

Research on the Determining Sensitive Algae in Measuring Algae Infrared Radiation to Respond to Acute Toxicity of Antibiotics

【作者】 成丽芸

【导师】 郭蔚华;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 市政工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 抗生素作为环境污染物的一类,其生态毒理研究近几年不断加强,为了用藻红外分析抗生素的藻类急性毒性,需要确定用于毒性分析的敏感藻。敏感藻是指急性毒性藻红外测试中对毒害物质响应温差大、时间快、药品多、剂量低的特殊藻种。自然藻中是否存在抗生素的敏感藻,如何确定,是抗生素急性毒性藻红外测试法的技术关键。藻类细胞具有光合磷酸化和氧化磷酸化的能量代谢系统,当其受到毒物影响后,以红外辐射形式放出的能量变化易被红外测温仪测定。根据这个原理论文进行了藻红外测试中抗生素敏感藻的确定研究。本试验用羊角月牙藻、水花鱼腥藻、阿氏颤藻、沃切里脆杆藻、双尖菱板藻、莱茵衣藻、蛋白和小球藻、斜生栅藻等8种藻和青霉素、阿奇霉素、头孢哌酮、头孢替唑、头孢曲松、美洛西林、加替沙星、哌拉西林、阿莫西林、克林霉素等10种抗生素进行试验,用便携式红外测温仪测试供试藻种对抗生素的红外辐射响应变化,分析测试结果初步确定敏感藻,通过敏感藻对抗生素的灵敏度实验,最终确定敏感藻。得到以下结论:①抗生素引起藻红外辐射变化可被便携式红外测温仪检测。②藻种对抗生素的响应存在差异性,8种藻对抗生素药品响应的平均绝对响应温差在0.15℃~0.34℃之间,响应时间在3.6min~5.9min之间,药品响应率20%~70%之间。③莱茵衣藻对抗生素药品的平均绝对响应温差为0.34℃,平均响应时间为5.6min,药品响应率70%。根据敏感藻定义的前三项,初步确定莱茵衣藻为敏感藻。④藻红外测试抗生素敏感藻的最小剂量在0.00001mg/L~0.1mg/L之间,达到发光细菌法的灵敏度0.05mg/L~0.1mg/L,根据敏感藻的完整定义,最终确定莱茵衣藻作为藻红外测试抗生素急性毒性的敏感藻。⑤与藻红外测试法应用于重金属、有机物、农药相比,藻红外测试抗生素表现出相对长的响应时间、较大响应温差、较低的药品响应率、较低的最小限量范围。

【Abstract】 Antibiotics as a class of environmental contamination, research about its ecotoxicology which had been strengthened in recent years. In order to analysis acute toxicity of antibiotics used algae infrared radiation, it is necessary to determinate sensitive algae used in toxicity analysis.Sensitive algae had four characteristics of big temperature differences, quick response, many poisons, and low dose responding to acute toxicity when they were used as test materials in algae infrared radiation. Whether sensitive algae exist in natural algae, how to determine sensitive algae was the key of establishing method of algae infrared radiation. Algae have photophosphorylation and oxidative phosphorylation ,two kinds of energy metabolisms systems,when toxic substance invaded,energy emitted in the form of infrared radiation variation could be detected by infrared thermometer. According to this principle, the paper conducted study on the determination of sensitive algae which used in algae infrared radiation detecting antibiotics.Eight species of algae (Selenastrum capricornutum, Anabaena flos-aquae,Oscillatoria agardhii Gom , Fragilaria vaucheriae (Kütz.) Petersen , Nitzschia hantzschia amphioxys(Her.)Grun,Chlamydomonas reinhardtii,Chlorella pyrenoidosa Chick,Scenedesmus obliquus)and ten kinds of antibiotics (Benzylpenicillin,Azithromycin,Cefoperazone,Ceftezole,Ceftriaxone,Mezlocillin,Gatifloxacin,Piperacillin,Amoxicillin,Clindamycin)were used to test in this paper. Portable infrared thermometer was used to test the response of algae to antibiotics. Sensitive algae was initially confirmed by analyzing the test results. Then, it was finally confirmed according to sensitive algae’s sensitivity test.Mainly obtained following conclusion:Firstly, antibiotics can cause algae infrared radiation changes which can be detected by portable infrared thermometer.Secondly, there were obvious differerce between different algae.Eight species of algae responded to ten kinds of antibiotics. the average absolute temperature difference was between 0.15℃~0.34℃, the response time was between 3.6min ~ 5.9min, and the percent of responding was between 20%~70%.Thirdly, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii responding to antibiotics ,the average of absolute temperature differences was 0.34℃, the average response time was 5.6min, and the percent of the better responding to antibiotics was 70%. According to first three teams of definition of sensitive algae, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was initially confirmed as sensitive algae.Fourthly,sensitivity test of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. the minimal response dose of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was between 0.00001mg/L~0.1mg/L, and it can attain sensitivity of luminescent bacteria to antibiotics 0.05mg/L~2.0mg/L.。According to complete definition of sensitive algae, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was finally confirmed as sensitive algaeFifthly, compared with Algae Infrared Radiation used to detecting Heavy Metals, organic toxicities and pesticide ,Algae Infrared Radiation used to detecting antibiotics had relatively long response time, big response tempeture difference, low percent of the responding to antibiotics, and low minimal response dose.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 04期