

The Restudy of Kuanchuanpu Biota

【作者】 郑曦

【导师】 李勇;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 古生物学与地层学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 宽川铺生物群是陕南地区早寒武世早期一个以微体动、植物化石为特色的生物群。对该生物群进行研究,目的是在系统归纳、总结出该生物群各类化石特征的基础上,力争发现一些新属种生物。这不仅可以丰富整个生物群的内容,提高我们对早期生物面貌的认识,而且为震旦—寒武系界线及地层划分对比研究和探讨地球早期生命起源演化等重大理论问题提供证据。经过对宽川铺生物群的野外剖面实测、样品采集、室内样品的化学浸解处理和挑样等综合研究,共获得各类微体化石近千枚。在与前人资料对比后,鉴定出软舌螺类、海绵类、锥石类、织金钉类等38属57种。经对完整标本SEM扫描成像192幅,制作图版12帧。同时取得了以下三点新进展:1.建立描述微小骨骼化石1新属1新种。即在骨状锥石科下建立了宁强锥石属(Ningqiangconularia gen.nov)和五辐射宁强锥石种(Ningqiangconularia pentatus gen.and sp.nov).新种五辐射宁强锥石的发现,进一步丰富了锥石类动物的属种内容,并对原始锥石的分类方案进行了修订。2.通过对新发现的分叉藻类化石观察研究,针对分叉型藻类提出了树叉分支型生长方式和顶端生长方式有差异的新设想。3.结合前人研究成果和本次研究资料,归纳总结了整个宽川铺生物群的总体特点。认为宽川铺生物群不但以具硬体的微小骨骼动物化石为代表,而且以含有大量动物胚胎及软体组织保存为特色,是一个由动物、植物共同组成的完整地方性生物群。

【Abstract】 Kuanchuanpu biota is the Early Cambrian microfossil which is characterized as an early animal and plant fossil in the southern region of Shaanxi province.The purpose of research is to find out some new genus and species based on summarizing the system and the feature of all kinds of fossils. This will not only enrich the content of biota, improve our understanding of early biological features, but also supply the evidence for contrast research in the field of Cambrian boundary and the stratum division. In addition, it can provide evidence of major theoretical issues according to the origin and evolution of early earth life.Through measuring the section plane of Kuanchuanpu biota, gathering samples and using the methods of chemical decompose and SEM to research for kinds of fossils, totally there are existing 1000 fossils. In contrast with previous data, it identifies the hyolitha,porifera,protoconulariids,zhijinitids.etc. There have 38 genus and 57 species. The followings are three improvements:1. The establishment of small shelly fossils description for a new genus and a new species. In other words, it establishes Ningqiangconularia gen.nov and Ningqiangconularia pentatus gen.and sp.nov under the cone-shaped stone branch of bone. In this study, the discovery of five-radiation Ningqiangconularia has enriched the variety of protoconulariids. Meanwhile, the paper revises the classified scheme of protoconulariids.2. Given the research of newly discovered bifurcation algae fossil, we conclude the new ideas of different growth pattern between branch growth and top growth.3. Combined with previous research and data in this study, this paper sums up the whole biota of kuanchuanpu. Moreover, it claims that Kuanchuanpu biota is not only represented by skeleton fossils of small hardware, but also filled with the feature of a large number of animal embryos and soft tissue preservation. Altogether, animals and plants constitute the integrity of local biota.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期