

Research on Ancestral Spirits Belief of Shui People

【作者】 林嘉莉

【导师】 张振江;

【作者基本信息】 中山大学 , 人类学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 本文是关于水族祖灵观念及信仰习俗的本质、功能及文化意义的民族志。采用人类学的田野调查、民族志等基本方法,本文以贵州省黔南布依族苗族自治州三都水族自治县三洞乡为主要田野点,描述、分析水族复合性的祖灵观念,并进而从祖灵观念探究水族人民的世界观、价值观和认知结构的实态相,以期管窥水族社会的信仰文化模式和信仰生活方式。本文认为,水族的民间信仰是祖灵信仰、自然崇拜、鬼神观念的综合体。在概述水族民间信仰体系逻辑的基础上,本文首先论述了祖灵、鬼、神等超自然力之间的关联,说明祖灵在其中的中心地位及其根源。水族人对于祖灵的信仰习俗和观念态度,有既敬之又畏之、既亲之又恶之的两重性。其中,三代近祖是祈福的主要对象,远祖则是灾祸的主要源头。之后,本文从丧葬仪式、穰解祭祀仪式入手,剥离出仪式的功能形态和象征意义,藉以阐明水族人何以对祖先轻重主次有别,态度情感不一。最后,透过仪式背后的信仰取向和心理态势,本文进一步阐述信仰如何服务于生活总体目的。出于实用需求,人们将祖灵信仰行为加以合理化和习俗化,从而衍成社会性和实利性的信仰模式和观念谱系。本研究对信仰如何影响社会成员的心智、情感、价值取向和人际关系,有较深入细致的论述。作为地方社会的信仰形态,水族的祖灵信仰与社会的秩序整合有着密不可分的联系。而本文将祖灵信仰视作理解地方性的线索,述及信仰所依托的水族“三家六房”为基础的地方社会结构以及国家化对边地社会的经略,因此,本文亦是对整体社会脉络和文化深层结构的一次探索。

【Abstract】 This is a religious ethnography focused on the study of ancestral spirits belief of Shui people. Sandong Village, Sandu Shui Autonomous County in the Qian’nan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Region of Guizhou Province, is the fieldwork site of this study. This paper which follows an attempt to elaborate the religious interests of Shui people centre around the ancestral spirits, has utilized a mixed-method approach including field work and ethnography, suggesting for an inspiration on the characteristics of their cognition structure, worldviews and values. A further aim of this study is to delineate the general contours and principal features of their culture and life.The Shui people have a complex system which combines ancestral spirits belief, nature worship and spiritualism as well. By illustrating the complexities of this belief system, this paper first draws a distinction of three categories of spirits: ancestor, deity and ghost, which are recognized as relevant to different structural contexts. In general, ancestral spirits are vested with mystical powers and authority. Since ancestors are intimately involved with the welfare of the living, they retain pivotal structural positions in the system. The relation of the ancestors to their living kinsmen has been described as ambivalent, as both punitive and benevolent. The immediate ancestors of three generations are seen as dispensing favours, while the distant ancestors are often accused of being capricious. This contradiction or conflict in attitude and emotion towards ancestral spirit is thought to be shaped by some native rationalizations pertaining to various rites and practices. By assembling in this study some of the data thus brought to light and remarking their functions and implications in context, the value orientation which is embodied in the ritual will be systematically unveiled; they are indeed essential to the objective of their life. As the requirements demanded among the Shui people are secured by the postulates of belief, we shall consider that an adjustment rests upon a utilitarian perception has been occurred. In this process of adjustment, rational logical thought may be of considerable importance.In examining belief in a traditional Shui minority society, this study relates the concepts under scrutiny to needs, emotions, desires, and relationship. The local belief also mirrors the social landscape of its adherents. Underlying the myriad sects and cults in the Shui society, there exists a close association among the ancestral spirits belief and social integration. At greater depth, tracing through the interaction between religious behavior and social reality, this study will serve as an angle of entry in the consideration of the social structure. It leads us to achieve the social function of ancestral spirits belief as maintenance of social group Sanjialiufang(三家六房)on the basis of lineage. Meanwhile, it adopts a new perspective in understanding the social process, which is accomplished by following the path of nationalization.

【关键词】 水族祖灵信仰
【Key words】 Shui PeopleAncestral SpiritsFolk Belief
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中山大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 04期
  • 【分类号】K892.3
  • 【下载频次】538