的性能。

【Abstract】 As a new technique of implementing Pervasive Computing,wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is having a profound effect on way of people’life. In many challenges of WSN’ related research fields, the routing protocols of WSN are one of the most important issues. How to save energy and extend the network life is a core and basic problem in routing protocol design of WSN. Clustering routing protocols is better than flat routing protocols for its less energy consumption:members of a cluster are simple in function, and all the data of a cluster are merged by cluster-head, which reduce the amount of transfer. So current research is focus on clustering routing protocols. But current clustering routing protocols have some shortcomings such as much energy consumption in cluster forming, not uniform in data transfer, and so on.With the problems of current cluster-based routing protocols,an energy-balanced routing algorithm for WSN is presented in this paper, according to different energy stages of WSN’ life circle and the centripetal characteristics of data transmission. Through balancing a random number and residual energy and change into time delay, the node decide to become a cluster head itself. For routing of cluster heads, this paper proposed an open routing framework based on cluster heads, and realize an energy balance cluster routing algorithm based on this open framework. This algorithm balance energy consumption of cluster heads and cluster members, and extend the network life cycle effectively. Additionally the open framework of cluster-heads extends the scalability for different applications. This paper simulates the algorithm and LENCH routing algorithms and give the analysis of the result. The simulation results show that the algorithm exceeds LENCH in saving energy and prolonging the network’s lifetime.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期
  • 【分类号】TN915.04;TP212.9
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】148