

Study on the Stability of Xiahongyan Talus Slope of Baihetan Hydropower Station

【作者】 杜杰

【导师】 石豫川; 冯文凯;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 地质工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 白鹤滩水电站坝址坐落在云南省巧家县与四川省宁南县交界处的金沙江白鹤滩峡谷地区,是金沙江干流攀枝花至宜宾河段梯级开发中的第二级水电站,总装机容量14004MW,是我国继三峡、溪洛渡水电站之后开展前期工作的又一座千万千瓦级以上的巨型水电站。已有研究表明,水电站坝址右岸发育一条泥石流沟——大寨沟,右岸引水系统进水口及导流洞进口分别位于大寨沟沟口左、右两侧,上游围堰距沟口较近,电站枢纽布置受大寨沟制约,建设单位已经做出对该泥石流沟的处治措施,即在沟口修筑拦导坝等系列措施。下红岩堆积体位于大寨沟沟口右岸,目前坡体上已经出现拉裂变形迹象,前缘坡体呈“舌”状地貌挤迫沟道,其稳定与否与工程建筑布置密切相关,一旦失稳,将直接危及大寨沟泥石流拦导坝防治工程、沟谷下游水电站进水口边坡安全性,并对厂房出线场的布置有重大影响,因而该堆积体的稳定性对拟建水电站大坝和附属的水力设施有着重要的意义。本文通过对工程区区域环境地质的研究、堆积体所在山体的基本地质条件的研究,分析了该堆积体的成因机制;在深入分析堆积体基本特征的基础上,以地形地貌、变形破坏迹象及物质组成特征的差异性为依据,对堆积体进行工程地质分区,在此基础上对该堆积体今后变形机理进行论述,重点评价影响堆积体稳定性的诱发因素;为分析该区地下水的活动情况以及其对稳定性的贡献度,文中对堆积体进行了渗流场模拟,主要针对地下水位在暴雨工况下的变化情况;最后采用极限平衡法及二维数值模拟分析了堆积体整体、分区及局部的稳定性;通过对上述问题的研究,针对堆积体可能的失稳破坏方式、规模及工程影响,提出相应的防治处理措施建议。

【Abstract】 Baihetan hydropower station will be constructed with in Baihetan valley which links Qiaojia country of Yunan province and Ningnan county of Sichuan province,which is the second level station in Panzhihua and Yibin which installed capacity of hydropower plant is 14004MW,It is another planned ten millions of kilowatts project after Three Gorges and Xiluodu Water Conservancy Project in China. Studies have shown that there develops a debris flow–Dazhai gully on the right bank of the station, on the left and right bank of which there will decorate diversion tunnel and water diversion system of station, and upstream cofferdam is close to the ditch mouth of the gully,so the general layout of station will be controlled by the debris folw, now construction units has made a series of processing measures on the debris flow,such as landslide dam and so on.Xiahongyan talus slope locates on the right bank of Dazhai gully, which currently has appeared the deformation and cracking and the anterior slope has crowded the channel of Dazhaigou by appearing“tongue”,so its stability is closely related with the engineering construction layout, instability will directly endanger landslide dam of dazhai gully, intake slope and outgoing line well,So the stability of Xia Hongyan accumulation is of great significance to the proposed dam and ancillary facilities of the waterpower.Based on researches on the geological environment of the construction area, the composition and the structure of the accumulation,this paper studies the genetic mechanism of the accumulation , at the same time, according to physiognomy signs of deformation and characteristics of the different components,we have disparted the different engineering geology on the basis of in-depth analysis of the basic characteristic of accumulation, on the basis of this,we discuss the causes of the talus slope and deformation mechanism of the future, mainly focus on the trigger factors which impact on the stability of the talus slope; In order to analyz the situation of groundwater activities and the influence degree of stability,the seepage simulation mainly aims at the changes of underground water level in the storm conditions;finally we evaluate on the local stability as well as the whole accumulation (distract) by using the limit equilibrium method and finite difference method, basing on the calculated results, this paper proposes corresponding prevention and disposal measures and suggestions based on the way of damage, the scale of damage and influence of the project that may be caused.
