

Gis-based Optimization of the Msw Disposal Facilities Location

【作者】 朱姝

【导师】 何强;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 市政工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 作为城市生活垃圾综合管理系统的一个组成部分,垃圾处理设施的选址占据着重要位置。由于缺乏系统的理论指导,垃圾处理设施的选址成为垃圾综合管理系统中的薄弱环节,因此垃圾处理设施优化布点体系的建立对垃圾综合管理系统的优化起着至关重要的作用。论文在对城市生活垃圾收运及处理处置系统中的收集、中转、运输、处置等关键环节进行深入调查分析的基础上,结合地理信息系统的空间分析理论,以经济最优化、环境影响最小化为目标,分别提出了城市生活垃圾产量综合预测模型,以及垃圾处理场和中转站选址的地理信息综合评判系统,并结合重庆市小城镇卫生填埋场建设以及重庆市北碚区垃圾中转站建设的具体实例进行了验证分析,得到了以下结论:①城市生活垃圾产量的主要影响因素为城市人口、居民收入和消费水平以及居民生活习惯等因素,其预测方法主要有时间序列分析法、多元回归分析法、灰色系统模型分析法和人均产率推算法。在应用灰色系统模型分析法和多元回归分析法分别对重庆市主城区城市生活垃圾产量进行预测的基础上,采用综合分析法得到综合预测模型,并采用此模型进行预测,结果表明,2015年重庆市城市生活垃圾产量将达到593.8万吨,2020年将达到727.2万吨。②在研究层次分析法和地理信息系统的空间分析法的基础上,通过对生活垃圾处理场的布点模式和选址原则的研究,建立了填埋场优化布点的地理信息综合评判系统,其具体步骤为:选择评价目标,建立系统的层次结构模型;建立评价因子数据库;定量和定性指标权重的确定;场地评价因子分级值的确定与场地质量多层次综合评判,并确定了各影响因素的权重和适宜度的等级。应用此地理信息综合评判系统,采用Arc GIS系列软件,对重庆市小城镇的卫生填埋场建设进行了实践分析。通过数据收集、数据处理与分析和数据计算等一系列的研究分析,最终得到小城镇填埋场优化布点结果。③通过对生活垃圾中转站选址的原则和影响因素的分析研究,建立了生活垃圾中转站布点规划体系,其中包括垃圾产量指标的分析预测、垃圾收运模式的确定和中转站规模及合理服务半径确定。在对重庆市主城区生活垃圾收运处理现状进行调研的基础上,应用上述体系和Arc GIS系列软件,对重庆市北碚区的垃圾中转站进行了优化布点,其具体步骤包括建立该区域的基础信息、确定选址分析评价准则和处理分析数据,得到北碚区生活垃圾中转站优化布点结果。

【Abstract】 As an integral part of the municipal solid waste (MSW) integrated management system, the location of waste treatment facility occupies an important position. Because of lacking systematic theory guiding, the location of MSW disposal facilities is the weak link in integrated management system, and optimized selection of waste treatment facility plays a vital role in the management system optimization.As the key parts of MSW collection and disposal system, collection, transit, transportation, and disposal were deeply investigated and analysised in the paper. And on the basis of the study, spatial analysis theory of geographic information systems was used to realiaze the economical optimization and the environmental impact minimization. The comprehensive MSW production prediction model, as well as the integrated geographic information evaluation system for the location of waste disposal field and the transfer stations, was proposed. The methods were also applied in the actual cases of small town sanitary landfill construction in Chongqing and MSW transfer stations building in Beibei District. The conclusions are as follows:①The main factors of urban MSW production are the the urban population, income, consumer spending levels, living habits and etc. The main prediction methods are time series analysis, multiple regression analysis, the gray system model analysis and average yield projection method. The MSW production of the main city of Chongqing was predicted separatedly by the gray system model analysis and multiple regression analysis, and furtherly predicted by an integrated prediction model which was based on the integrated analysis. The integrated prediction result showed that Chongqing urban MSW would reach 5.938 million tons in 2015, and 7.272 million in 2020.②A integrated geographic information evaluation system for the optimal landfill location was built in the paper, on the basis of studying Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and spatial analysis of geographic information systems, and analysis of the distribution model and the selection principle of garbage disposal fields. The specific steps are: selecting the evaluation objectives, framing a hierarchical model of the system; establishing an evaluation factor database; determining the weights of quantitative and qualitative indicators; determining classification value of evaluation factors and multiple comprehensive assessment of site quality; and identifing each influencing factor’s weight and its fitness level. Combined with Arc GIS software, this comprehensive evaluation of geographic information systems was applied to the practice of sanitary landfill construction of small towns in Chongqing. Through a series of research and analysis, including data collection, data processing and analysis, and data calculation, the final optimization result of small town landfill distribution was drawn.③By researching the principles and influence factors of MSW transfer station site selection, the MSW transfer station distribution planning system was built, including analysis and forecast of waste production index, identification of waste transport model, and identification of transfer station size and reasonable services radius. On the basis of researching current situation of MSW transportation and treatment in Chongqing city, the distribution of transfer stations in Beibei District was optimized by using the system and the Arc GIS software. And the specific optimization steps included the foundation of the region information, the determination of the the evaluation critera of location, and the process analysis of data. And the optimized result was got finally.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期
  • 【分类号】TU993;P208
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】681
  • 攻读期成果