

Solid Waste Configuration of Soil Ameliorators Experiments

【作者】 龚艺

【导师】 杨尽;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 环境工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济的飞速发展,环境问题和土壤破坏问题已经受到我国政府及相关部门的高度重视,并将其列入国民经济和社会发展“十一五”计划生态建设和环境保护重点专项规划中。本论文基于固体废弃物再利用和贫瘠土壤急待改良两点,利用磷石膏、粉煤灰、污泥为原材料制备土壤改良剂。本文针对8种目标土壤开展了两个阶段的土壤改良剂配比实验研究,配比实验通过pH值临界法、预配-反复筛选法确定了改良剂三原料最优配比(污泥、粉煤灰、磷石膏三者质量比为600:320:1;目标土壤与改良剂质量比为8:2)。实验结果表明,加入土壤改良剂后的8种目标土壤在肥力和营养元素含量等方面有大幅度提高,将改良后目标土壤各参数与国家土壤2级别标准进行参比可以看出,第二阶段实验改良后的8种目标土壤有效氮、磷、钾、有机质含量均达到国家土壤2级标准,且对于参数基数较低的目标土壤改良效果良好(其中有效N最高达629mg/kg,有效P最高达650 mg/kg,有效K最高达620 mg/kg,有机质最高达15.4%)。本文通过理论计算数据和实际测试数据的对比分析做出了土壤各参数误差(其中以第2阶段有效氮平均误差最大,高达-876.032mg/kg),推测了产生土壤参数系统误差与随机误差的主要原因,并总结了改良剂各原料配比、混合土壤有效氮、磷、钾、有机质含量、改良剂在混合土壤中的质量百分比、土壤参数误差值之间的模型关系式。为了进一步验证本实验改良剂对8种目标土壤的改良效果,本文开展了玉米盆栽种植实验,实验结果表明,改良后目标土壤相对于原目标土壤,平均发芽率高出6.7%,平均茎叶高度高出35.11mm,平均生长速率高出3.32mm/30d,由此可见,改良后目标土壤性能明显优越于原目标土壤,本实验土壤改良剂改良效果显著。

【Abstract】 Along with the rapid development of China’s economy, environmental problems and the damage of soil by our government and problems has been highly relevant departments, and the national economic and social development "11th five-year" plan ecological improvement and environmental protection in the special planning. This paper based on the solid waste reuse and poor soil arid improvement, phosphorous gesso, two for raw materials and fly ash soil ameliorators for preparation of sludge.Aiming at eight goals in two stages of soil experiment research, the ratio of soil improver through pH value of the critical ratio, dock planner - repeatedly screening method of optimal proportioning three improver raw sewage sludge, fly ash, (three mass ratio of phosphorous gesso 600:320:1; the soil quality improver and target than for 8). Experimental results show that the soil ameliorators eight goals in the fertility of soil nutrient content and etc, will be improved greatly improve soil parameters and the national goal of soil 2 levels GSCC standards can be seen, the second phase experimental improved eight goals soil nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, soil organic matter content meet the national standards, and 2 for parameters of a low base target soil improvement effect (effective N topped 629mg/kg, effective P topped 650 mg/kg, effective K highest 62 mg/kg, organic highest 15.4 per cent). Through theoretical calculation and practical data of test data analysis of soil parameters errors made in the first two stages (including the average error of the maximum effective nitrogen, 876.032 mg/kg) - that the soil parameters, and the random error of the system error, and summarizes the main reason the mixing ratio of raw material, improvers soil nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, organic matter content in the soil improver, mixing, soil quality percentage of model parameters between error formula. In order to verify this experiment of eight goals soil ameliorators for improvement, this paper carried out experiments, potted plant corn experimental results show that the improved target soil relative to the average rate of soil, the higher goal, the average height of 6.7 shoot higher average growth rate 35.11 mm, 3.32 30d/mm above, therefore, improved obviously superior to target the soil properties of soil, this experiment target improvement of soil ameliorators effect is remarkable.
