

Rock Stability Evaluation and Treatment Program in Coal Mine Area

【作者】 丁党鹏

【导师】 赵法锁; 金有生;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 地质工程, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 由于煤炭资源的开采,在中西部地区的一些老能源基地出现了大规模、大范围的采空塌陷区,造成老采空区上方建筑地基的承载能力下降。随着西部大开发战略的加速实施,随着小城镇建设的不断发展,建筑的场地严重不足,一些地区工业厂房和住宅楼不得不建在老采空区上方。因此,对采空区的形成机理及动态综合处治技术的研究,具有较高的学术价值。本文以神木县沙沟峁煤矿采空区为工程背景,系统的研究了采空区变形与赋存特征、形成机理、采空区建筑地基变形破坏机理、以及动态综合处治方案优化等问题。具体内容如下:(1)首先简要介绍了采空区赋存和开采沉陷的基本模式及规律,开采区赋存的基本规律,为进一步研究沙沟峁煤矿采空区的变形与破坏特征及治理方案优选打下基础。(2)通过对采空区覆岩“活化”的机理进行分析、采空区砌体梁结构岩体的失稳形式及其稳定条件的划分以及建筑物荷载对覆岩移动和地表变形的影响分析,研究了建筑物与采空区相对位置不同时,地表残余变形值在采空区不同地段的变化规律。(3)通过对沙沟峁煤矿采空区的区域地质环境、基本特征、形成机理、变形与破坏特征及稳定性的分析,总结了采空区沉陷的特征和规律。从采空区失稳破坏并导致地面塌陷的主要机制分析入手,进一步对采空区的稳定性做出评价。(4)针对沙沟峁煤矿采空区现状,提出采空区方案优选+优选方案细部优化全方位动态治理思路,运用模糊层次分析法的基本原理,对处治方案进行优化,确定地面注浆法的治理方案。

【Abstract】 Because of the exploitation of coal recourses, the bases of energy in middle and western have occurred lots of goaf, and the bearing capacity of foundation on the goaf have been dropped significantly. With the development of western, the speed of urbanization is accelerated, and the shortage of ground for construction, the factory and residential construction is built on the goaf area. The treatment and prevention technical and formation mechanics have significant theoretical value. Based on the coal mine of goaf in town of Shenmu, the deforming and formation mechanics, failure of foundation, distributing of goaf and dynamical treatment scheme are studied generally in is paper. The specific content as follows:Firstly, the fundamental mode of goaf settlement and distributing is introduced briefly, which is preparing for the research work of deforming and failure mechanics of Sha Goumao coal mine.Secondly, through the analyzing of upper rock of goaf movement, the regular of ground deforming amount on different site up on the goaf.Thirdly, through the analyzing of areal geological environment, formation, deforming, failure mechanics and stability of Sha Goumao coal mine, the character and regular of goaf settlement are generalized. Moreover, the evaluation of goaf stability is fixed through the failure and ground settlement mechanics.Finnaly, based on the situation of Sha Goumao coal mine, the omnibearing and detail optimization of treatment and prevention program is presented with the fuzzing analytic hierarchy process. At last, the program of ground injection is fixed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期
  • 【分类号】P642.26;TD32
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1058