

Chongqing University Stadiums Serve the Fitness Status and Analysis

【作者】 王小朋

【导师】 钟璞;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 全民健身运动作为一项“功在当代、利在千秋、全民参与,有目标、有任务、有措施与实现社会主义现代化目标相配套的社会系统工程”,对提高整个中华民族的素质起着十分重要的作用。近年来,党中央、国务院号召全民推行素质教育,积极开展全民健身活动,落实<<全民健身计划纲要>>。2003年底的第五次全国体育场地普查结果,我国体育场地为85万个,占地22.5亿平方米,每万人拥有6.58个场地,人均拥有面积仅为1.03平方米,其中我国的体育场馆有67.7%分布在学校。[1]重庆市的情况更不乐观,重庆市每万人拥有体育场地5.6个,每万人拥有标准场地2.55个,非标准场地2.05个。人均体育场地占地面积0.66平方米,人均体育场地面积0.51平方米,人均拥有对外开放体育场地面积0.174平方米,这些数据都小于全国平均水平。在我国体育场地严重不足的实际情况下,如何充分利用学校现有的体育场馆,特别是高校体育场馆,对在校师生和社区居民开放,就成为一个具有较强现实意义的问题。体育场馆是指为了满足运动训练、运动竞赛和群众健身娱乐的需要而专门修建的各类运动场所的总称,一般包括各类体育场、馆和游泳池。高校体育场馆是国有资产的重要组成部分其基本功能是为高校的体育教学服务,是体育教学、训练、课余竞赛和开展课外体育活动的必要物质条件和重要载体。随着我国经济、社会快速发展,全民健身的深入开展,高校体育场馆逐渐成为社区居民体育活动的场所和赛事活动的举办场所。因此高校体育场馆的综合利用状况如何不仅直接关系到高校体育教学改革的成效,直接关系到“健康第一”的指导思想能否真正落实,也关系到全民健身活动能否深入持久的开展,关系到国有资产的保值增值。[2]通过问卷调查法、文献资料法、访谈法、数理统计法对重庆市高校体育场馆服务于全民健身的情况进行了调查和分析,找出重庆市高校体育场馆对外开放的制约因素和有利条件,以其为重庆市高校体育场馆更科学、更合理、更有序的对外开放提供理论依据。重庆市高校体育场馆对外开放形式简单,主要采取场地出租的形式对外提供服务,没有很好的利用资源来开发市场,加之管理模式落后和管理人员缺乏专业的管理知识、经验,造成体育场馆使用率低、空闲率高,这与高校周边社区群众由于缺乏体育场馆而无法满足体育锻炼的需要是相悖的,不利于全民健身事业的发展,也不利于社会主义和谐社会的构建。经济是体育产生和发展的基础,经济的发展制约着体育的发展;体育也反作用于经济,是影响经济发展的一个重要因素。一些高校已经开始做了新的尝试,改变管理模式、场馆功能多元化、延长开放时间、提供新的服务、承办赛事等,不仅满足了在校学生和学校周边社区群众参与体育锻炼的需要,同时也获得一定的经济效益,这些尝试还处于探索阶段并不成熟,还有很大提升空间。通过在实证调查的基础上了解重庆市高校体育场馆对外开放的具体情况,剖析体育场馆向社会开放的影响和制约因素,有助于深入、全面地认识和把握重庆市高校体育场馆在对外开放上的遇到的现实问题,为重庆市高校体育场馆更好地服务于全民健身运动提供理论指导和决策依据,具有较强的实践意义。

【Abstract】 The nationwide fitness program , which is in the interest of both the current and future generations and the whole people would take part in, plays an important part in improving the physical health of the whole Chinese people . It’s of aim, mission and messures and it’s a social system program which goes together with the goal of realizing social modernization. In recent years, Department of States and the Party calls on the civilian to carry out the education for all-around development, to develop national fitness program, and to fufil the outline of the nationwide body-building plan. At the end of 2003, the 5th census of palestra shows that the total amount of palestra in our country is 850 thousand, which take up 2.25 billion square meters, and 6.58 ones for every 10 thousand people, 1.03 square meters for every person. The 67.7 percent of the total amount locates in schools. [1]The situation of Chongqing is bad. In Chongqing, every 10 thousand people have 5.6 palestras, and 2.55 standard ones and 2.05 nonstandard ones for every 10 thousand people. Erery person has 0.66 square meters of places to take exercise , 0.51 square meters of palestra, and 0.174 square meters of palestra which open up to civillian . Those datas are all less than the average of the nation. On the condition that the lack of palestras is serious, it’s important to make the best of palestras in school, espacilly those in universities, and to open them up to students and the local people.Palestra is used for training, games, and taking exercise for ordinary people. It includes gyms, palestras and swimming pools. Gyms in universities are important part of state’s capital. They are mainly used for physical education. They are the important carrier for physical education, training, games and sports activities. As the development of economy and scociety in our country and the carry out of the nationwide fitness program, gyms in universities become the places for sport activities of local people and sport games. As a result, the situation of those gyms’using are not only about the innovation of physical education in university, but also about the effect of the idea of“health comes first”, about the development of nationwide fitness program, and about the increment of national capical. [2]Through the investigation of the situation of the using of those gyms in Chongqing, which are by the methods of questionnaire, literature, visitation, and statistics, we find the restrict and good condition for the openning up of those gyms, by which we can find a more scientific, reasonable way for the opening up of those gyms. The form of the opening of those gyms is simple. The mainly form is rent, so they are not made the full use of. In addition, the administrant is behindhand, and the custodian lacks professional knowledge and experience, so the condition of using is bad, which in a contrary results in the lack of gyms for local people. This situation would do harm to the development of nationwide fitness program and the construction of a harmonious society. The development of economy is the foundation of gymnastic career. Economy restrict the development of gymnastic career. In a contrary, the gymnastic career counteractive the development of economy, which is an important aspect of economy. Some universities have taken measures to improve this situation, like changing the mode of manage, increasing the function of gyms, extending time of opening, increasing servings and holding games. Through these measures, the needs of gyms for local people has been satisfied. At the same time, those gyms gain some benefit. But the attempt is not mature yet, the needs to be improved.Through investigation, I have known the reality of those gyms’using in Chongqing, and analysed the effect and restrict of the opening of gyms. After that, I have a deep, general cognition of those problems, which affords an academic and decision-making instruction for the reality of the nationwide fitness program, and which is of practical sense.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期