

Research on the Genetic Mechanism of Hazardous Rock Body of Qianshan in Weicheng Town, Mao County, Sichuan

【作者】 马宏宇

【导师】 王运生;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 地质工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 汶川特大地震产生的震害历史罕见,尤其是沿着地表破裂带,房屋成带倒塌,由断层错动带来的地质灾害也随处可见。随着灾后重建进程的不断推进,地表破裂带附近的农居重建以及当地人们重要大型工程建设,都需要从地震地表破裂带及其附近震害调查入手,详细了解地震以地表破裂带附近地质灾害的特点。所以为保证当地居民人身财产和建筑物安全,研究维城地区地质灾害的变形破坏机理及发展趋则是很必要的,对防止次生灾害发生和灾区重建有重要意义。另外,随着人类社会的不断发展,地质灾害时常威胁人们生活,例如滑坡、崩塌等地质灾害日益突出,威胁人们的生命财产安全。尤其是近几年来,随着西部大开发的进行,影响地质灾害的自然和人为因素也不断加剧,为此,国家拨出了大量的专款来治理地质灾害。在这样的背景下,对茂县维城乡前、后山地质灾害危险性进行分析就显得非常迫切和重要。本文通过大比例尺工程地质测绘,分析危岩体结构、变形与河谷演化耦合关系后认为:(1)前山危岩体变形是在软硬相间的层状反倾坡在河谷下切过程炭质千枚岩发生塑性变形导致上覆变质砂岩发生倾倒变形、在地震力作用下发生松动,形成平行临空面的长大拉裂缝,加之岩体破碎,震后危岩体逐渐崩塌解体正是在这种背景下产生的;分析前山危岩体结构、变形与河谷演化耦合关系后认为:前山危岩体变形是在软硬相间的层状反倾坡在河谷下切过程炭质千枚岩发生塑性变形导致上覆变质砂岩发生倾倒变形、在地震力作用下发生松动,形成平行临空面的长大拉裂缝,加之岩体破碎,震后危岩体逐渐崩塌解体正是在这种背景下产生的。(2)对维城乡后山危岩体及堆积体结构进行了系统调查,认为后山堆积体为一古滑坡。滑坡形成前为一变质砂岩和千枚岩构成的顺向坡且顺坡面走向陡倾长大结构面发育,峡谷期河流的快速下蚀作用使斜坡前缘形成陡立临空面,重力作用下,坡体后缘顺层滑移拉裂并最终整体滑动形成古滑坡,本文运用理正软件搜索古滑坡潜在不稳定滑面,并对其稳定性进行计算和评价,认为其局部复活但整体处于稳定状态。

【Abstract】 The Wenchuan Earthquake caused an infrequent damage in history,especially along the surface rupture zone,a large number of collapsed structures and geological disasters can be seen everywhere caused by surface permanent displacement.With the process of post-disaster reconstruction advancing,near the surface rupture zone,farmer-house reconstruction,as well as large industrial facilities, which are needed start from the field investigation of the Wenchuan rthquake surface rupture and the damage surrounding it,some aracteristics of seismic damaged buildings nearby the earthquake surface pture zone were described in detail.especially to avoid permanent displacement caused by seismic faults.So reasonable analysis of seismic hazard caused by surface permanent displacement is necessary.With continuous development of human being society,people’s life is threatened by geologic hazards. For example:landslide,devolution,debis flow,ground slit etc of geologic hazard have being increasingly take place and intimidate people’s life.Especially recent years,with rapid progress of westward opening up,geologic hazards more and more pick up which are influenced by facters of nature and human being.In this background,it is very important that fatalness of geologic hazards of WeiCheng Town, Mao County are estimated.Through large-scale engineering geological mapping, analysis of rock structure deformation coupled with the evolution of the relationship between valley. Such a conclusion can be drawn:(1) plastic deformation of carbonaceous phyllite lead to dumping of deformation of overlying strata in alternating hard and soft slope of the layered anti-dumping during the valley downcutting and took place loose in the earthquake. Parallel overhead surface tensile cracks formed, plus rock breaking, physical disintegration of rock collapse occurred gradually in this context after the earthquake.(2) Based on with emergency exporation after Wenchuan earthquake,by large-scale engineering geological mapping and drilling, the authors systematically investigated the accumulation body of Houshan in Weicheng town, considering that the accumulation body is an ancient landslide. The convest left bank in Weicheng used to be a consequent slope composed of metasandstone and phyllite before ancient landslide forming,under the role of the rapid river erosion in deep valley stage,the front part of the slope was cut into a steeply free face,under the action of the slope gravity,posterior edge of slope rupture and bedding slip,finally an ancient landslide happened. In this paper, Lizheng software was used to search for potential instability slip surface in the ancient landslide,calculation and evaluation on its stability show that the ancient landslide is active partly, but whole slope is stable.

  • 【分类号】P694
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】91