

Location-Routing-Inventory Poblem in Optimization of Reverse Logistics System

【作者】 薛利华

【导师】 徐双应;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 载运工具运用工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着科技进步和人们生活水平的提高,消费者对产品的多样化和性能要求也越来越高,造成被淘汰和废弃的产品也越来越多,与此同时可利用资源也在不断减少,人们也愈来愈重视环保,而废弃资源还有很高的利用价值和经济价值,所以逆向物流收到越来越多的人重视。对于企业来讲,高效的对废弃产品进行再回收利用,不仅具有较好的社会意义,还可以给企业带来很好的利益。设施定位、运输路线安排和库存控制是物流系统优化中的三个关键问题,而传统上大多是分别解决定位-配给问题LAP、路径问题VRP和库存控制问题,但实际上库存控制与设施定位和路径安排具有密切的联系,为此,有必要进一步分析三者之间的内在联系,进行定位-路径-库存(LRIP)的集成优化与管理。基于上诉背景,本文在综述国内外对逆向物流的理论研究和实践的基础上,对逆向物流的概念、产生原因、特点、回收模式等进行了研究,并确定独立的第三方逆向物流是今后企业发展的趋势。在此基础上分别研究了需求确定环境下的再利用逆向物流系统和需求随机环境下的再制造逆向物流系统,分别分析了两个系统中设施定位、收集车辆的路径选择和库存控制策略的三者之间的联系,并建立了两者的最小成本模型。由于LRIP属于NP-Hard问题,无法用精确算法进行求解,所以本文又对再利用逆向物流系统优化和再制造逆向物流系统优化的求解算法进行了研究,提出了解决问题的两阶段启发式算法,最后通过算例对模型和算法的有效性进行了验证。

【Abstract】 As the science and technology advanced and standard of peoplel’s living improved,the demand of consumers to diversification and individuation of products was increasing,which resulted in more and more products were deserted as a result of fast speed of replacement of old products by new ones. And the useful resources decreased day by day and the legislationg is perfected.But there are high value and ecnomic value in the waste resources,so more and more peple are interested in reverse logistic.As enterprises how to highly reverse and reuse the waste resourse not only have good social significance,but also bring great benefits.Facilities location,vehicle routing arrangement and inventory control are the key issues existed in optimiztion of logistics system.Usually Aocation-Allocation Problem (LAP)、Vehicle-Routing Problem(VRP) and inventory control problem were solved separately.In fact,there was a close relationship among inventory control,facilities location and vehicle routing arrangement.Therefore,it is necessary to make a further study on the internal relationship among these three problems,and make integrated optimization and management of Location-Routing-Inventory Problems (LRIP)Backgroud on the appeal,the paper introduces the conception、characters、recovery mold and others of reverse logistics on the basis of summarizing domestic and overseas research and practices about reverse logistics management.And the paper comes to a conclusion that the independed third- party reverse logistics should be the development trend in the future. On the basis of current studies,we examinated the stochastic demand LPIP in reusing logistics system and the dynamic LPIP in remanufacuting logistics system.The location of recycle transfer station(recycle centre),the path selection of colleetion vehicles and inventory control strategy in this two reverse logistics systems were also analyzed, also stablished the minimum cost models.As the Location-Routing-Inventory problem is a NP-Hard problem,it can’t be solved by using accurate algorithm,In this paper,two-phrase heuristic algorithm was employed to solve the models of mentioned above,and the feasibility and validity of the model and algorithm were validated via illustrative example.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期
  • 【分类号】F253.9
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】405