

The Land Use/cover Dynamic Monitoring Ecological Environment and Driving Forces of Meishan City, Sichuan Province

【作者】 郑富强

【导师】 杨武年;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着中国经济的快速发展、人口数量的增加,中国土地利用与土地覆被格局变化的深度、广度和速度呈现急剧增加的趋势,经济发展同生态环境之间的矛盾越来越突出,因此开展典型地区生态环境遥感动态监测分析是认识全球变化的重要途径。人们的环保意识也越来越强,卫星遥感技术在生态环境监测领域中的应用已变得必要和紧迫。本文的完成建立在“四川省生态环境遥感动态监测”项目成果基础之上,以四川省眉山市为研究区,LandSat-5 TM卫星影像为主要信息源,利用遥感图像处理软件ERDAS IMAGING和地理信息系统软件ARCGIS,采用分类后比较法与分类前比较法中的主成分分析法及光谱特征变异法相结合的方法对四川省眉山地区自2000年至2007年间的土地利用变化进行了动态监测,对眉山市7年间的土地利用情况有了详细的了解。本论文对2000年及2007年现状及动态数据库进行时间序列及空间序列分析,得到了2000年及2007年的土地利用/覆被面积与动态变化面积和动态变化度。研究结果表明,城镇化进程加快,退耕还林还草的实施及一部分坡地与耕地改种花椒、果树等一系列经济作物等原因,林地增加的面积最大,动态变化度也最大,增加了xx.29 km2;而水田与旱地(一部分是良田)都有所减少,这总共减少了xx.72km2,这就表明了在退耕还林的同时必须做到保护良田协调统一;裸地等未利用土地在这7年中有所利用,动态变化度较大;水域在退耕还湖等政策支持下有所增强,增加了xx.67 km2。为了能直观的观察数据变化,通过ARCMAP等软件建立了2000年眉山市土地利用/覆盖现状分布图,2007年眉山市土地利用/覆盖现状分布图及2000年至2007年土地利用/覆盖动态现状分布图。利用数据结合图像具体分析了草地、裸地、水田和旱地7年间的去向,并通过分析将眉山市各县区的土地利用动态变化类型分为:草地、旱地和裸地—林地型,耕地—建筑用地型以及混合变化型。利用统计学软件SPSS对眉山市的土地利用驱动力因子的相关性分析,进一步研究表明眉山市受到社会驱动的影响较为明显,主要受到了城镇驱动的影响、人口变化的影响、经济发展的影响及政府政策向导的影响,尤其是人口变化的相关性最大,则必须坚定不移的实行计划生育的国策,经济发展对土地利用的变化也有较大的影响,在经济发展的时候必须注重土地合理的分配利用,做到可持续发展。

【Abstract】 With China’s rapid economic development, population increase, China’s pattern of land use and land cover changes in the depth, breadth and speed of rendering to increase rapidly, the contradiction between economic development and ecological environment become more and more prominent, so it is important to carry out typical Ecological Environmental Dynamic Monitoring of Remote Sensing to recognize of global change. People’s environmental awareness is growing, satellite remote sensing technology in the eco-environmental monitoring in the field of application has become necessary and urgent. The completion of this thesis based on the results of "dynamic monitoring of ecological environment in Sichuan Province,"Meishan City, Sichuan Province as the study area, LandSat-5 TM satellite image as the main source of information, the use of remote sensing image processing software ERDAS IMAGING and geographic information system software ARCGIS, using post-classification comparison and classification before the comparison of principal component analysis and spectral characteristics of variation method.The two methods combined to monitor the Meishan city land use from 2000 to 2007, the basic identification of the Meishan area changes in land use from 2000 to 2007.The thesis use of the current database and dynamic database between 2000 and 2007 to conduct time series and spatial sequence analysis, to get the 2000 and 2007 land use / cover area and the size of dynamic change and the degree of dynamic change. The results show that the accelerated urbanization process, returning farmland to forests and the grasslands as part of the implementation and the replanting of cultivated land slope and pepper, fruit trees and a series of economic crops and other reasons, the largest area of woodland increased, also the maximum degree of dynamic change and the increased number is xx.29 km2 ; the paddy field and dry land (part of farmland) has been reduced , the overall reduction is xx.72km2, which shows that while in the Forest protection must be harmonized fertile; bare land and other unused land in the 7 years increasingly being used, also has the greater degree of dynamic change;The water in lakes, farmland policy support has been enhanced, the increased number is xx.67 km2. In order to change visual observation data, set up by ARCMAP Meishan city 2000 and 2007 Land Use / Cover map, land use / cover distribution of the dynamic situation from 2000 to 2007. Use of data analysis combined with image specific grass, bare land, paddy fields and dry the whereabouts of 7 years, and through analysis of the Meishan county area into land use change types: grassland, farmland and bare land - forest type, land - building land-based and hybrid-type changes.Using SPSS statistical software on the Meishan city driving forces of land use correlation analysis, further study shows that Meishan city driven by the community are more obvious, the main town driven by the impact of demographic change, economic development and the government policy guide, especially the relevance of the biggest demographic change, we must firmly implement the national policy of family planning. Economic development also has a greater impact in land use change ,so when economic development must focus on a reasonable allocation of land use, to achieve sustainable development.
