

The Application of Seismic Sedimentary in Reservoir Prediction

【作者】 南鹏飞

【导师】 王绪本;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 固体地球物理, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 地震沉积学是在地震属性技术成功应用于等时地层格架内地层沉积相划分的基础上提出来的,是地震资料应用于沉积相和储层分析的定量化需求的必然结果。因此,地震沉积学的定义应该是“应用地震资料和技术来研究等时沉积格架内沉积相的一门学科。”地震沉积学研究的手段和方法不仅包括常规的地震等时地层格架的解释和建立,也应该包括地震资料的信息处理和提取,如地震属性提取和地震反演等方法和技术,目的就是应用定量地震信息对建立的等时地层格架内的地层进行沉积信息的客观反映和沉积相解释和分析。本文针对地质、地震资料的客观条件,决定提出以地震沉积学作为研究方法,利用其优势对目标地区进行储层预测工作。综合利用HC地区须二段气藏的钻井、试油、显示、测井等基础资料及区域研究成果,掌握气藏基本地质特征,了解储层的发育分布特征和物性性质,分析储层地震预测的主要目标和难点、重点。首先对HC区块二维测线叠加偏移成果数据进行叠后提高分辨率处理以提高品质,为储层预测、反演打基础。然后利用井资料对储层进行精细标定和特征分析。在此基础上对研究区须二段储层分布做进一步的三分细化研究,对须二上、中、下三部分利用神经网络技术对敏感地震属性切片进行平面属性反演研究,然后开展储层分布规律的研究。结合HC地区二维测线的实际情况和井资料分布情况,分别利用基于模型的反演方法和地震随机反演技术来反演速度和GR,然后根据速度与孔隙度的关系利用去泥质含量的速度体求取砂岩的孔隙度,最后综合分析三种反演结果确定储层的分布范围。由于研究单元得到细化,对储层的描述和以前相比更为精细。

【Abstract】 Seismic sedimentology is based on the seismic attribute technology which is successfully used in the division of sedimentary facies under isochronous stratigraphic framework, It is to match quantitative demand that seismic data used in analysis of sedimentary facies and reservoir. For this reason seismic sedimentology can be defined as a subject which use seismic data and technology study sedimentary facies under isochronous stratigraphic framework. The means and methods of Sedimentology, including not only the conventional interpretation and the establishment of seismic chronostratigraphic framework, but also including seismic attribute extraction and seismic inversion, the purpose is that we use quantitative seismic information to objectively reflect sedimentary information and analysis sedimentary facies under isochronous stratigraphic framework.In this paper, considering the objective conditions of geological and seismic data, we propose sedimentology as a research method, use its advantages to predict reservoir in targeted areas. In order to master the basic geological features of gas reservoirs, understand the development of reservoir distribution and physical properties, and analysis the main objective, difficult with emphasis of seismic prediction. We collect all of the gas reservoir drilling, oil testing, display, logging and other basic data and regional research results of second segment of of XuJiaHe formation in HC area. First of all, we improve the resolution of superposition and migration two-dimension surveying lines, and this is aimed at improving the quality. It also lay a solid foundation for reservoir prediction and inversion. And we use well data to make fine-calibration of reservoir and to analysis characteristics of it. On this basis, we divide second segment of of XuJiaHe formation into three segment for further study. Using neural network technology to the sensitive seismic attributes slices on the upper, middle and lower three parts to study Inversion of surface properties, reservoir distribution research is carried out at last. Combined two-dimensional survey line information on the actual situation and the distribution of wells in HC regions, stochastic inversion and model-based seismic inversion technology were used to estimate the speed and GR, then according to the relationship between speed and porosity to the clay content using speed of the porosity of sandstone body to strike, the last comprehensive analysis of three inversion results to determine the distribution reservoir. Because the research unit obtains the refinement, compared to before the reservoir description was finer.

  • 【分类号】P631.44;P512.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】591
  • 攻读期成果